ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Inventory Reservations resource manages reservation details for an item, such as inventory location details, supply document details, or demand document details in the primary and secondary units of measure.


Name Type Description
ReservationId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the reservation.
OrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the warehouse organization that reserves inventory to fulfill the item.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the warehouse organization that reserves inventory to fulfill the item.
InventoryItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the item in inventory that the warehouse reserves to fulfill the item.
ItemNumber String Number that identifies the inventory item.
DemandSourceTypeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the type of document that requests the inventory reservation.
DemandSourceType String Type of document that requests the inventory reservation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_RESERVATION_SOURCE_TYPES. Values include User Defined, Transfer Order Return, Sales Order, Shipment Request, Account, Movement Request, Account Alias, Transfer order, or Cycle Count.
DemandSourceHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the demand document.
DemandSourceHeaderNumber String Document that specifies demand details for the item that the warehouse will reserve in inventory.
DemandSourceName String Name of the source that requests the demand.
DemandSourceLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the demand line.
DemandSourceLineNumber String Value that uniquely identifies the line number in the demand document.
SourceFulfillmentLineId Long Value that order orchestration uses to uniquely identify the reservation.
SupplySourceTypeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the type of the supply document.
SupplySourceType String Type of the supply document. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_RESERVATION_SUPPLY_SRC_TYP. Values include Purchase Order, On Hand, Requisition, Transfer Order Return, Work Order, or Transfer Order.
SupplySourceHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supply document.
SupplySourceHeaderNumber String Document that specifies supply details for the item.
SupplySourceLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the line in the supply document.
SupplySourceLineNumber String Line number in the supply document.
Revision String Revision of the item. Applies when the warehouse places the item under revision control.
SubinventoryCode String Name of the subinventory that the warehouse uses to make the reservation.
SubinventoryId Long Value that uniquely identifies the subinventory that the warehouse uses to reserve the item.
LotNumber String Number that identifies an item or group of items. Applies when the warehouse places the item under lot control.
LocatorId Long Value that uniquely identifies the locator for the reservation.
Locator String Abbreviation that identifies the subinventory that the warehouse uses to reserve inventory for the item. It is typically a physical area in the subinventory, such as a row, aisle, bin, or shelf, that stores the item.
PrimaryReservationQuantity Decimal Reserved quantity expressed in the primary unit of measure of the item.
PrimaryUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the primary unit of measure.
PrimaryUnitOfMeasure String Primary unit of measure of the item.
SecondaryReservationQuantity Decimal Reservation quantity expressed in the secondary unit of measure.
SecondaryUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the secondary unit of measure.
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure String Secondary unit of measure of the item.
ReservationQuantity Decimal Reservation quantity expressed in the primary unit of measure.
ReservationUOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure that the user chooses when placing the reservation.
ReservationUnitOfMeasure String Unit of measure that the user chooses when placing a reservation.
ShipToCustomer String ShipToCustomer of InventoryReservations
ShipToPartyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the party that receives the item.
RequirementDate Date Date when the customer requires the item.
SupplyProjectId Long Value that uniquely identifies the project for the supply document.
SupplyTaskId Long Value that uniquely identifies the task corresponding to a project for the supply document.
DemandProjectId Long Value that uniquely identifies the project for the demand document.
DemandTaskId Long Value that uniquely identifies the task corresponding to a project for the demand document.
DemandProjectNumber String Number that identifies the project for the demand document.
DemandTaskNumber String Number that identifies the task corresponding to a project for the demand document.
SupplyProjectNumber String Number that identifies the project for the supply document.
SupplyTaskNumber String Number that identifies the task corresponding to a project for the supply document.
SourceFulfillmentLineNumber String Number that identifies a line corresponding to a source fulfillment line.
OperationSequenceNumber String Sequence number of a specific operation as defined in a work order.
WorkOrderProductId Long WorkOrderProductId of InventoryReservations
WorkOrderProductNumber String WorkOrderProductNumber of InventoryReservations
OrderInterfaceStatus String Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the sales order or the transfer order demand is interfaced to inventory or shipping. If N, then the sales order or the transfer order demand is awaiting to be interfaced to inventory or shipping. This attribute does not have a default value. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
Finder String Finder of InventoryReservations

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Build 24.0.9111