Name | Type | Description |
HeaderId [KEY] | Long | HeaderId of TransferOrders |
HeaderNumber | String | HeaderNumber of TransferOrders |
Description | String | Description of TransferOrders |
RequisitionBUId | Long | RequisitionBUId of TransferOrders |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName of TransferOrders |
SourceTypeLookup | String | SourceTypeLookup of TransferOrders |
SourceOfTransferOrder | String | SourceOfTransferOrder of TransferOrders |
OrderedDate | Datetime | OrderedDate of TransferOrders |
FulfillOrchestrationRequired | String | FulfillOrchestrationRequired of TransferOrders |
BudgetControlEnabled | String | BudgetControlEnabled of TransferOrders |
InterfaceStatus | String | InterfaceStatus of TransferOrders |
MessageText | String | MessageText of TransferOrders |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |
PBatch | String | pBatch |
PDestinationOrganization | String | pDestinationOrganization |
PItemNumber | String | pItemNumber |
PLineNumber | String | pLineNumber |
PLineStatus | String | pLineStatus |
PScheduledShipDate | Datetime | pScheduledShipDate |
PSourceOrganization | String | pSourceOrganization |
PTransactionOrigin | String | pTransactionOrigin |
PTransferOrder | String | pTransferOrder |