ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages received lines eligible for return, streamlining return processes and inventory accuracy.


Name Type Description
ToOrganizationCode String The code identifying the destination organization associated with this line of return in the system.
ToOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the destination organization in the return process.
FromOrganizationCode String The code identifying the source organization from which the return originates.
FromOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the source organization associated with this return line.
ItemNumber String The unique item identifier used in the context of the return line, typically representing the product's catalog number.
ItemId Long The numeric identifier for the item being returned.
ItemDescription String A brief description of the item being returned, including key details like name, type, or attributes.
ItemRevision String The revision identifier for the item, used when versions of the item are tracked in the inventory.
ReceiptNumber String The number assigned to the receipt document associated with the return transaction.
LineStatus String The current status of the return line, indicating whether it is pending, completed, or canceled.
DocumentType String The type of document linked to the return, such as purchase order, transfer order, etc.
SourceDocumentCode String The code of the source document from which the return is generated, for example, purchase order or sales invoice.
DocumentNumber String The identifier of the document associated with the return line, such as the purchase order number.
DocumentLineNumber String The specific line number of the return in the related document (for example, purchase order line).
DocumentScheduleNumber String The schedule number associated with the return document, often used in a multi-line or scheduled delivery context.
DocumentDistributionNumber Decimal The distribution number in the document, used to track the distribution of return quantities and details.
TransactionDate Date The date when the return transaction is processed, providing context for timing.
VendorName String The name of the vendor associated with the item being returned.
VendorId Long The unique identifier for the vendor providing the item.
VendorSiteCode String The code for the vendor's site or location where the item was sourced.
VendorSiteId Long The unique identifier for the vendor site from where the item originated.
VendorItemNumber String The vendor-specific identifier for the item, which can differ from the internal item number.
TOShipmentNumber String The shipment number related to the transfer order from which this return is derived.
ASNNumber String The Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) number, used to track the shipment of items.
ASNLineNumber Decimal The specific line number within the ASN document, identifying the line item for this return.
CustomerPartyName String The name of the customer party to whom the returned items belong or were sold.
CustomerId Long The unique identifier for the customer associated with the return.
AvailableQuantity Decimal The amount of the item available for return, representing stock available for the return process.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit in which the item is measured, such as 'each', 'box', or 'pound'.
UOMCode String The code used to represent the unit of measure for the item in the system.
SecondaryAvailableQuantity Decimal An additional quantity field that may represent a different unit of measure for the same item.
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure String The secondary unit of measure for the item, such as 'kg' when the primary is 'lb'.
SecondaryUOMCode String The code representing the secondary unit of measure for the item.
DestinationType String The type of destination for the return, such as warehouse, customer, or supplier.
DestinationTypeCode String The code for the destination type, providing a standardized reference for destination classification.
Location String The physical location where the return is processed or received, such as a specific warehouse or store.
LocationId Long The unique identifier for the location where the return is being managed.
Routing String The routing path or instructions for the return process, typically involving handling, shipment, and delivery.
RoutingHeaderId Long The identifier for the routing header, used to track the overall routing for return transactions.
POHeaderId Long The identifier for the header of the purchase order associated with the return.
POLineLocationId Long The unique identifier for the line location in the purchase order, indicating where the item is being returned from.
POLineId Long The specific line identifier in the purchase order associated with this return.
PODistributionId Long The distribution identifier from the purchase order, which helps track the financial or quantity allocation for returns.
PORevisionNumber Long The revision number of the purchase order, used when the order undergoes changes and needs tracking.
ShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the shipment header related to the return transaction.
ShipmentLineId Long The unique line identifier within the shipment header, showing which specific items are being returned.
TransferOrderHeaderId Long The identifier for the transfer order header, linking the return to a transfer order.
TransferOrderLineId Long The unique line identifier within the transfer order, showing which part of the transfer is being returned.
TransferOrderDistId Long The distribution identifier related to the transfer order, used for quantity and location tracking in the return.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long The header identifier for the receipt advice document, used to confirm the return receipt from a vendor or customer.
ReceiptAdviceLineId Long The line identifier in the receipt advice, providing details for this specific return transaction.
ReceiptSourceCode String The code representing the source of the receipt, such as 'supplier' or 'customer'.
