ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles the staging of inventory transactions, allowing operations such as creation, updates, and execution of transactions in online, background, or concurrent modes.


Name Type Description
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization responsible for processing the staged inventory transaction. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of inventory movements across business units.
OrganizationName String The name of the organization handling the inventory transaction. This field provides clarity on which entity is processing the transaction.
InventoryItemId Long The unique identifier for the inventory item involved in the transaction. This identifier links the transaction to a specific product in the inventory system.
ItemNumber String The item number assigned to the inventory item, serving as a unique identifier for product tracking and transaction validation.
ItemDescription String A detailed description of the inventory item involved in the transaction. This description helps users identify the item based on product attributes.
Revision String A revision code associated with the inventory item. This code applies when the item is under revision control, ensuring the correct product version is processed in inventory transactions.
SubinventoryCode String A code representing the subinventory where the transaction takes place. This code helps segregate stock movements between different storage locations.
LocatorId Long The unique identifier for the stock locator within a warehouse. This identifier ensures precise tracking of inventory movements at a bin, shelf, or aisle level.
LocatorName String A descriptive name of the stock locator where the transaction occurs. This name helps warehouse staff identify the exact storage location.
TransactionQuantity Decimal The quantity of the inventory item that is being transacted. This quantity ensures proper stock updates based on movement and processing rules.
TransactionUOM String An abbreviation representing the unit of measure (UOM) for the transaction. This UOM standardizes inventory transactions across systems.
TransactionUnitOfMeasure String The UOM used for the transaction, defining how the quantity is measured (for example, 'Pieces', 'Kilograms', or 'Liters').
TransferOrganization Long The unique identifier for the destination organization in a transfer transaction. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of inter-organization inventory movements.
TransferOrganizationName String The name of the organization receiving the inventory transfer. This name provides clarity on where the stock is being moved.
TransferSubinventory String The name of the destination subinventory for a transfer transaction. This field ensures that stock is allocated to the correct storage location within the receiving organization.
TransferLocator Long The unique identifier for the destination locator in a transfer transaction. This identifier ensures proper placement of inventory within the receiving warehouse.
TransferLocatorName String The name of the destination locator where inventory is placed in a transfer transaction. This field provides clarity for warehouse personnel handling stock movement.
TransactionHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the transaction header. This identifier groups multiple related transaction lines under a single processing batch.
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the transaction record within the interface. This identifier is used for tracking inventory transactions before they are finalized.
TrxSourceLineId Long The unique identifier for the transaction source line. This identifier ensures precise mapping between the transaction and its originating request.
TrxSourceDeliveryId Long The unique identifier for the transaction source shipment. This identifier helps track shipments linked to inventory transactions.
TransactionDate Datetime The date and time when the transaction occurred. This timestamp is critical for audit trails, financial reporting, and inventory reconciliation.
SourceCode String An abbreviation representing the source of the transaction. This abbreviation helps categorize inventory movements based on origin, such as procurement, manufacturing, or customer orders.
SourceHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the source header associated with the transaction. This identifier links the transaction to its originating document.
SourceLineId Long The unique identifier for the source line within the document that triggered the transaction. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of specific items being processed.
TransactionSourceName String The name of the source that initiated the inventory transaction. This field provides insight into why the transaction occurred.
DemandSourceHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the demand source header. This identifier links inventory movements to demand documents such as sales orders or work orders.
DemandSourceLine String The unique identifier for the demand document line associated with the transaction. This identifier ensures accurate fulfillment of demand requirements.
DemandSourceDelivery String The unique identifier for the shipment within the demand document. This identifier links inventory transactions to fulfillment processes.
TransactionTypeName String The name of the transaction type that describes the nature of the inventory movement, such as 'Issue', 'Receipt', or 'Transfer'.
TransactionTypeId Long The unique identifier for the transaction type. This identifier categorizes inventory transactions based on business processes.
