ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles overarching details of shipments in transit, providing a centralized view for receiving and tracking purposes.


Name Type Description
Shipment String The unique identifier assigned to the shipment. This identifier is used for tracking and managing inventory movements as they transition between locations in the supply chain.
ShipmentHeaderId [KEY] Long The system-generated identifier for the shipment header, which consolidates multiple shipment lines into a single shipment transaction. This identifier ensures efficient processing and management of in-transit shipments.
SourceOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization that initiated the shipment. This identifier is used to track the origin of inventory movements within Oracle SCM.
SourceOrganizationCode String The code representing the organization that dispatched the shipment. This code helps in tracking shipments originating from different business units or warehouses.
SourceOrganizationName String The full name of the organization that shipped the inventory. This field provides a user-friendly reference for identifying the source entity in shipment transactions.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization receiving the shipment. This identifier ensures that inventory movements are correctly assigned to the appropriate receiving entity in Oracle SCM.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization designated to receive the shipment. This code is used in inventory tracking, shipment processing, and warehouse management.
ReceiptSource String The entity or system from which the receipt transaction originates. This value helps in categorizing and processing incoming shipments within Oracle SCM.
BindOrganizationCode String The organization code associated with the bound shipment transaction, ensuring accurate tracking and reconciliation of shipments within the system.
BindOrganizationId String The unique identifier for the organization linked to the bound shipment transaction. This identifier enables precise assignment of inventory movements.
BindReceiptSource String The reference to the receipt source associated with the bound shipment transaction, used for tracking and processing received inventory.
BindShipment String The shipment reference associated with the bound transaction. This reference ensures proper tracking and reconciliation of inventory in transit.
BindSourceOrganizationCode String The code representing the source organization linked to the bound shipment transaction. This code is used to maintain accurate records of originating shipments.
BindSourceOrganizationName String The full name of the source organization associated with the bound shipment. This value provides a clear reference for inventory tracking and logistics management.
Finder String The lookup reference used to identify and retrieve in-transit shipment records within the system. This reference facilitates efficient searching, tracking, and reconciliation of shipment transactions in Oracle SCM.

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Build 24.0.9175