Name | Type | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | ItemId of ItemTemplates |
OrganizationId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationId of ItemTemplates |
OrganizationCode | String | OrganizationCode of ItemTemplates |
ItemClass | String | ItemClass of ItemTemplates |
ItemNumber | String | ItemNumber of ItemTemplates |
ItemDescription | String | ItemDescription of ItemTemplates |
ApprovalStatusValue | String | ApprovalStatusValue of ItemTemplates |
ItemStatusValue | String | ItemStatusValue of ItemTemplates |
LifecyclePhaseValue | String | LifecyclePhaseValue of ItemTemplates |
StyleItemFlag | Bool | StyleItemFlag of ItemTemplates |
Keyword | String | Keyword of ItemTemplates |
IgnoreDuplicateItemFlag | Bool | IgnoreDuplicateItemFlag of ItemTemplates |
UserItemTypeValue | String | UserItemTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
PackTypeValue | String | PackTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
LongDescription | String | LongDescription of ItemTemplates |
FormattedDescription | String | FormattedDescription of ItemTemplates |
PrimaryUOMValue | String | PrimaryUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
TransactionConversionValue | String | TransactionConversionValue of ItemTemplates |
DefaultingControlValue | String | DefaultingControlValue of ItemTemplates |
PositiveDeviationFactor | Double | PositiveDeviationFactor of ItemTemplates |
NegativeDeviationFactor | Double | NegativeDeviationFactor of ItemTemplates |
CopyItemAndApplyTemplatesFlag | Bool | CopyItemAndApplyTemplatesFlag of ItemTemplates |
CopyAssociationsFlag | Bool | CopyAssociationsFlag of ItemTemplates |
CopyAttachmentsFlag | Bool | CopyAttachmentsFlag of ItemTemplates |
CopyCategoriesFlag | Bool | CopyCategoriesFlag of ItemTemplates |
CopyOrganizationAssignmentsFlag | Bool | CopyOrganizationAssignmentsFlag of ItemTemplates |
LastSubmittedNewItemRequest | String | LastSubmittedNewItemRequest of ItemTemplates |
ChangeNotice | String | ChangeNotice of ItemTemplates |
ChangeOrderLineSequenceNumber | Int | ChangeOrderLineSequenceNumber of ItemTemplates |
StructureItemTypeValue | String | StructureItemTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
CreateConfiguredItem | String | CreateConfiguredItem of ItemTemplates |
ConfigModelTypeValue | String | ConfigModelTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
EffectivityControlValue | String | EffectivityControlValue of ItemTemplates |
BaseItemValue | String | BaseItemValue of ItemTemplates |
AutoCreatedConfigurationFlag | Bool | AutoCreatedConfigurationFlag of ItemTemplates |
PickComponentsFlag | Bool | PickComponentsFlag of ItemTemplates |
AssembleToOrderFlag | Bool | AssembleToOrderFlag of ItemTemplates |
CostingEnabledFlag | Bool | CostingEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
IncludeInRollUpFlag | Bool | IncludeInRollUpFlag of ItemTemplates |
StandardLotSize | Double | StandardLotSize of ItemTemplates |
InventoryAssetFlag | Bool | InventoryAssetFlag of ItemTemplates |
BuildInWIPFlag | Bool | BuildInWIPFlag of ItemTemplates |
WIPSupplyTypeValue | String | WIPSupplyTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
WIPSupplyLocatorValue | String | WIPSupplyLocatorValue of ItemTemplates |
WIPSupplySubinventoryValue | String | WIPSupplySubinventoryValue of ItemTemplates |
OvercompletionToleranceTypeValue | String | OvercompletionToleranceTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
OvercompletionToleranceValue | Double | OvercompletionToleranceValue of ItemTemplates |
InventoryCarryPenalty | Double | InventoryCarryPenalty of ItemTemplates |
OperationSlackPenalty | Double | OperationSlackPenalty of ItemTemplates |
