Tracks lot numbers for items while shipment lines are in transit during receipt.
Name | Type | Description |
LotNumber [KEY] | String | The unique lot number assigned to the item within the in-transit receipt process. This value is used for inventory tracking, traceability, and compliance with lot control requirements, ensuring accurate stock management across organizations. |
LotExpirationDate | Date | The expiration date assigned to the lot, indicating the last date the items in this lot can be used or sold. This date is critical for managing perishable or time-sensitive inventory and ensuring regulatory compliance. |
ParentLotNumber | String | The parent lot number associated with the current lot, used for tracking hierarchical lot relationships. This value helps maintain traceability when lots are split, merged, or reclassified during inventory operations. |
BindItemId | Long | The system-generated identifier that uniquely links the lot to its associated inventory item. This identifier ensures proper tracking and validation of lot-controlled inventory within Oracle SCM. |
BindLotNumber | String | The reference lot number that binds the current lot to another related lot, facilitating tracking and reconciliation in multi-lot inventory transactions. |
BindOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the organization associated with the lot transaction. This identifier ensures that inventory movements are correctly assigned to the appropriate business unit or warehouse. |
BindShipmentLineId | Long | The system-generated identifier that associates the lot with a specific shipment line. This identifier enables accurate tracking of inventory transfers and in-transit shipments. |
BindTransactionTypeId | Long | The unique identifier representing the transaction type associated with the lot. This identifier defines the nature of the inventory movement, such as receipt, transfer, or adjustment, ensuring proper classification and reporting. |
Finder | String | The lookup reference used to identify and retrieve in-transit receipt lot records within the system. This reference facilitates efficient searching, tracking, and reconciliation of lot-controlled inventory transactions in Oracle SCM. |