Cmdlets for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId [KEY] Long ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
OuterpackingunitsLPNInterfaceId [KEY] Long OuterpackingunitsLPNInterfaceId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
LPNInterfaceId [KEY] Long LPNInterfaceId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
PackingUnit String Name of the packing unit.
TrackingNumber String Tracking number of the packing unit.
MasterSerialNumber String Master serial number that identifies the packing unit.
SealNumber String Number that identifies the seal on a packing unit, locker, or truck to prove that the container remained closed during transport.
PackingUnitType String Item defining characteristics of a packing unit.
FOBCode String Abbreviation that identifies ownership of the items that are in-transit. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type FOB.
Volume Double Volume of material that the packing unit can hold.
VolumeUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure that the container volume uses for the packing unit.
VolumeUOM String Unit of measure that the container volume uses for the packing unit.
GrossWeight Double Weight of the packing unit including contents.
GrossWeightUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure of the gross weight of the packing unit.
GrossWeightUOM String Unit of measure of the gross weight of the packing unit.
TareWeight Double Weight of the container that contains the packing unit.
TareWeightUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure that the tare weight uses for the packing unit.
TareWeightUOM String Unit of measure that the tare weight uses for the packing unit.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits
Attachments String attachments
Costs String costs
Errors String errors
DFF String DFF
InnerPackingUnits String innerPackingUnits
Notes String notes
PackedLines String packedLines


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Carrier String Carrier
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String ExternalSystemTransactionReference
FromActualShipDate Datetime FromActualShipDate
FromInitialShipDate Datetime FromInitialShipDate
Item String Item
ModeOfTransportCode String ModeOfTransportCode
Order String Order
ServiceLevelCode String ServiceLevelCode
ShipFromOrganizationCode String ShipFromOrganizationCode
Shipment String Shipment
ShipmentLine Long ShipmentLine
SoldToCustomer String SoldToCustomer
ToActualShipDate Datetime ToActualShipDate
ToInitialShipDate Datetime ToInitialShipDate
TransactionId Long TransactionId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839