RecipeEnabledFlag | Bool | RecipeEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ProcessQualityEnabledFlag | Bool | ProcessQualityEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ProcessCostingEnabledFlag | Bool | ProcessCostingEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ProcessExecutionEnabledFlag | Bool | ProcessExecutionEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ProcessSupplySubinventoryValue | String | ProcessSupplySubinventoryValue of ItemTemplates |
ProcessSupplyLocatorValue | String | ProcessSupplyLocatorValue of ItemTemplates |
ProcessYieldSubinventoryValue | String | ProcessYieldSubinventoryValue of ItemTemplates |
ProcessYieldLocatorValue | String | ProcessYieldLocatorValue of ItemTemplates |
HazardousMaterialFlag | Bool | HazardousMaterialFlag of ItemTemplates |
CASNumber | String | CASNumber of ItemTemplates |
AssetTrackedFlag | Bool | AssetTrackedFlag of ItemTemplates |
AssetClassValue | String | AssetClassValue of ItemTemplates |
ServiceRequestEnabledValue | String | ServiceRequestEnabledValue of ItemTemplates |
DefectTrackingOnFlag | Bool | DefectTrackingOnFlag of ItemTemplates |
ServiceDurationTypeValue | String | ServiceDurationTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
ServiceDuration | Double | ServiceDuration of ItemTemplates |
ServiceDurationPeriodValue | String | ServiceDurationPeriodValue of ItemTemplates |
ServiceStartTypeValue | String | ServiceStartTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
ServiceStartDelay | Double | ServiceStartDelay of ItemTemplates |
AllowSuspendFlag | Bool | AllowSuspendFlag of ItemTemplates |
AllowTerminateFlag | Bool | AllowTerminateFlag of ItemTemplates |
RequiresItemAssociationFlag | Bool | RequiresItemAssociationFlag of ItemTemplates |
CreateFixedAssetFlag | Bool | CreateFixedAssetFlag of ItemTemplates |
InstanceClassValue | String | InstanceClassValue of ItemTemplates |
BillingTypeValue | String | BillingTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
ServiceBillingEnabledFlag | Bool | ServiceBillingEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
RecoveredPartDispositionValue | String | RecoveredPartDispositionValue of ItemTemplates |
InventoryItemFlag | Bool | InventoryItemFlag of ItemTemplates |
StockEnabledFlag | Bool | StockEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
MaterialTransactionEnabledFlag | Bool | MaterialTransactionEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ReservableFlag | Bool | ReservableFlag of ItemTemplates |
CheckMaterialShortageFlag | Bool | CheckMaterialShortageFlag of ItemTemplates |
RevisionQuantityControlFlag | Bool | RevisionQuantityControlFlag of ItemTemplates |
BulkPickedFlag | Bool | BulkPickedFlag of ItemTemplates |
LotControlValue | String | LotControlValue of ItemTemplates |
StartingLotPrefix | String | StartingLotPrefix of ItemTemplates |
StartingLotNumber | String | StartingLotNumber of ItemTemplates |
MaturityDays | Double | MaturityDays of ItemTemplates |
HoldDays | Double | HoldDays of ItemTemplates |
LotExpirationControlValue | String | LotExpirationControlValue of ItemTemplates |
ShelfLifeDays | Double | ShelfLifeDays of ItemTemplates |
RetestInterval | Double | RetestInterval of ItemTemplates |
ExpirationActionValue | String | ExpirationActionValue of ItemTemplates |
ExpirationActionInterval | Double | ExpirationActionInterval of ItemTemplates |
ChildLotEnabledFlag | Bool | ChildLotEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ChildLotFormatValidationFlag | Bool | ChildLotFormatValidationFlag of ItemTemplates |
CopyLotAttributeFlag | Bool | CopyLotAttributeFlag of ItemTemplates |
ChildLotPrefix | String | ChildLotPrefix of ItemTemplates |
ChildLotStartingNumber | Double | ChildLotStartingNumber of ItemTemplates |
