Customizes descriptive flexfields for project cost tracking within pick lines.
Name | Type | Description |
OpenPickLinesTransactionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the transaction associated with the OpenPickLines project cost DFF (Descriptive Flexfield). This field is used to track specific line items in the project cost management process. |
TransactionTempId [KEY] | Long | Temporary identifier used for tracking transactions within the OpenPickLines project cost DFFs. It serves as a placeholder for processing transactions before they are finalized. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Context value for the DFF, storing additional metadata related to the OpenPickLines project cost DFFs. This field is used to support the categorization of the transaction context. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Human-readable value representing the context of the DFF. This field provides a description of the context to make the data easier to interpret for users. |
Finder | String | A reference or search key for the OpenPickLines project cost DFFs, used to identify specific data points in the system. This value is utilized in querying and locating relevant records. |
PItem | String | Item identifier for the specific product or item associated with the OpenPickLines project cost DFF. This field links the transaction to a particular item in the inventory or sales system. |
PMovementRequest | String | Identifier for the movement request related to the OpenPickLines project cost DFFs. This value tracks inventory movements associated with the transaction. |
POrder | String | Purchase order identifier that is linked to the OpenPickLines project cost DFF. This field is used to track the order related to a specific project or transaction. |
POrganization | String | Organization identifier for the organization that is involved in the transaction. This field links the project cost DFF to a specific business unit within the organization. |
POrganizationId | String | ID of the organization associated with the OpenPickLines project cost DFF. It is used to map the transaction to the specific organizational structure. |
PPickSlip | String | Pick slip reference number for the transaction within the OpenPickLines project cost DFFs. This identifier is used to track the picking process of goods or materials. |
PPickWave | String | Wave identifier used in the picking process for the OpenPickLines project cost DFFs. It is used to group and manage picking operations for related items in inventory. |
PSourceSubinventory | String | Source subinventory reference for the materials involved in the transaction. This field tracks where the items are sourced from within the inventory system. |
PTransactionType | String | Type of transaction for the OpenPickLines project cost DFF. This field defines the nature of the transaction, such as a purchase, movement, or adjustment. |
TransactionId | Long | Unique identifier for the transaction in the OpenPickLines project cost DFFs. This field serves as the primary reference for managing and tracking transaction details within the system. |