Manages received lines eligible for return, streamlining return processes and inventory accuracy.
Name | Type | Description |
ToOrganizationCode | String | The code identifying the destination organization associated with this line of return in the system. |
ToOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the destination organization in the return process. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | The code identifying the source organization from which the return originates. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the source organization associated with this return line. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique item identifier used in the context of the return line, typically representing the product's catalog number. |
ItemId | Long | The numeric identifier for the item being returned. |
ItemDescription | String | A brief description of the item being returned, including key details like name, type, or attributes. |
ItemRevision | String | The revision identifier for the item, used when versions of the item are tracked in the inventory. |
ReceiptNumber | String | The number assigned to the receipt document associated with the return transaction. |
LineStatus | String | The current status of the return line, indicating whether it is pending, completed, or canceled. |
DocumentType | String | The type of document linked to the return, such as purchase order, transfer order, etc. |
SourceDocumentCode | String | The code of the source document from which the return is generated, for example, purchase order or sales invoice. |
DocumentNumber | String | The identifier of the document associated with the return line, such as the purchase order number. |
DocumentLineNumber | String | The specific line number of the return in the related document (for example, purchase order line). |
DocumentScheduleNumber | String | The schedule number associated with the return document, often used in a multi-line or scheduled delivery context. |
DocumentDistributionNumber | Decimal | The distribution number in the document, used to track the distribution of return quantities and details. |
TransactionDate | Date | The date when the return transaction is processed, providing context for timing. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor associated with the item being returned. |
VendorId | Long | The unique identifier for the vendor providing the item. |
VendorSiteCode | String | The code for the vendor's site or location where the item was sourced. |
VendorSiteId | Long | The unique identifier for the vendor site from where the item originated. |
VendorItemNumber | String | The vendor-specific identifier for the item, which can differ from the internal item number. |
TOShipmentNumber | String | The shipment number related to the transfer order from which this return is derived. |
ASNNumber | String | The Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) number, used to track the shipment of items. |
ASNLineNumber | Decimal | The specific line number within the ASN document, identifying the line item for this return. |
CustomerPartyName | String | The name of the customer party to whom the returned items belong or were sold. |
CustomerId | Long | The unique identifier for the customer associated with the return. |
AvailableQuantity | Decimal | The amount of the item available for return, representing stock available for the return process. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit in which the item is measured, such as 'each', 'box', or 'pound'. |
UOMCode | String | The code used to represent the unit of measure for the item in the system. |
SecondaryAvailableQuantity | Decimal | An additional quantity field that may represent a different unit of measure for the same item. |
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure | String | The secondary unit of measure for the item, such as 'kg' when the primary is 'lb'. |
SecondaryUOMCode | String | The code representing the secondary unit of measure for the item. |
DestinationType | String | The type of destination for the return, such as warehouse, customer, or supplier. |
DestinationTypeCode | String | The code for the destination type, providing a standardized reference for destination classification. |
Location | String | The physical location where the return is processed or received, such as a specific warehouse or store. |
LocationId | Long | The unique identifier for the location where the return is being managed. |
Routing | String | The routing path or instructions for the return process, typically involving handling, shipment, and delivery. |
RoutingHeaderId | Long | The identifier for the routing header, used to track the overall routing for return transactions. |
POHeaderId | Long | The identifier for the header of the purchase order associated with the return. |
POLineLocationId | Long | The unique identifier for the line location in the purchase order, indicating where the item is being returned from. |
POLineId | Long | The specific line identifier in the purchase order associated with this return. |
PODistributionId | Long | The distribution identifier from the purchase order, which helps track the financial or quantity allocation for returns. |
PORevisionNumber | Long | The revision number of the purchase order, used when the order undergoes changes and needs tracking. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | The unique identifier for the shipment header related to the return transaction. |
ShipmentLineId | Long | The unique line identifier within the shipment header, showing which specific items are being returned. |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | The identifier for the transfer order header, linking the return to a transfer order. |
TransferOrderLineId | Long | The unique line identifier within the transfer order, showing which part of the transfer is being returned. |
TransferOrderDistId | Long | The distribution identifier related to the transfer order, used for quantity and location tracking in the return. |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | The header identifier for the receipt advice document, used to confirm the return receipt from a vendor or customer. |
ReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | The line identifier in the receipt advice, providing details for this specific return transaction. |
ReceiptSourceCode | String | The code representing the source of the receipt, such as 'supplier' or 'customer'. |
ConsignedItems | String | A flag or list indicating whether the items being returned are consigned, meaning they are on loan or owned by a third party. |
BackToBack | String | Indicates whether the return is a back-to-back transaction, where a sales order or purchase order is automatically created upon the return. |
CategoryName | String | The category or type of items involved in the return, such as 'electronics' or 'furniture'. |
CategoryId | Long | The unique identifier for the category of the returned item, helping to classify the item. |
CurrencyCode | String | The currency used for the return transaction, such as 'USD' for US dollars or 'EUR' for euros. |
CurrencyConversionRate | Decimal | The rate used for currency conversion, applicable when the return involves different currencies. |
CurrencyConversionDate | Date | The date on which the currency conversion rate is applied to the return transaction. |
CurrencyConversionType | String | The method or type of currency conversion used, such as 'spot rate' or 'historical rate'. |
InventoryTransactionTypeId | Long | The identifier for the inventory transaction type, helping to categorize the nature of the return in inventory systems. |
ParentTransactionType | String | The type of the parent transaction, indicating the original transaction that triggered the return process. |
ParentTransactionId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier for the parent transaction, which links the return to its originating event. |
GrandParentTransactionId | Long | The identifier for the grandparent transaction, offering additional context if the return involves multiple levels of transactions. |
Reason | String | The reason provided for the return, such as 'defective', 'wrong item', or 'customer dissatisfaction'. |
ReasonId | Long | The unique identifier for the reason for the return, used to categorize and report return reasons. |
ReceiptException | String | An exception flag indicating if the return was received with issues, such as damaged goods or discrepancies. |
EmployeeName | String | The name of the employee responsible for processing the return transaction. |
EmployeeId | Long | The unique identifier for the employee handling the return, used for accountability and tracking. |
Subinventory | String | The subinventory where the returned items are stored, helping manage stock levels in specific areas. |
Locator | String | The specific location within the subinventory where the returned item is stored or found. |
LocatorId | Long | The unique identifier for the locator in the subinventory, helping pinpoint the exact storage location. |
BindASNNumber | String | The Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) number used for filtering or querying return data by shipment number. |
BindBackToBack | String | Filters for back-to-back transactions by flag or indicator in the return process. |
BindConsigned | String | Filters for returns involving consigned items by flag or status. |
BindDocumentDistributionNumber | Long | Filters for returns by the distribution number on the document, typically for financial or item allocation. |
BindDocumentLineNumber | String | Filters for specific line numbers in the document associated with the return. |
BindDocumentNumber | String | Filters for returns by document number, allowing users to query based on specific return documents. |
BindDocumentScheduleNumber | String | Filters for returns by document schedule number, helping identify return lines from scheduled deliveries. |
BindDocumentType | String | Filters for returns by the type of document, such as 'purchase order' or 'invoice'. |
BindFromDate | Date | Filters for returns from a specific start date, useful for querying within a date range. |
BindItemId | Long | Filters for returns based on a specific item identifier. |
BindItemNumber | String | Filters for returns based on a specific item number. |
BindOrganizationCode | String | Filters for returns based on the organization code, identifying the involved organization. |
BindOrganizationId | Long | Filters for returns by the unique organization identifier. |
BindParentTransactionId | Long | Filters for returns based on the parent transaction identifier, linking to the original transaction. |
BindPODistributionId | Long | Filters for returns by the purchase order distribution identifier. |
BindPOHeaderId | Long | Filters for returns based on the purchase order header identifier. |
BindPOLineId | Long | Filters for returns by the specific purchase order line identifier. |
BindPOLineLocationId | Long | Filters for returns based on the purchase order line location identifier. |
BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | Filters for returns by the receipt advice header identifier. |
BindReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | Filters for returns based on the receipt advice line identifier. |
BindReceiptNumber | String | Filters for returns by the specific receipt number. |
BindShipmentHeaderId | Long | Filters for returns by the shipment header identifier, providing context for returns linked to shipments. |
BindShipmentLineId | Long | Filters for returns based on the shipment line identifier. |
BindSourceDocumentCode | String | Filters for returns based on the source document code, such as purchase order or sales order. |
BindToDate | Date | Filters for returns up to a specific end date, useful for querying within a date range. |
BindTOShipment | String | Filters for returns by transfer order shipment number, tracking the related shipment. |
BindTransferOrderDistId | Long | Filters for returns based on the transfer order distribution identifier. |
BindTransferOrderHeaderId | Long | Filters for returns by the transfer order header identifier. |
BindTransferOrderLineId | Long | Filters for returns by the transfer order line identifier. |
Finder | String | A general query tool used to search for and retrieve return records based on specific criteria. |