ChildLotParent | String | ChildLotParent of ItemTemplates |
LotTranslateEnabledFlag | Bool | LotTranslateEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
LotSplitEnabledFlag | Bool | LotSplitEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
LotDivisibleFlag | Bool | LotDivisibleFlag of ItemTemplates |
LotSubstitutionEnabledFlag | Bool | LotSubstitutionEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
LotMergeEnabledFlag | Bool | LotMergeEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
GradeControlFlag | Bool | GradeControlFlag of ItemTemplates |
DefaultGradeValue | String | DefaultGradeValue of ItemTemplates |
SerialGenerationValue | String | SerialGenerationValue of ItemTemplates |
SerialStartingPrefix | String | SerialStartingPrefix of ItemTemplates |
SerialStartingNumber | String | SerialStartingNumber of ItemTemplates |
NegativeMeasurementError | Double | NegativeMeasurementError of ItemTemplates |
PositiveMeasurementError | Double | PositiveMeasurementError of ItemTemplates |
CycleCountEnabledFlag | Bool | CycleCountEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
LotStatusEnabledFlag | Bool | LotStatusEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
SerialStatusEnabledFlag | Bool | SerialStatusEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
DefaultLotStatusValue | String | DefaultLotStatusValue of ItemTemplates |
DefaultSerialStatusValue | String | DefaultSerialStatusValue of ItemTemplates |
RestrictSubinventoriesFlag | Bool | RestrictSubinventoriesFlag of ItemTemplates |
RestrictLocatorsFlag | Bool | RestrictLocatorsFlag of ItemTemplates |
StockLocatorControlValue | String | StockLocatorControlValue of ItemTemplates |
DimensionUOMValue | String | DimensionUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
UnitWidthQuantity | Double | UnitWidthQuantity of ItemTemplates |
UnitLengthQuantity | Double | UnitLengthQuantity of ItemTemplates |
UnitHeightQuantity | Double | UnitHeightQuantity of ItemTemplates |
WeightUOMValue | String | WeightUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
UnitWeightQuantity | Double | UnitWeightQuantity of ItemTemplates |
VolumeUOMValue | String | VolumeUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
UnitVolumeQuantity | Double | UnitVolumeQuantity of ItemTemplates |
ContainerItemFlag | Bool | ContainerItemFlag of ItemTemplates |
ContainerTypeValue | String | ContainerTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
MaximumLoadWeight | Double | MaximumLoadWeight of ItemTemplates |
VehicleItemFlag | Bool | VehicleItemFlag of ItemTemplates |
InternalVolume | Double | InternalVolume of ItemTemplates |
MinimumFillPercent | Double | MinimumFillPercent of ItemTemplates |
WarehouseEquipmentFlag | Bool | WarehouseEquipmentFlag of ItemTemplates |
EventFlag | Bool | EventFlag of ItemTemplates |
CollateralFlag | Bool | CollateralFlag of ItemTemplates |
CustomerOrderFlag | Bool | CustomerOrderFlag of ItemTemplates |
CustomerOrderEnabledFlag | Bool | CustomerOrderEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ATPComponentsValue | String | ATPComponentsValue of ItemTemplates |
PickingRuleValue | String | PickingRuleValue of ItemTemplates |
RMAInspectionRequiredFlag | Bool | RMAInspectionRequiredFlag of ItemTemplates |
EligibilityRuleFlag | Bool | EligibilityRuleFlag of ItemTemplates |
ReturnableFlag | Bool | ReturnableFlag of ItemTemplates |
ATPValue | String | ATPValue of ItemTemplates |
FinancingAllowedFlag | Bool | FinancingAllowedFlag of ItemTemplates |
SalesProductTypeValue | String | SalesProductTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
TransactionEnabledFlag | Bool | TransactionEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
