ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides details about consumption advice for suppliers or legal entities, supporting inventory reconciliation.


Name Type Description
ConsumptionHeaderId [KEY] Long A system-generated unique identifier for the consumption advice document. This identifier is used to track and manage inventory consumption records for supplier-managed inventory and consigned stock.
ConsumptionAdvice String The detailed consumption advice provided to the supplier regarding the usage of consigned or supplier-managed inventory. This advice helps facilitate accurate replenishment and supplier billing processes.
CreationDate Date The date on which the consumption advice record was created. This date is used for audit tracking and inventory reconciliation.
StartCycleDate Date The date on which the consumption cycle begins for the reported inventory consumption. This date ensures that consumption is accurately recorded within the correct reporting period.
EndCycleDate Date The date on which the consumption cycle ends for the reported inventory usage. This date helps in reconciling consumed stock and triggering supplier replenishment.
BusinessUnitName String The name of the business unit associated with the inventory consumption advice. This name ensures that consumption transactions are correctly linked to the appropriate operational entity.
BusinessUnitId Long The unique identifier for the business unit associated with the consumption advice. This identifier is used to map inventory usage to specific financial reporting structures.
InventoryOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the inventory organization managing the consumed inventory. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of stock movements and replenishment planning.
OrganizationCode String The unique code representing the inventory organization responsible for managing the consumed inventory. This code supports multi-organization tracking and reporting.
OrganizationName String The full name of the inventory organization associated with the consumption advice. This value ensures proper assignment of inventory transactions to specific operating units.
LegalEntityId Long The unique identifier for the legal entity responsible for the inventory consumption transaction. This identifier ensures compliance with regulatory and tax reporting requirements.
LegalEntityName String The name of the legal entity responsible for the consumption advice transaction. This name is critical for financial reporting and cross-entity inventory reconciliation.
PurchaseAgreement String The purchase agreement reference associated with the consumption advice. This value ensures that consumed inventory is correctly attributed to existing contractual agreements with suppliers.
POHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the purchase order (PO) associated with the consumption advice. This identifier ensures traceability between consumption and procurement transactions.
Revision [KEY] Long The revision number of the consumption advice document, indicating any updates or modifications made to the original consumption record.
VendorSiteCode String The unique code representing the supplier’s site associated with the consumption advice. This code is used to link inventory consumption to a specific supplier location.
VendorSiteId Long A system-generated identifier for the supplier site linked to the consumption advice. This identifier ensures that supplier-specific inventory tracking is accurate and supports compliance with procurement agreements.
LastRevisedDate Date The date on which the consumption advice document was last modified. This date is used for version control and audit tracking.
SupplierId Long The unique identifier for the supplier associated with the inventory consumption advice. This identifier ensures proper attribution of consumed stock to the correct supplier.
Supplier String The name of the supplier providing the inventory being consumed. This name ensures accurate supplier relationship management and invoice reconciliation.
DisplayUnprintedConsumptionAdvices String A flag indicating whether unprinted consumption advice documents should be displayed in reports or user interfaces. This flag is used for internal tracking before finalizing the consumption record.
Finder String The lookup reference used to retrieve and manage inventory consumption advice records. This reference facilitates efficient searching, reporting, and reconciliation of inventory usage.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175