TransactionSourceTypeName String The name of the transaction source type, identifying the origin of the inventory transaction, such as 'Purchase Order' or 'Sales Order'.
TransactionSourceTypeId Long The unique identifier for the transaction source type. This identifier links the transaction to its specific origin category.
TransactionActionName String The name of the transaction action that defines what operation is performed, such as 'Ship', 'Receive', or 'Adjust'.
TransactionActionId String The unique identifier for the transaction action associated with the staged inventory transaction. This identifier defines the type of action performed (for example, receiving, issuing, or transferring inventory).
TransactionMode String The mode in which the inventory transaction is processed. This mode can indicate whether the transaction is manual, automated, or part of an integrated system workflow.
LockStatus String The current lock status of the staged transaction. This status indicates whether the transaction is temporarily restricted from further processing due to system constraints or validations.
ProcessStatus String The current processing status of the staged inventory transaction. This status tracks whether the transaction is pending, in progress, completed, or has encountered errors.
TransactionReference String A reference identifier associated with the inventory transaction. This identifier can link to an external document, order, or another transaction for tracking purposes.
ReasonId Long The unique identifier for the reason associated with the inventory staged transaction. This identifier ensures accurate categorization of transaction justifications, such as adjustments, returns, or corrections.
ReasonName String The name of the reason for the inventory staged transaction. This field provides additional context on why the transaction occurred (for example, 'Stock Adjustment' or 'Supplier Return').
ErrorCode String A system-generated abbreviation representing an error encountered during the inventory staged transaction. This abbreviation helps in identifying and resolving transaction processing issues.
ErrorExplanation String A detailed explanation of the error associated with the inventory staged transaction. This explanation provides insights into why the transaction failed or encountered an issue.
ShipmentNumber String A unique number identifying the shipment associated with the inventory transaction. This number is used to track shipment-related inventory movements.
FreightCarrierId Long The unique identifier for the freight carrier responsible for transporting the inventory. This identifier is used to track logistics partners in inventory transactions.
Carrier String The name of the freight carrier handling the inventory shipment. This field helps associate transactions with the respective logistics provider.
ExternalSystemPackingUnit String The name of the packing unit as defined in an external system. This field ensures alignment between internal and third-party logistics applications.
WaybillAirbill String The tracking number (waybill or airbill) assigned by the carrier for the shipment. This tracking number is critical for tracking inventory in transit.
Containers Decimal The total number of containers used in packing the inventory shipment. This number helps in planning and managing warehouse logistics.
TransferCost Decimal The cost incurred for transferring the inventory between locations. This value is used for financial tracking and cost allocation in inter-organizational movements.
TransportationCost Decimal The cost incurred for transporting the inventory to its destination. This value helps in managing logistics expenses and cost accounting.
ExpectedArrivalDate Date The expected arrival date of the inventory at its destination. This date is used for shipment tracking, receiving planning, and supply chain scheduling.
OwningOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization that owns the inventory being transacted. This identifier ensures accurate ownership tracking within the inventory system.
OwningOrganizationName String The name of the organization that owns the inventory being transacted. This field helps in managing stock ownership across multiple business entities.
OwningTpType String The type of trading partner that owns the inventory, such as an internal business unit, a supplier, or a customer. This field aids in ownership classification.
TransferOwningOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization receiving ownership of the transferred inventory. This identifieris crucial for tracking inter-company or inter-departmental inventory movements.
TransferOwningOrganizationName String The name of the organization receiving ownership of the transferred inventory. This field ensures clear tracking of stock transfers and ownership changes.
TransferOwningTpType String The type of trading partner receiving ownership of the transferred inventory. This type value helps in distinguishing between different types of inventory recipients.
ProcurementBusinessUnitName String The name of the procurement business unit responsible for acquiring the inventory. This field ensures proper tracking of procurement-related inventory transactions.