OrderManagementIndivisibleFlag | Bool | OrderManagementIndivisibleFlag of ItemTemplates |
DefaultSalesOrderSourceTypeValue | String | DefaultSalesOrderSourceTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
ElectronicFormatFlag | Bool | ElectronicFormatFlag of ItemTemplates |
ShippableFlag | Bool | ShippableFlag of ItemTemplates |
DefaultShippingOrganizationValue | String | DefaultShippingOrganizationValue of ItemTemplates |
ShipModelCompleteFlag | Bool | ShipModelCompleteFlag of ItemTemplates |
DownloadableFlag | Bool | DownloadableFlag of ItemTemplates |
OverShipmentTolerance | Double | OverShipmentTolerance of ItemTemplates |
UnderShipmentTolerance | Double | UnderShipmentTolerance of ItemTemplates |
OverReturnTolerance | Double | OverReturnTolerance of ItemTemplates |
UnderReturnTolerance | Double | UnderReturnTolerance of ItemTemplates |
InvoiceEnabledFlag | Bool | InvoiceEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
AccountingRuleValue | String | AccountingRuleValue of ItemTemplates |
PaymentTermsValue | String | PaymentTermsValue of ItemTemplates |
OutputTaxClassificationCodeValue | String | OutputTaxClassificationCodeValue of ItemTemplates |
InvoicedFlag | Bool | InvoicedFlag of ItemTemplates |
InvoicingRuleValue | String | InvoicingRuleValue of ItemTemplates |
SalesAccountValue | String | SalesAccountValue of ItemTemplates |
WebStatusValue | String | WebStatusValue of ItemTemplates |
BackOrderableFlag | Bool | BackOrderableFlag of ItemTemplates |
OrderableOnWebFlag | Bool | OrderableOnWebFlag of ItemTemplates |
MinimumLicenseQuantity | Double | MinimumLicenseQuantity of ItemTemplates |
InventoryPlanningMethodValue | String | InventoryPlanningMethodValue of ItemTemplates |
PlanningMakeBuyValue | String | PlanningMakeBuyValue of ItemTemplates |
Planner | String | Planner of ItemTemplates |
SubcontractingComponentValue | String | SubcontractingComponentValue of ItemTemplates |
MinimumMinmaxQuantity | Double | MinimumMinmaxQuantity of ItemTemplates |
MaximumMinmaxQuantity | Double | MaximumMinmaxQuantity of ItemTemplates |
MinimumOrderQuantity | Double | MinimumOrderQuantity of ItemTemplates |
MaximumOrderQuantity | Double | MaximumOrderQuantity of ItemTemplates |
OrderCost | Double | OrderCost of ItemTemplates |
SourceOrganizationValue | String | SourceOrganizationValue of ItemTemplates |
SourceSubinventoryOrganizationValue | String | SourceSubinventoryOrganizationValue of ItemTemplates |
SourceSubinventoryValue | String | SourceSubinventoryValue of ItemTemplates |
FixedOrderQuantity | Double | FixedOrderQuantity of ItemTemplates |
FixedDaysSupply | Double | FixedDaysSupply of ItemTemplates |
FixedLotSizeMultiplier | Double | FixedLotSizeMultiplier of ItemTemplates |
ReleaseAuthorizationRequiredValue | String | ReleaseAuthorizationRequiredValue of ItemTemplates |
AutomaticallyExpireASNFlag | Bool | AutomaticallyExpireASNFlag of ItemTemplates |
ConsignedFlag | Bool | ConsignedFlag of ItemTemplates |
ReplenishmentMinimumOrder | Double | ReplenishmentMinimumOrder of ItemTemplates |
ReplenishmentMaximumOrder | Double | ReplenishmentMaximumOrder of ItemTemplates |
VMIFixedOrderQuantity | Double | VMIFixedOrderQuantity of ItemTemplates |
ForecastTypelValue | String | ForecastTypelValue of ItemTemplates |
ForecastHorizon | Double | ForecastHorizon of ItemTemplates |
PlanningMethodValue | String | PlanningMethodValue of ItemTemplates |
RoundingControlTypeFlag | Bool | RoundingControlTypeFlag of ItemTemplates |
CreateSupplyFlag | Bool | CreateSupplyFlag of ItemTemplates |
PlanningTimeFence | String | PlanningTimeFence of ItemTemplates |
DemandTimeFence | String | DemandTimeFence of ItemTemplates |
ReleaseTimeFence | String | ReleaseTimeFence of ItemTemplates |
