ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides functionality for managing further nested packing units within existing structures.


Name Type Description
PackingUnitsPackingUnitId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the packing unit in the PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits table.
NestedpackingunitsPackingUnitId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the nested packing unit associated with the PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits.
PackingUnitId [KEY] Long The identifier for a specific packing unit in the context of the PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits.
PackingUnit String The name or description of the packing unit used in the PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits table.
ParentPackingUnitId Long The identifier of the parent packing unit that contains the current packing unit in the hierarchical structure.
ParentPackingUnit String The name or description of the parent packing unit within the nested packing units structure.
OutermostPackingUnitId Long The identifier for the outermost packing unit in the hierarchy, representing the top-level container.
OutermostPackingUnit String The name or description of the outermost packing unit in the packing unit hierarchy.
PackingUnitContextMeaning String The context or meaning of the packing unit, providing additional details about its use or classification.
PackingUnitContext String The specific context or classification under which the packing unit is categorized, such as shipping or storage.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization associated with the packing unit in the PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits table.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization that the packing unit belongs to.
ContainerItemNumber String The item number associated with the container that holds the packing unit.
ContainerItemId Long The identifier for the container item, linking the packing unit to its container.
GrossWeight Decimal The total weight of the packing unit, including both the contents and the container.
GrossWeightUOMCode String The unit of measure code used to express the gross weight, such as kilograms or pounds.
GrossWeightUOMName String The full name of the unit of measure for the gross weight, providing clarity on the measurement unit used.
TareWeight Decimal The weight of the container alone, excluding the contents, used to calculate the net weight.
TareWeightUOMCode String The unit of measure code for the tare weight, specifying the unit used (for example, kilograms, pounds).
TareWeightUOMName String The full name of the unit of measure for the tare weight.
NetWeight Decimal The weight of the contents of the packing unit, calculated by subtracting the tare weight from the gross weight.
NetWeightUOMCode String The unit of measure code for the net weight, such as kilograms or pounds.
NetWeightUOMName String The full name of the unit of measure for the net weight.
ContainerVolume Decimal The total volume of the container that holds the packing unit, including both the container and its contents.
ContainerVolumeUOM String The unit of measure code used to express the container's volume, such as liters or cubic meters.
ContainerVolumeUOMName String The full name of the unit of measure for the container's volume.
ContentVolume Decimal The volume of the contents within the packing unit, excluding the container itself.
ContentVolumeUOMCode String The unit of measure code for the content volume, specifying the measurement unit (for example, liters, cubic feet).
ContentVolumeUOMName String The full name of the unit of measure for the content volume.
SourceName String The name of the source from which the packing unit's data was obtained, such as a supplier or inventory system.
SealCode String A code that represents the seal used on the packing unit, often used for security or tracking purposes.
TrackingNumber String The unique tracking number associated with the packing unit, used for monitoring its movement or status.
AllowAutoGeneration String Indicates whether automatic generation of packing units is allowed for this specific type or process.
Finder String A reference to the entity or system used to locate the packing unit, such as an inventory or order management system.
PPackingUnit String The reference or identifier of a parent packing unit in a nested packing unit structure.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175