Cmdlets for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long WorkOrdersWorkOrderId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId [KEY] Long WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
OrganizationId Long OrganizationId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkOrderId Long WorkOrderId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkOrderOperationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the work order operation. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates the work order operation.
OperationSequenceNumber Double OperationSequenceNumber of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
OperationName String OperationName of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
StandardOperationId Long StandardOperationId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
StandardOperationCode String StandardOperationCode of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkAreaId Long WorkAreaId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkAreaName String WorkAreaName of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkCenterId Long WorkCenterId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkCenterName String WorkCenterName of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
WorkOrderOperationMaterialId [KEY] Long WorkOrderOperationMaterialId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
MaterialSequenceNumber Double Unique sequence of the component assigned to the work order operation.
MaterialType String MaterialType of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
InventoryItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the item, product, or assembly in the inventory organization.
ItemNumber String Number that identifies the item. If the material type is COMPONENT, then ItemNumber references the component to issue to the work order. If the material type is PRIMARY_PRODUCT, then ItemNumber references the assembly that's an output of the work order.
ItemDescription String ItemDescription of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
ItemRevision String ItemRevision of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
QuantityPERProduct Double Quantity required to manufacture each unit of the product.
BasisType String Value that indicates whether the material quantity is fixed (for example, quantity per lot produced) or variable (for example, quantity per item produced). A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type EGP_BOM_BASIS_TYPE.
Quantity Double Quantity of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
InverseQuantity Double Allocated component quantity.
UOMCode String Unit of measure for the component quantity.
UnitOfMeasure String UnitOfMeasure of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
RequiredDate Datetime Date when the plant requires the materials so that it perform the operation. The required date must not occur before the operation start date, or after the operation completion date.
YieldFactor Double Factor to use when calculating the quantity that the operation requires to accommodate component waste when it processes the item. It is recommended that you set the yield to between 0 and 1. You can set the yield to a value that's greater than 1. The application considers the yield when it calculates the required quantity according to the Include plant parameter for the component yield.
IncludeInPlanningFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then planning considers the material when it plans the supply. If false, then planning doesn't consider the material when it plans supply. The default value is true.
SupplyType String Reference of the supply type used for the work order operation material. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup types EGP_WIP_SUP_TYPE and ORA_WIE_WO_SUPPLY_TYPE.
SupplyTypeDescription String SupplyTypeDescription of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
SupplySubinventory String Subinventory to use, by default, when the plant draws material during assembly or an operation pull.
SupplyLocatorId Long Value that uniquely identifies the locator. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates the locator.
SupplyLocator String Locator in subinventory to use, by default, when the plant draws material during assembly or an operation pull.
ReservedQuantity Double ReservedQuantity of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
IssuedQuantity Double IssuedQuantity of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
ProducedQuantity Double ProducedQuantity of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
AllocatedQuantity Double AllocatedQuantity of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
PickedQuantity Double PickedQuantity of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
RemainingAllocatedQuantity Double RemainingAllocatedQuantity of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial
SubstituteFlag Bool SubstituteFlag of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationMaterial


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BackToBackFlag String BackToBackFlag
ContractMfgFlag String ContractMfgFlag
DueDays Int DueDays
FirmPlannedFlag String FirmPlannedFlag
MaterialItemId Long MaterialItemId
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime PlannedCompletionDate
PlannedStartDate Datetime PlannedStartDate
ProductSerialId Long ProductSerialId
ResourceId Long ResourceId
SerialNumber String SerialNumber
SourceHeaderRefId Long SourceHeaderRefId
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long SourceHeaderReferenceId
SourceLineRefId Long SourceLineRefId
SourceLineReferenceId Long SourceLineReferenceId
SourceSystemId Long SourceSystemId
Tolerance Int Tolerance
WoProjectNumber String WoProjectNumber
WoTaskNumber String WoTaskNumber
WorkOrderNumber String WorkOrderNumber
WorkOrderStatusId Long WorkOrderStatusId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839