ShrinkageRate | Double | ShrinkageRate of ItemTemplates |
ForecastControlValue | String | ForecastControlValue of ItemTemplates |
AcceptableEarlyDays | Double | AcceptableEarlyDays of ItemTemplates |
PlanningTimeDays | Double | PlanningTimeDays of ItemTemplates |
DemandTimeDays | Double | DemandTimeDays of ItemTemplates |
ReleaseTimeDays | Double | ReleaseTimeDays of ItemTemplates |
MRPCalculateATPFlag | Bool | MRPCalculateATPFlag of ItemTemplates |
RepairLeadtime | Double | RepairLeadtime of ItemTemplates |
RepairYield | Double | RepairYield of ItemTemplates |
PreprocessingDays | Double | PreprocessingDays of ItemTemplates |
PostprocessingDays | Double | PostprocessingDays of ItemTemplates |
ProcessingDays | Double | ProcessingDays of ItemTemplates |
VariableLeadTime | Double | VariableLeadTime of ItemTemplates |
CumulativeTotalLeadTime | Double | CumulativeTotalLeadTime of ItemTemplates |
FixedLeadTime | Double | FixedLeadTime of ItemTemplates |
CumulativeManufacturingLeadTime | Double | CumulativeManufacturingLeadTime of ItemTemplates |
LeadTimeLotSize | Double | LeadTimeLotSize of ItemTemplates |
PurchasingFlag | Bool | PurchasingFlag of ItemTemplates |
UseApprovedSupplierFlag | Bool | UseApprovedSupplierFlag of ItemTemplates |
NegotiationRequiredFlag | Bool | NegotiationRequiredFlag of ItemTemplates |
PurchasingInputTaxClassificationValue | String | PurchasingInputTaxClassificationValue of ItemTemplates |
InvoiceCloseTolerancePercentage | Double | InvoiceCloseTolerancePercentage of ItemTemplates |
HazardClassValue | String | HazardClassValue of ItemTemplates |
AssetCategoryValue | String | AssetCategoryValue of ItemTemplates |
PurchasableFlag | Bool | PurchasableFlag of ItemTemplates |
TaxableFlag | Bool | TaxableFlag of ItemTemplates |
BuyerOrganizationValue | String | BuyerOrganizationValue of ItemTemplates |
DefaultBuyerValue | String | DefaultBuyerValue of ItemTemplates |
ReceiptCloseTolerancePercentage | Double | ReceiptCloseTolerancePercentage of ItemTemplates |
UNNumberValue | String | UNNumberValue of ItemTemplates |
ListPrice | Double | ListPrice of ItemTemplates |
PriceTolerancePercentage | Double | PriceTolerancePercentage of ItemTemplates |
MarketPrice | Double | MarketPrice of ItemTemplates |
RoundingFactor | Double | RoundingFactor of ItemTemplates |
MatchApprovalLevelValue | String | MatchApprovalLevelValue of ItemTemplates |
MatchConfigurationOptionValue | String | MatchConfigurationOptionValue of ItemTemplates |
ReceiptDateActionValue | String | ReceiptDateActionValue of ItemTemplates |
DaysEarlyReceiptAllowed | Double | DaysEarlyReceiptAllowed of ItemTemplates |
DaysLateReceiptAllowed | Double | DaysLateReceiptAllowed of ItemTemplates |
AllowSubstituteReceiptsFlag | Bool | AllowSubstituteReceiptsFlag of ItemTemplates |
AllowUnorderedReceiptsFlag | Bool | AllowUnorderedReceiptsFlag of ItemTemplates |
QuantityReceivedToleranceAction | String | QuantityReceivedToleranceAction of ItemTemplates |
QuantityReceivedTolerancePercentage | Double | QuantityReceivedTolerancePercentage of ItemTemplates |
ItemExtensibleFlexfieldCategoryCode | String | ItemExtensibleFlexfieldCategoryCode of ItemTemplates |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of ItemTemplates |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of ItemTemplates |
BackToBackEnabledFlag | Bool | BackToBackEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ContractManufacturingFlag | Bool | ContractManufacturingFlag of ItemTemplates |
DaysOfCover | Double | DaysOfCover of ItemTemplates |
DemandPeriod | Double | DemandPeriod of ItemTemplates |
SafetyStockPlanningMethodValue | String | SafetyStockPlanningMethodValue of ItemTemplates |
OutsideProcessServiceFlag | Bool | OutsideProcessServiceFlag of ItemTemplates |
