ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks the historical records of cycle count sequences for audit and analysis.


Name Type Description
CycleCountSequenceDetailsCycleCountEntryId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the cycle count entry recorded in the sequence detail history. This identifier is used to track inventory verification activities over time.
CycleCountSequenceDetailsCycleCountHeaderId [KEY] Long An identifier linking this sequence detail history record to a specific cycle count header. This identifier groups multiple related cycle count entries for auditing and reconciliation purposes.
CycleCountSequenceDetailsOrganizationId [KEY] Long The organization identifier associated with this cycle count sequence detail history record. This identifier ensures that inventory transactions are properly categorized within the correct business entity.
EntryHistoryId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the historical record of a cycle count entry. This identifier captures changes and providing traceability for auditing purposes.
CycleCountEntryId Long An identifier referencing the cycle count entry recorded in this history table. This identifier ensures a structured log of counted inventory transactions.
ReviewDate Datetime The date and time when the cycle count entry was reviewed as part of the verification and approval process. This timestamp ensures inventory accuracy.
ReviewedByEmployeeId Long The unique identifier of the employee responsible for reviewing the cycle count entry. This identifier enables accountability in the validation process.
ReviewedBy String The name of the employee who performed the review of the cycle count entry. This field documents who verified the inventory count.
CountDate Datetime The date and time when the physical inventory count was performed. This timestamp is used for tracking the timing of stock verification activities.
CountQuantity Decimal The total quantity of the item recorded during the cycle count. This quantity is used to compare against system inventory levels.
SecondaryCountUOMCode String A code representing the secondary unit of measure (UOM) used for counting this inventory item. This code ensures compatibility with multi-unit inventory tracking.
SecondaryCountUOM String A description of the secondary UOM used in the count. This description provides clarity for alternative inventory measurement standards.
CountUOMCode String A code representing the primary UOM used for counting this inventory item. This code aligns with system inventory records.
CountUOM String A description of the primary UOM used during the cycle count. This description clarifies how the inventory was quantified.
CountedByEmployeeId Long The unique identifier of the employee who performed the physical inventory count. This identifier ensures proper tracking of personnel responsible for verification.
CountedBy String The name of the employee who conducted the inventory count, recorded for auditing and accountability purposes.
ItemUnitCost Decimal The cost per unit of the item at the time of the cycle count. This cost is used for inventory valuation and financial reporting.
PrimaryUOMQuantity Decimal The total quantity counted in the primary UOM. This quantity ensures consistency with inventory records and reporting.
SecondarySuggestedQuantity Decimal A system-generated, suggested quantity in the secondary UOM. This quantity is used to assist in verifying counted amounts and reducing counting errors.
SecondaryUOMQuantity Decimal The recorded quantity in the secondary UOM. This quantity enables dual-unit tracking of inventory where applicable.
PrimarySuggestedQuantity Decimal A system-suggested quantity in the primary UOM. This quantity provides an expected count based on system inventory levels.
ReasonId Long An identifier for the reason associated with adjustments made to inventory counts. This identifier facilitates accurate documentation of stock discrepancies.
Reason String A detailed description of the reason for any discrepancies, recounts, or adjustments made during the cycle count process.
Comments String Additional notes or remarks related to the cycle count entry. This information is often used to justify count differences or provide context for adjustments.
BindCycleCountName String The name of the cycle count event associated with this historical record, providing a reference to the specific inventory verification process.
BindOrganizationCode String The organization code corresponding to this cycle count sequence detail history record. This code ensures proper classification within the business structure.
CycleCountHeaderId Long An identifier for the cycle count header. This identifier groups multiple cycle count entries under a single verification event for tracking purposes.
Finder String A reference field or search parameter used to locate or filter cycle count records. This field facilitates quick access to historical inventory data.
FromSerialNumber String The starting serial number of the item being counted. This serial number is critical for serialized inventory tracking and audit trails.
OrganizationId Long The organization identifier associated with this cycle count history record. This identifier ensures that inventory counts are categorized under the correct business entity.
ToSerialNumber String The ending serial number of the item being counted. This serial number is used for tracking inventory across a defined range of serialized stock.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175