ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles attached documents for specific shipment lines to ensure comprehensive record-keeping.


Name Type Description
InboundShipmentsShipmentHeaderId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking this attachment to the corresponding inbound shipment header. This identifier ensures proper association with shipment records.
ShipmentlinesShipmentLineId [KEY] Long The unique identifier linking this attachment to a specific shipment line. This identifier enables tracking of supporting documents for individual items within a shipment.
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the document attached to this shipment line. This identifier ensures traceability of relevant shipment documentation.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the attachment record was last updated. This timestamp is used for tracking modifications and ensuring document version control.
LastUpdatedBy String The username or system identifier of the individual who last updated the attachment record. This name or identifier ensures auditability and accountability.
DatatypeCode String A code representing the type of data stored in the attachment (for example, PDF, image, text, or spreadsheet formats).
FileName String The original file name of the attachment. This file name allows users to identify uploaded documents easily.
DmFolderPath String The document management system (DMS) folder path where the attachment is stored. This path ensures accessibility within the repository.
DmDocumentId String The unique identifier for the document within the document management system. This identifier links the document to external repositories or enterprise content management systems.
DmVersionNumber String The version number of the document stored in the document management system. This number ensures proper version tracking and retrieval.
Url String The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) link to access the attachment. This URL enables users to view the document directly from the system.
CategoryName String The category assigned to the attachment. This category classifies the attachment based on predefined document types such as invoices, bills of lading, or packing slips.
UserName String The name of the user who uploaded or modified the attachment. This name enables proper tracking of document ownership.
Uri String The Unique Resource Identifier (URI) of the document. This URI provides an additional access point for document retrieval.
FileUrl String A direct URL for downloading or accessing the attachment, ensuring seamless retrieval of shipment-related documents.
UploadedText String Any text content extracted or stored as part of the attachment, such as scanned text from an invoice or packing slip.
UploadedFileContentType String The content type of the uploaded file. This content type ensures proper rendering and compatibility.
UploadedFileLength Long The size of the uploaded file in bytes. This information is used for storage management and capacity planning.
UploadedFileName String The name of the file as stored in the system, which can differ from the original file name based on naming conventions or system rules.
ContentRepositoryFileShared Bool A flag indicating whether the attachment is shared across multiple records or restricted to a specific shipment line.
Title String The title or short description of the attachment, providing a quick reference for identifying its contents.
Description String A detailed description of the attachment. This description specifies its relevance to the shipment, such as an invoice, quality certificate, or regulatory compliance document.
ErrorStatusCode String A system-generated error code if an issue occurs during the attachment upload or retrieval process. This code aids in troubleshooting.
ErrorStatusMessage String A descriptive error message indicating the cause of an issue related to the attachment. This messgae provides insight for resolution.
CreatedBy String The username or system identifier of the individual who created the attachment record. This name or identifier ensures accountability in document management.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the attachment record was created. This timestamp ensures accurate tracking of document additions.
FileContents String The actual contents of the file stored as raw data. This content ensuresg that attachments can be retrieved, displayed, or processed.
ExpirationDate Datetime The date when the attachment is set to expire. This date is used for document retention policies and compliance tracking.
LastUpdatedByUserName String The username of the individual who last modified the attachment record. This username ensures proper audit trails for document changes.
CreatedByUserName String The username of the individual who created the shipment line attachment record. This username ensuresaccountability and traceability in document management.
AsyncTrackerId String The unique identifier for tracking asynchronous processes related to document uploads, downloads, or processing, ensuring smooth system performance and troubleshooting.
FileWebImage String A reference to the web-accessible image of the attached document. This reference allows users to preview or display document thumbnails directly in the system.
DownloadInfo String Metadata or system-generated details about the attachment download. These details include access status, file location, and permissions.
PostProcessingAction String The action to be performed after the document upload or processing is completed, such as archiving, indexing, or triggering workflow approvals.
BindExpectedReceiptDate Datetime The expected date when the shipment is anticipated to arrive at the receiving location. This date aids in inventory planning and scheduling.
BindOrganizationCode String The code representing the organization associated with the inbound shipment. This code ensures accurate classification within enterprise records.
BindOrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the receiving organization linked to the shipment line attachment. This identifier ensures proper integration with procurement and logistics records.
BindPOHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the purchase order (PO) header associated with this shipment attachment. This identifier links procurement documents with receiving transactions.
BindPONumber String The PO number associated with this shipment attachment. This PO number enables cross-referencing between ordered and received goods.
BindShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier linking this attachment to the shipment header. This identifier ensures proper traceability of associated shipment documentation.
BindShipmentNumber String The shipment number linked to this attachment. This number provides a reference for tracking and reconciling inbound shipment records.
BindSupplier String The supplier associated with this shipment attachment. This information ensures document alignment with procurement and supplier records.
BindTONumber String The transfer order TO) number linked to this attachment. This TO number ensures proper tracking of inter-organizational inventory transfers.
BindTransferOrderHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the transfer order header associated with this shipment attachment. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of inventory movements.
BindVendorId Long The unique identifier linking the attachment to a specific vendor. This identifier ensures traceability in procurement transactions and supplier invoice matching.
Finder String A reference field or search parameter used to locate or filter shipment line attachments efficiently. This field or parameter facilitates streamlined document retrieval.
ShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the shipment header. This identifier groups all shipment line attachments under a single inbound shipment record for tracking and auditing purposes.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175