AllowMaintenanceAssetFlag | Bool | AllowMaintenanceAssetFlag of ItemTemplates |
EnableGenealogyTrackingFlag | Bool | EnableGenealogyTrackingFlag of ItemTemplates |
EngineeredItemFlag | Bool | EngineeredItemFlag of ItemTemplates |
ProcurementBusinessUnitName | String | ProcurementBusinessUnitName of ItemTemplates |
ForcePurchaseLeadTimeFlag | Bool | ForcePurchaseLeadTimeFlag of ItemTemplates |
ReplacementTypeValue | String | ReplacementTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
BuyerEmailAddress | String | BuyerEmailAddress of ItemTemplates |
AssetTrackedValue | String | AssetTrackedValue of ItemTemplates |
RequestId | Long | RequestId of ItemTemplates |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of ItemTemplates |
CreationDateTime | Datetime | CreationDateTime of ItemTemplates |
LastUpdateDateTime | Datetime | LastUpdateDateTime of ItemTemplates |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of ItemTemplates |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of ItemTemplates |
InternallyTransferableFlag | Bool | InternallyTransferableFlag of ItemTemplates |
TransferOrdersEnabledFlag | Bool | TransferOrdersEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
ReplenishmentMaximumDaysOfSupply | Double | ReplenishmentMaximumDaysOfSupply of ItemTemplates |
CustomerSelfServiceEnabledFlag | Bool | CustomerSelfServiceEnabledFlag of ItemTemplates |
AllowPurchasingDocumentDescriptionUpdateFlag | Bool | AllowPurchasingDocumentDescriptionUpdateFlag of ItemTemplates |
EnableContractCoverage | Bool | EnableContractCoverage of ItemTemplates |
CarryingCostPercentage | Double | CarryingCostPercentage of ItemTemplates |
ReplenishmentMinimumDaysOfSupply | Double | ReplenishmentMinimumDaysOfSupply of ItemTemplates |
AllowExpressTransactionsFlag | Bool | AllowExpressTransactionsFlag of ItemTemplates |
ReceiptRoutingValue | String | ReceiptRoutingValue of ItemTemplates |
InvoiceMatchOptionValue | String | InvoiceMatchOptionValue of ItemTemplates |
CommsActivationRequiredFlag | Bool | CommsActivationRequiredFlag of ItemTemplates |
RequiresFulfillmentLocationFlag | Bool | RequiresFulfillmentLocationFlag of ItemTemplates |
IssueUOMValue | String | IssueUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
EnforceShipToLocationValue | String | EnforceShipToLocationValue of ItemTemplates |
StandardCoverageValue | String | StandardCoverageValue of ItemTemplates |
ReplenishmentSourceTypeValue | String | ReplenishmentSourceTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
TrackingUOMValue | String | TrackingUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
SecondaryUOMValue | String | SecondaryUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
PricingUOMValue | String | PricingUOMValue of ItemTemplates |
HardPeggingLevelValue | String | HardPeggingLevelValue of ItemTemplates |
CommonSupplyProjectDemandFlag | Bool | CommonSupplyProjectDemandFlag of ItemTemplates |
EnableIotFlag | Bool | EnableIotFlag of ItemTemplates |
ExpenditureTypeValue | String | ExpenditureTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
PackagingStringValue | String | PackagingStringValue of ItemTemplates |
CreateSupplyAfterDate | Date | CreateSupplyAfterDate of ItemTemplates |
CreateFixedAssetValue | String | CreateFixedAssetValue of ItemTemplates |
UnderCompletionToleranceTypeValue | String | UnderCompletionToleranceTypeValue of ItemTemplates |
UnderCompletionToleranceValue | Double | UnderCompletionToleranceValue of ItemTemplates |
DefaultRepairTransactionName | String | DefaultRepairTransactionName of ItemTemplates |
TemplateName | String | TemplateName of ItemTemplates |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Finder | String | finder |