CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsInterfaceTransactionId of ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsinventoryStripingDFF
InterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the transaction. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
ProjectId Long Value that uniquely identifies the project. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
ProjectId_Display String Number that identifies the project. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
TaskId Long Value that uniquely identifies the task. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
TaskId_Display String Number that identifies the task. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
CountryOfOriginCode String Abbreviation that identifies the country of manufacture for this item. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
CountryOfOriginCode_Display String Name of the country of origin. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
_FLEX_Context String Descriptive flexfield context name for inventory striping attributes. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String Descriptive flexfield context display value for inventory striping attributes. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
DocumentNumber String DocumentNumber
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String ExternalSystemTransactionReference
FromDate Datetime FromDate
GroupId Long GroupId
ItemId String ItemId
ItemNumber String ItemNumber
OrganizationCode String OrganizationCode
OrganizationId String OrganizationId
POHeaderId Long POHeaderId
ProcessingStatusCode String ProcessingStatusCode
RMANumber String RMANumber
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long ReceiptAdviceHeaderId
ShipmentHeaderId Long ShipmentHeaderId
ShipmentNumber String ShipmentNumber
SourceDocumentCode String SourceDocumentCode
ToDate Datetime ToDate
TransactionStatusCode String TransactionStatusCode
TransactionType String TransactionType
TransferOrderHeaderId Long TransferOrderHeaderId
Finder String finder

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839