Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
InventoryMovementRequestsHeaderId [KEY] Long InventoryMovementRequestsHeaderId of InventoryMovementRequestslines
HeaderId Long HeaderId of InventoryMovementRequestslines
LineId [KEY] Long LineId of InventoryMovementRequestslines
LineNumber Long LineNumber of InventoryMovementRequestslines
InventoryItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
ItemNumber String Name of the inventory item.
ItemDescription String ItemDescription of InventoryMovementRequestslines
ItemRevision String Value that indicates the revision of the inventory item.
TransactionTypeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the type of transaction.
TransactionType String Name of the transaction type.
RequiredDate Datetime Date when the movement request line is required.
RequesterName String Name of the person who requested the movement.
RequesterId Long Value that uniquely identifies the person who requested the movement.
Reason String Name of the movement request reason.
ReasonId Long Value that uniquely identifies the movement request reason.
Order String Order of InventoryMovementRequestslines
Reference String Reference to the movement request.
RequestedQuantity Double Quantity requested for the item.
QuantityDelivered Double QuantityDelivered of InventoryMovementRequestslines
UOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure of the line quantity.
UOMName String Name of the unit of measure of the line quantity.
SecondaryRequestedQuantity Double Quantity requested for the item in the secondary unit of measure.
SecondaryQuantityDelivered Double SecondaryQuantityDelivered of InventoryMovementRequestslines
SecondaryUOMCode String SecondaryUOMCode of InventoryMovementRequestslines
SecondaryUOMName String SecondaryUOMName of InventoryMovementRequestslines
StatusDate Date StatusDate of InventoryMovementRequestslines
StatusCode Int Value that uniquely identifies the line status for the movement request. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_TXN_REQUEST_STATUS.
Status String Value that indicates the status for the movement request line.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of InventoryMovementRequestslines
SourceSubinventory String Abbreviation that identifies the source subinventory.
SourceLocatorId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source stock locator.
SourceLocator String Description of the source stock locator.
ReferenceTypeCode Int ReferenceTypeCode of InventoryMovementRequestslines
ReferenceSourceType String ReferenceSourceType of InventoryMovementRequestslines
DestinationSubinventory String Abbreviation that identifies the destination subinventory.
DestinationLocatorId Long Value that uniquely identifies the destination stock locator.
DestinationLocator String Description of the destination stock locator.
DestinationAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the destination account.
DestinationAccount String Number that indicates the destination account for the movement request.
ShipToLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the destination location.
ShipToLocation String ShipToLocation of InventoryMovementRequestslines
LotNumber String Number that identifies the lot for the inventory item. This attribute is used when the warehouse places the item under lot control.
Grade String Grade of InventoryMovementRequestslines
ToSerialNumber String Ending serial number in a range of serial numbers that tracks items that are in inventory. The application uses this attribute when the warehouse places the item under serial control.
FromSerialNumber String Starting serial number in a range of serial numbers that tracks items that are in inventory. The application uses this attribute when the warehouse places the item under serial control.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BindItemNumber String bindItemNumber
BindLineStatus String bindLineStatus
BindMovementRequestNumber String bindMovementRequestNumber
BindMovementRequestType String bindMovementRequestType
BindOrganizationCode String bindOrganizationCode
BindUserName String bindUserName
Finder String finder

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839