Name | Type | Description |
ToOrganizationCode | String | ToOrganizationCode of LinesToReturn |
ToOrganizationId | Long | ToOrganizationId of LinesToReturn |
FromOrganizationCode | String | FromOrganizationCode of LinesToReturn |
FromOrganizationId | Long | FromOrganizationId of LinesToReturn |
ItemNumber | String | ItemNumber of LinesToReturn |
ItemId | Long | ItemId of LinesToReturn |
ItemDescription | String | ItemDescription of LinesToReturn |
ItemRevision | String | ItemRevision of LinesToReturn |
ReceiptNumber | String | ReceiptNumber of LinesToReturn |
LineStatus | String | LineStatus of LinesToReturn |
DocumentType | String | DocumentType of LinesToReturn |
SourceDocumentCode | String | SourceDocumentCode of LinesToReturn |
DocumentNumber | String | DocumentNumber of LinesToReturn |
DocumentLineNumber | String | DocumentLineNumber of LinesToReturn |
DocumentScheduleNumber | String | DocumentScheduleNumber of LinesToReturn |
DocumentDistributionNumber | Double | DocumentDistributionNumber of LinesToReturn |
TransactionDate | Date | TransactionDate of LinesToReturn |
VendorName | String | VendorName of LinesToReturn |
VendorId | Long | VendorId of LinesToReturn |
VendorSiteCode | String | VendorSiteCode of LinesToReturn |
VendorSiteId | Long | VendorSiteId of LinesToReturn |
VendorItemNumber | String | VendorItemNumber of LinesToReturn |
TOShipmentNumber | String | TOShipmentNumber of LinesToReturn |
ASNNumber | String | ASNNumber of LinesToReturn |
ASNLineNumber | Double | ASNLineNumber of LinesToReturn |
CustomerPartyName | String | CustomerPartyName of LinesToReturn |
CustomerId | Long | CustomerId of LinesToReturn |
AvailableQuantity | Double | AvailableQuantity of LinesToReturn |
UnitOfMeasure | String | UnitOfMeasure of LinesToReturn |
UOMCode | String | UOMCode of LinesToReturn |
SecondaryAvailableQuantity | Double | SecondaryAvailableQuantity of LinesToReturn |
SecondaryUnitOfMeasure | String | SecondaryUnitOfMeasure of LinesToReturn |
SecondaryUOMCode | String | SecondaryUOMCode of LinesToReturn |
DestinationType | String | DestinationType of LinesToReturn |
DestinationTypeCode | String | DestinationTypeCode of LinesToReturn |
Location | String | Location of LinesToReturn |
LocationId | Long | LocationId of LinesToReturn |
Routing | String | Routing of LinesToReturn |
RoutingHeaderId | Long | RoutingHeaderId of LinesToReturn |
POHeaderId | Long | POHeaderId of LinesToReturn |
POLineLocationId | Long | POLineLocationId of LinesToReturn |
POLineId | Long | POLineId of LinesToReturn |
PODistributionId | Long | PODistributionId of LinesToReturn |
PORevisionNumber | Long | PORevisionNumber of LinesToReturn |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | ShipmentHeaderId of LinesToReturn |
ShipmentLineId | Long | ShipmentLineId of LinesToReturn |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | TransferOrderHeaderId of LinesToReturn |
TransferOrderLineId | Long | TransferOrderLineId of LinesToReturn |
TransferOrderDistId | Long | TransferOrderDistId of LinesToReturn |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | ReceiptAdviceHeaderId of LinesToReturn |
ReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | ReceiptAdviceLineId of LinesToReturn |
ReceiptSourceCode | String | ReceiptSourceCode of LinesToReturn |
ConsignedItems | String | ConsignedItems of LinesToReturn |
BackToBack | String | BackToBack of LinesToReturn |
CategoryName | String | CategoryName of LinesToReturn |
CategoryId | Long | CategoryId of LinesToReturn |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of LinesToReturn |
CurrencyConversionRate | Double | CurrencyConversionRate of LinesToReturn |
CurrencyConversionDate | Date | CurrencyConversionDate of LinesToReturn |
CurrencyConversionType | String | CurrencyConversionType of LinesToReturn |
InventoryTransactionTypeId | Long | InventoryTransactionTypeId of LinesToReturn |
ParentTransactionType | String | ParentTransactionType of LinesToReturn |
ParentTransactionId [KEY] | Long | ParentTransactionId of LinesToReturn |
GrandParentTransactionId | Long | GrandParentTransactionId of LinesToReturn |
Reason | String | Reason of LinesToReturn |
ReasonId | Long | ReasonId of LinesToReturn |
ReceiptException | String | ReceiptException of LinesToReturn |
EmployeeName | String | EmployeeName of LinesToReturn |
EmployeeId | Long | EmployeeId of LinesToReturn |
Subinventory | String | Subinventory of LinesToReturn |
Locator | String | Locator of LinesToReturn |
LocatorId | Long | LocatorId of LinesToReturn |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
BindASNNumber | String | bindASNNumber |
BindBackToBack | String | bindBackToBack |
BindConsigned | String | bindConsigned |
BindDocumentDistributionNumber | Long | bindDocumentDistributionNumber |
BindDocumentLineNumber | String | bindDocumentLineNumber |
BindDocumentNumber | String | bindDocumentNumber |
BindDocumentScheduleNumber | String | bindDocumentScheduleNumber |
BindDocumentType | String | bindDocumentType |
BindFromDate | Date | bindFromDate |
BindItemId | Long | bindItemId |
BindItemNumber | String | bindItemNumber |
BindOrganizationCode | String | bindOrganizationCode |
BindOrganizationId | Long | bindOrganizationId |
BindPODistributionId | Long | bindPODistributionId |
BindPOHeaderId | Long | bindPOHeaderId |
BindPOLineId | Long | bindPOLineId |
BindPOLineLocationId | Long | bindPOLineLocationId |
BindParentTransactionId | Long | bindParentTransactionId |
BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | bindReceiptAdviceHeaderId |
BindReceiptAdviceLineId | Long | bindReceiptAdviceLineId |
BindReceiptNumber | String | bindReceiptNumber |
BindShipmentHeaderId | Long | bindShipmentHeaderId |
BindShipmentLineId | Long | bindShipmentLineId |
BindSourceDocumentCode | String | bindSourceDocumentCode |
BindTOShipment | String | bindTOShipment |
BindToDate | Date | bindToDate |
BindTransferOrderDistId | Long | bindTransferOrderDistId |
BindTransferOrderHeaderId | Long | bindTransferOrderHeaderId |
BindTransferOrderLineId | Long | bindTransferOrderLineId |
Finder | String | finder |