ConsignedItems String A flag or list indicating whether the items being returned are consigned, meaning they are on loan or owned by a third party.
BackToBack String Indicates whether the return is a back-to-back transaction, where a sales order or purchase order is automatically created upon the return.
CategoryName String The category or type of items involved in the return, such as 'electronics' or 'furniture'.
CategoryId Long The unique identifier for the category of the returned item, helping to classify the item.
CurrencyCode String The currency used for the return transaction, such as 'USD' for US dollars or 'EUR' for euros.
CurrencyConversionRate Decimal The rate used for currency conversion, applicable when the return involves different currencies.
CurrencyConversionDate Date The date on which the currency conversion rate is applied to the return transaction.
CurrencyConversionType String The method or type of currency conversion used, such as 'spot rate' or 'historical rate'.
InventoryTransactionTypeId Long The identifier for the inventory transaction type, helping to categorize the nature of the return in inventory systems.
ParentTransactionType String The type of the parent transaction, indicating the original transaction that triggered the return process.
ParentTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the parent transaction, which links the return to its originating event.
GrandParentTransactionId Long The identifier for the grandparent transaction, offering additional context if the return involves multiple levels of transactions.
Reason String The reason provided for the return, such as 'defective', 'wrong item', or 'customer dissatisfaction'.
ReasonId Long The unique identifier for the reason for the return, used to categorize and report return reasons.
ReceiptException String An exception flag indicating if the return was received with issues, such as damaged goods or discrepancies.
EmployeeName String The name of the employee responsible for processing the return transaction.
EmployeeId Long The unique identifier for the employee handling the return, used for accountability and tracking.
Subinventory String The subinventory where the returned items are stored, helping manage stock levels in specific areas.
Locator String The specific location within the subinventory where the returned item is stored or found.
LocatorId Long The unique identifier for the locator in the subinventory, helping pinpoint the exact storage location.
BindASNNumber String The Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) number used for filtering or querying return data by shipment number.
BindBackToBack String Filters for back-to-back transactions by flag or indicator in the return process.
BindConsigned String Filters for returns involving consigned items by flag or status.
BindDocumentDistributionNumber Long Filters for returns by the distribution number on the document, typically for financial or item allocation.
BindDocumentLineNumber String Filters for specific line numbers in the document associated with the return.
BindDocumentNumber String Filters for returns by document number, allowing users to query based on specific return documents.
BindDocumentScheduleNumber String Filters for returns by document schedule number, helping identify return lines from scheduled deliveries.
BindDocumentType String Filters for returns by the type of document, such as 'purchase order' or 'invoice'.
BindFromDate Date Filters for returns from a specific start date, useful for querying within a date range.
BindItemId Long Filters for returns based on a specific item identifier.
BindItemNumber String Filters for returns based on a specific item number.
BindOrganizationCode String Filters for returns based on the organization code, identifying the involved organization.
BindOrganizationId Long Filters for returns by the unique organization identifier.
BindParentTransactionId Long Filters for returns based on the parent transaction identifier, linking to the original transaction.
BindPODistributionId Long Filters for returns by the purchase order distribution identifier.
BindPOHeaderId Long Filters for returns based on the purchase order header identifier.
BindPOLineId Long Filters for returns by the specific purchase order line identifier.
BindPOLineLocationId Long Filters for returns based on the purchase order line location identifier.
BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long Filters for returns by the receipt advice header identifier.
BindReceiptAdviceLineId Long Filters for returns based on the receipt advice line identifier.
BindReceiptNumber String Filters for returns by the specific receipt number.
BindShipmentHeaderId Long Filters for returns by the shipment header identifier, providing context for returns linked to shipments.
BindShipmentLineId Long Filters for returns based on the shipment line identifier.
BindSourceDocumentCode String Filters for returns based on the source document code, such as purchase order or sales order.
BindToDate Date Filters for returns up to a specific end date, useful for querying within a date range.
BindTOShipment String Filters for returns by transfer order shipment number, tracking the related shipment.
BindTransferOrderDistId Long Filters for returns based on the transfer order distribution identifier.
BindTransferOrderHeaderId Long Filters for returns by the transfer order header identifier.
BindTransferOrderLineId Long Filters for returns by the transfer order line identifier.
Finder String A general query tool used to search for and retrieve return records based on specific criteria.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175