Cmdlets for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
B2bTradingPartnersTradingPartnerId [KEY] Long B2bTradingPartnersTradingPartnerId of B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessages
PartnerMessageId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the trading partner message. This attribute is a foreign key reference to the trading partner message.
PartnerMessageName String Name of the outbound collaboration message.
PartnerMessageStatus String Value that specifies the status of the outbound collaboration message.
PartnerMessageStatusDate Datetime Date when the outbound collaboration message status is set.
ProcessingAction String Value that defines the action of outbound message which is sent through SOAP headers.
MessageId Long Value that uniquely identifies the collaboration message. This attribute is a foreign key reference to the collaboration message.
MessageName String Name of the collaboration message name.
ServiceProviderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the service provider. This attribute is a foreign key reference to the service provider.
DocumentId Long Value that uniquely identifies the collaboration document. This attribute is a foreign key reference to the collaboration document.
DocumentName String DocumentName of B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessages
DeliveryMethodId Long Value that uniquely identifies the delivery method for the outbound collaboration message. This attribute is a foreign key reference to the delivery method for the outbound collaboration message.
DeliveryMethodName String Name of the delivery method for the outbound collaboration message.
AlternateDeliveryMethodId Long Value that uniquely identifies the alternate delivery method. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates a delivery method record.
AlternateDeliveryMethodName String Name of the alternate delivery method.
PartnerMessageCustomizationId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the trading partner message customization. This attribute is a foreign key reference to the trading partner message customization.
RetentionDuration Int Value that specifies the duration of retention of the outbound collaboration message.
RetentionDurationType String Value that specifies the type of duration of retention of the outbound collaboration message.
OverrideStatus String Value that specifies the override status of the outbound collaboration message. Values include Inactive, Active, or Loopback. The default value is Inactive.
OverrideStatusDate Datetime Date when the status of the outbound collaboration message was overridden.
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessages
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of B2bTradingPartnersoutboundCollaborationMessages
AttachmentProcessingMethod String Value that indicates how the message attachments are sent to trading partners. Valid values include In message, In payload, and MIME part.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TradingPartnerId Long TradingPartnerId
BindServiceProviderId Long bindServiceProviderId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839