Name | Type | Description |
HeaderInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the receipt request header. |
ASNType | String | Type of the receiving header request. Valid values include ASN to create an advanced shipment notice (ASN), ASBN to create an advance shipment billing notice (ASBN), and STD to create receipts. The default value is STD. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of ReceivingReceiptRequests |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of ReceivingReceiptRequests |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of ReceivingReceiptRequests |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of ReceivingReceiptRequests |
ReceiptSourceCode | String | Value that indicates the source of the shipment or the receipt. Valid values include SUPPLIER to create an advanced shipment notice (ASN) request, or receipt request for a purchase order, or an ASN, CUSTOMER to create a return material authorization (RMA) receipt request, INVENTORY to create in transit shipment receipt request, and TRANSFER ORDER to create a transfer order receipt request. This attribute is mandatory. |
TransactionDate | Date | Date when the receipt header request is interfaced. The default value is the current date. |
ShipmentNumber | String | Number that is assigned to the shipment by the shipment source. This number corresponds to one of the following: advance shipment notice, in-transit shipment, or transfer order shipment. |
ReceiptNumber | String | Number that identifies the items that the warehouse receives in a single receipt. Leave this attribute blank when the receiving parameter for receipt generation is automatic. |
ReceiptHeaderId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the receipt or shipment that exists in the application. This attribute is used when adding lines to an existing purchase order receipt or a return material authorization (RMA) receipt. This attribute is required when an item is received multiple times against a single advanced shipment notice (ASN), single transfer order shipment, or in-transit shipment. This attribute can be used in place of the shipment number or receipt number when creating a receipt. |
VendorName | String | Name of the supplier. This attribute is used to derive the vendor identifier. To create a purchase order receipt or an advanced shipment notice (ASN), you must provide one of the following attributes: vendor identifier, vendor name, or vendor number. |
VendorNumber | String | Number that identifies the supplier. This attribute is used to derive the vendor identifier. To create a purchase order receipt or an advanced shipment notice (ASN), you must provide one of the following attributes: vendor identifier, vendor name, or vendor number. |
VendorId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the supplier. To create a purchase order receipt or an advanced shipment notice (ASN), you must provide one of the following attributes: vendor identifier, vendor name, or vendor number. |
VendorSiteCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the supplier site for this supplier. This attribute should match the supplier site for the purchase orders that are part of the current receipt request or advanced shipment notice (ASN) request. To create a purchase order receipt or an advanced shipment notice (ASN), you must provide one of the following attributes: vendor site code or vendor site. |
VendorSiteId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site. |
BusinessUnitId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the business unit. For a purchase order receipt, this attribute references the procurement business unit of the supplier site. For a receipt that includes a return material authorization, this attribute references the business unit that the return material authorization contains. The combination of business unit and supplier site code is used to derive the vendor site identifier. |
BusinessUnit | String | Name of the business unit. For a purchase order receipt, this attribute references the procurement business unit of the supplier site. For a receipt that includes a return material authorization, this attribute references the business unit that the return material authorization contains. This column is used to derive the business unit identifier, which in turn is used to derive the supplier site code. |
OrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the receiving organization. For a receipt request or advanced shipment notice (ASN) request, you must provide one of the following attributes: organization code or organization identifier. Without the organization, the advanced shipment notice (ASN) or receipt cannot be created. |
OrganizationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the receiving organization. For a receipt request or advanced shipment notice (ASN) request, you must provide one of the following attributes: organization code or organization identifier. Without the organization, the advanced shipment notice (ASN) or receipt cannot be created. |
ShippedDate | Datetime | Date when the supplier shipped the advanced shipment notice (ASN). |
ExpectedReceiptDate | Datetime | Date when the advanced shipment notice (ASN) is expected to be received. |
FreightTerms | String | Agreement that describes whether the buyer or seller pays the shipping cost of the sales order, and when is the payment due. |
FreightCarrierId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the freight carrier. |
FreightCarrierName | String | Name of the freight carrier. Used to derive the freight carrier identifier. |
NumberOfPackingUnits | Long | Number of containers in the shipment. |
BillOfLading | String | Number that identifies the bill of lading for this shipment or receipt. |
WaybillAirbillNumber | String | Number that identifies the waybill or air bill for the shipment or receipt. |
PackingSlip | String | Number that identifies the packing slip for a container on the shipment or a receipt. |
PackagingCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the material being transported. The unique packaging code is based on the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods recommendations. |
SpecialHandlingCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the handling instructions for the transported material. |
TarWeight | Double | Weight of an empty vehicle or container. You can subtract the tare weight from the gross weight (laden weight) to find the weight of the carried goods (net weight). |
TarWeightUOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure used for tare weight of the shipment. |
TarWeightUnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure for the tare weight of the shipment. |
NetWeight | Double | Weight of the products being shipped without considering the packaging. |
NetWeightUOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure used for net weight of the shipment. |
NetWeightUnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure for the net weight of the shipment. |
Comments | String | Comments or notes entered for the receipt header request or advanced shipment notice (ASN) request header. |
CustomerPartyName | String | Name of the customer. This attribute is used along with customer number to derive customer identifier for the return material authorization (RMA) receipt header request. To create a RMA receipt, you must provide one of the following attributes: customer identifier, customer number, or customer name. |
CustomerPartyNumber | String | Number used to represent the customer party. This attribute is used along with customer name to derive customer identifier for the return material authorization (RMA) receipt header request. To create a RMA receipt, you must provide one of the following attributes: customer identifier, customer number, or customer name. |
CustomerId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the customer for the return material authorization (RMA) receipt. To create a RMA receipt, you must provide one of the following attributes: customer identifier, customer number, or customer name. |
EmployeeName | String | Name of the employee who is creating the receipt. This attribute is used to derive the employee identifier or contingent worker identifier. To create a receipt, you must provide one of the following attributes: employee identifier or employee name. |
EmployeeId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the employee or contingent worker who is creating a receipt. To create a receipt, you must provide one of the following attributes: employee identifier or employee name. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the source organization for an in-transit shipment or transfer order. Used to derive from-organization identifier. To create a receipt for in-transit shipment or transfer order, you must provide one of the following attributes: from organization or from-organization code. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the source organization for an in-transit shipment or transfer order. To create a receipt for in-transit shipment or transfer order, you must provide one of the following attributes: from organization or from-organization code. |
RMASourceSystemId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the source application. To create a return material authorization (RMA) receipt, you must provide one of the following attributes: source-system identifier or source-system name. |
RMASourceSystemName | String | Name of the source application. Used to derive return material authorization (RMA) source-system identifier. To create a RMA receipt, you must provide one of the following attributes: source-system identifier or source-system name. |
GroupId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the group of interface records submitted together for processing. |
ProcessingStatusCode | String | Value that indicates the processing status for the receipt. Valid values include PENDING, ERROR, or SUCCESS. The default value is PENDING. Only the interface records with value PENDING will be picked for processing. If there is an error in the derive, default and validate cycle, the status moves to ERROR. This attribute should be blank during POST operation so that the default value of PENDING is picked. |
GLDate | Date | Date in the general ledger. |
InvoiceDate | Date | Date when the invoice associated with the shipment or billing notice such as an advanced shipment notice (ASN) with billing information, is due. |
InvoiceNumber | String | Number that identifies the invoice associated with the shipment or billing notice (advanced shipment notice (ASN) with billing information). |
TotalInvoiceAmount | Double | Total amount for the invoice associated with the shipment or billing notice (advanced shipment notice (ASN) with billing information). |
FreightAmount | Double | Price at which the cargo is delivered from one point to another. The price depends on the mode of transport, the weight of the cargo, and the distance of the delivery destination. |
TaxAmount | Double | Tax amount associated with the shipment or billing notice name indicated at the header level. |
PaymentTermsId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the payment terms. This attribute is applicable to advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) (advanced shipment notice (ASN) with billing information). |
PaymentTermsName | String | Name of the payment terms used to schedule payments and to calculate due dates, discount dates, and discount amounts, if applicable. This attribute is applicable to advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) (advanced shipment notice (ASN) with billing information). |
CurrencyCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the invoice amount currency. This attribute is applicable to advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) (advanced shipment notice (ASN) with billing information). |
InsertAndProcessFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the Manage Receiving Transactions API processes the posted interface data automatically and immediately returns the response. If false, then the records are created in interface tables but no processing is done. These interface records can subsequently processed by the Manage Receiving Transactions scheduled process. The default value is true. |
ReturnStatus | String | Value that indicates the status of the application call that is sent to the client. Values include SUCCESS or ERROR. |
SaveAndSubmitFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the Manage Receiving Transactions API resubmits the patched interface data automatically and immediately returns the response. If false, then the records are updated in interface tables but not resubmitted. The default value is false. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | Value that contains reference information for the corresponding transaction in external applications. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DocumentNumber | String | DocumentNumber |
FromDate | Datetime | FromDate |
ItemId | Long | ItemId |
ItemNumber | String | ItemNumber |
POHeaderId | Long | POHeaderId |
RMANumber | String | RMANumber |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | ReceiptAdviceHeaderId |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | ShipmentHeaderId |
SourceDocumentCode | String | SourceDocumentCode |
ToDate | Datetime | ToDate |
TransactionStatusCode | String | TransactionStatusCode |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | TransferOrderHeaderId |
Finder | String | finder |