ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Customizes flexfields for lot attributes, enhancing control and reporting for lot-managed inventory.


Name Type Description
OpenPickLinesTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the transaction associated with open pick lines in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
ItemlotsLot [KEY] String The identifier for the specific lot within the item lot in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
TransactionTempId [KEY] Long A temporary identifier used for tracking transactions in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
LotNumber [KEY] String The lot number associated with the item lot in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, used for tracking inventory.
_FLEX_Context String The context used for flexible data structures in Oracle applications, specific to the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String The display value of the flexible context used in Oracle applications for easier reference in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
Finder String An identifier used for locating or referencing specific records within the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
PItem String The reference to the item in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, representing the item being processed in the transaction.
PMovementRequest String The movement request associated with the item, specifying details of the requested item movement within the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
POrder String The order identifier related to the item in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, used for processing inventory or orders.
POrganization String The organization identifier associated with the item, used to link records to specific organizational units in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
POrganizationId String The specific ID representing the organization within the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, linking records to a particular organizational entity.
PPickSlip String The pick slip identifier, which is used to reference a specific pick slip related to the transaction in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
PPickWave String The pick wave identifier that groups related pick slips for efficient processing in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
PSourceSubinventory String The source subinventory, representing the specific subinventory from which the item is being picked, as per the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
PTransactionType String The type of transaction being performed, such as inventory movement or order processing, within the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table.
TransactionId Long The unique identifier for the transaction in the OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs table, used for tracking and referencing the transaction.

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Build 24.0.9175