Name | Type | Description |
SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId [KEY] | Long | SalesOrdersForOrderHubHeaderId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails |
LinesFulfillLineId [KEY] | Long | LinesFulfillLineId of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails |
AssetTransactionDetailId [KEY] | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the asset transaction detail for an order line. |
FulfillLineId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the order line that contains the asset transaction details. |
SourceAssetTransactionDetailId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the asset transaction detail for an order line. The source application assigns this value. |
AssetId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the asset. |
AssetNumber | String | Number that identifies the asset. |
Quantity | Double | Quantity of the asset transacted by installed base assets. |
AssetUOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure for the asset quantity. |
AssetUOM | String | Unit of measure for the asset quantity. |
StatusId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the status of the asset after installed base does the transaction on the asset. |
StatusCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the status of the asset after installed base does the transaction on the asset. |
Status | String | Status of the asset after installed base does the transaction on the asset. |
AssetTransactionActionCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the transaction that installed base does on the asset. |
AssetTransactionAction | String | Name of the transaction that installed base does on the asset. |
CustomerAssetEndDate | Datetime | Date and time when the customer asset ends in installed base. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of SalesOrdersForOrderHublinesassetTransactionDetails |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
FromDate | Date | FromDate |
HeaderId | String | HeaderId |
OrderKey | String | OrderKey |
OrderNumber | String | OrderNumber |
SourceTransactionNumber | String | SourceTransactionNumber |
SourceTransactionSystem | String | SourceTransactionSystem |
ToDate | Date | ToDate |
Finder | String | finder |