VendorName String The name of the vendor supplying the inventory item. This field helps track supplier relationships and procurement activities.
VendorNumber String The unique identifier assigned to the vendor supplying the inventory item. This identifier ensures proper supplier record management within the inventory system.
ConsignmentAgreementNumber String The unique identifier for the consignment agreement under which the inventory is being transacted. This identifier is used for tracking vendor-managed inventory.
DistributionAccountId Long The unique identifier for the distribution account associated with the transaction. This identifier is essential for financial reporting and cost accounting of inventory movements.
UseCurrentCostFlag Bool Indicates whether the current item cost should be used for the transaction. Possible values include 'true' (use current cost) or 'false' (do not use current cost). This attribute is mandatory and helps in cost valuation.
PrimaryQuantity Decimal The transaction quantity expressed in the primary UOM of the item. This quantity ensures accurate stock movement and valuation in inventory tracking.
TransactionBatchId Long The unique identifier for the transaction batch. This identifier is used to group multiple inventory transactions together for processing and tracking purposes.
TransactionBatchSequence Long A sequence number that identifies the order of transactions within a batch. This sequence number helps maintain the processing order of staged transactions.
TransactionCost Decimal The cost incurred for processing the inventory transaction. This cost is used for cost accounting and financial tracking of inventory movements.
TransactionGroupId Long The unique identifier for the transaction group, which links related transactions together. This identifier ensures proper classification of inventory movements for reporting.
TransactionGroupSequence Decimal The sequence number that identifies the order of transactions within a transaction group. This sequence number helps in managing the logical flow of grouped transactions.
DefaultTaxationCountry String An abbreviation representing the default country used for taxation purposes. This abbreviation determines the applicable tax rules for the transaction.
DocumentSubType String The classification of the fiscal document associated with the transaction. This classification helps categorize financial and taxation records.
TrxBusinessCategory String The business category assigned to the transaction. This classification helps in reporting and compliance with business processes.
UserDefinedFiscClass String The user-defined fiscal classification assigned to the transaction. This classification is used for taxation and regulatory reporting purposes.
TaxInvoiceNumber String A unique number identifying the tax invoice document associated with the transaction. This number is used for taxation and compliance reporting.
TaxInvoiceDate Date The date and time when the tax invoice document was generated. This timestamp is critical for financial audits and tax reporting.
ProductCategory String The name of the product category associated with the transaction. This categorization helps in inventory classification and reporting.
ProductType String The type of product involved in the transaction. This field is useful for inventory analysis and product management.
AssessableValue Decimal The price used by tax authorities to calculate tax for the item. This value is critical for tax assessments and compliance.
TaxClassificationCode String The tax classification code that determines the applicable tax rate for the transaction. This field ensures proper taxation of inventory movements.
ExemptCertificateNumber String The certificate number identifying the tax exemption for the transaction. This certificate number is used in tax compliance and reporting.
ExemptReasonCode String The code specifying the reason for tax exemption. This code helps in justifying and documenting tax-exempt transactions.
IntendedUse String The classification of the intended use of the inventory item. This field is used for tax, compliance, and regulatory reporting.
FirstPtyNumber String The identifier for the first party involved in the transaction. This identifier can represent the entity initiating the inventory transaction.
ThirdPtyNumber String The identifier for the third party involved in the transaction. This identifier can represent a supplier, customer, or external entity.
FinalDischargeLocCode String An abbreviation representing the final discharge location where the inventory transaction is completed. This abbreivation is used for logistics and inventory control.
CategoryName String The name of the category associated with the inventory transaction. This field helps in classifying transactions for reporting and analysis.
TransactionCostIdentifier String The unique identifier used to track the cost of the inventory transaction. This identifier is essential for financial reporting and cost allocation.
TransactionSourceId Long The unique identifier for the transaction source, linking the inventory transaction to its originating document or request.
ChartOfAccountsId Long The unique identifier for the chart of accounts associated with the transaction. This identifier ensures correct financial mapping and accounting treatment.
