ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides a repository for comments, instructions, and additional notes for packing units.


Name Type Description
PackingUnitsPackingUnitId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for each packing unit in the PackingUnitsnotes table.
NoteId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for each note within the PackingUnitsnotes table.
SourceObjectCode String Abbreviation representing the object type associated with the note, as defined in the OBJECTS metadata. For packing units, this is typically 'SHIPPING_LPN'.
SourceObjectId String Unique identifier for the packing unit associated with the note.
PartyName String The name of the party (for example, organization or individual) related to the packing unit note.
NoteTxt String The actual content or body of the note, providing context or additional information about the packing unit.
NoteTypeCode String Abbreviation that categorizes the note, indicating the type (for example, internal, external, etc.).
VisibilityCode String Abbreviation that indicates the visibility level of the note (for example, public, private, etc.).
CreatorPartyId Long Unique identifier of the party who created the note.
CreatedBy String Name or identifier of the user who created the note.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the note was created.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp of the last update made to the note.
PartyId Long Unique identifier of the party associated with the packing unit note.
CorpCurrencyCode String Abbreviation representing the corporate currency. This attribute is currently not used in the packing units context.
CurcyConvRateType String Defines the type of currency conversion rate applied. This attribute is not currently used for packing units.
CurrencyCode String Abbreviation representing the currency associated with the note. This attribute is not in use for packing units.
ContactRelationshipId Long Unique identifier for the contact relationship related to the packing unit note. This is currently not used.
ParentNoteId Long Unique identifier for the parent note, if this note is a response or related to another note.
LastUpdatedBy String Name or identifier of the user who last updated the note.
LastUpdateLogin String Login ID of the user who last updated the note.
EmailAddress String Email address associated with the packing unit note, used for contact or communication purposes.
FormattedAddress String Formatted postal address related to the packing unit or note.
FormattedPhoneNumber String Formatted phone number related to the packing unit or note.
UpdateFlag Bool Flag indicating whether the note has been marked for update.
DeleteFlag Bool Flag indicating whether the note is marked for deletion.
NoteNumber String Alternate unique identifier for the note. It can either be system-generated or obtained from an external system.
NoteTitle String Title or subject line of the note, typically entered by the user to summarize the note's content.
Finder String Search or reference term used to identify and locate the packing unit note.
PackingUnitId Long Unique identifier for the packing unit associated with the note.
PPackingUnit String Descriptive or reference value for the packing unit, used to provide additional context in the PackingUnitsnotes table.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175