StructureInstanceNumber Long The unique identifier for the structure instance related to the inventory transaction. This identifier supports financial structuring and reporting.
SecondaryInventoryName String The name of the secondary inventory location involved in the transaction. This location ensures accurate inventory tracking across multiple storage areas.
SubinventoryId Long The unique identifier for the subinventory where the transaction occurred. This identifier ensures inventory is tracked within the correct storage location.
TransferSubInventoryId Long The unique identifier for the destination subinventory in a transfer transaction. This identifier ensures inventory is placed correctly in the receiving location.
TransferLocatorsSIN Long The unique identifier for the stock locator associated with a transfer transaction. This identifier ensures precise tracking of inventory movement.
AccountCombination String The combination of accounts used for financial processing of the inventory transaction. This field ensures proper ledger entries and cost allocation.
AccountAliasCombination String The combination of account aliases used for financial processing of the inventory transaction. This field is used to simplify financial reporting.
TransferProjectId Long The unique identifier for the destination project in a project transfer transaction. This identifier ensures accurate inventory allocation for project-based tracking and cost control. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt-in.
TransferTaskId Long The unique identifier for the destination task in a project transfer transaction. This identifier ensures inventory is properly assigned to specific project tasks for financial and operational tracking. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt-in.
TransferInvProject String The project number that identifies the destination project for project transfer transactions. This project number ensures that inventory is correctly allocated to a specific project for tracking and cost management. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt-in.
TransferInvTask String The task number that identifies the destination task for project transfer transactions. This task number ensures inventory is accurately assigned to the correct work breakdown structure within the project. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt-in.
LotTransactionGroupName String The user-defined name assigned to a group of lot transactions, including lot splits, merges, and translations. This categorization helps in tracking related lot adjustments as a single transaction set.
SourceLotFlag Bool Indicates whether the lot belongs to the source or resultant lot in a lot split, merge, or translation transaction. Possible values include 'true' (belongs to the source lot) or 'false' (belongs to the resultant lot). This field helps in tracking the transformation of inventory lots.
RequesterId String The unique identifier of the person who requested the material issuance or receipt. This identifier links the request to a specific user for accountability and tracking purposes.
RequesterName String The name of the individual who requested the material issuance or receipt. This field helps in tracking material requests for operational control.
RequesterNumber String A unique number assigned to the requester of the material issuance or receipt. This number is user-defined and ensures accurate tracking of personnel involved in material handling.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String The reference value that links the transaction to its corresponding record in external applications. This value is used for integration and reconciliation of inventory movements across systems.
RepresentativeLotFlag Bool Indicates whether the lot is the representative source lot in a lot merge transaction. Possible values include 'true' (the lot is the representative source lot and its attributes are copied to the resultant lot) or 'false' (the lot is not the representative source lot). This flag helps maintain lot consistency during merging operations.
SecondaryUOMCode String An abbreviation representing the secondary UOM for inventory transactions. This field supports industries that manage inventory in dual UOMs, such as quantity and weight, or volume and length.
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure String The secondary UOM in which an item can be transacted. This UOM allows flexibility in inventory tracking where items require dual UOM tracking.
SecondaryTransactionQuantity Decimal The transaction quantity of an item expressed in the secondary UOM. This quantity ensures accurate inventory tracking when multiple UOMs are used.
LoadRequestId Long The unique identifier for the load request associated with the inventory transaction. This identifier is used for tracking bulk inventory movements or staged transactions.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the inventory transaction was created. This timestamp is critical for audit trails and transaction history tracking.
CreatedBy String The name or identifier of the user who created the inventory transaction. This identifier ensures accountability and traceability of system-generated transactions.
Finder String A reference attribute used for searching and retrieving specific inventory staged transactions. This attribute enhances system usability by allowing users to locate records based on predefined criteria.

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Build 24.0.9175