CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
InventoryMovementRequestsHeaderId [KEY] Long InventoryMovementRequestsHeaderId of InventoryMovementRequestslinesinventoryStripingDFF
LinesLineId [KEY] Long LinesLineId of InventoryMovementRequestslinesinventoryStripingDFF
LineId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the movement request line.
ProjectId Long Value that uniquely identifies the project. This attribute is derived from the source document for the pick wave movement requests created for sales orders, transfer orders, and work orders. The attribute is entered when creating the requisition movement request if the transaction type is enabled for projects.
ProjectId_Display String Number that identifies the project. This attribute is derived from the source document for the pick wave movement requests created for sales orders, transfer orders, and work orders. The attribute is entered when creating the requisition movement request if the transaction type is enabled for projects.
TaskId Long Value that uniquely identifies the task. This attribute is derived from the source document for the pick wave movement requests created for sales orders, transfer orders, and work orders. The attribute is entered when creating the requisition movement request if the transaction type is enabled for projects.
TaskId_Display String Number that identifies the task. This attribute is derived from the source document for the pick wave movement requests created for sales orders, transfer orders, and work orders. The attribute is entered when creating the requisition movement request if the transaction type is enabled for projects.
CountryOfOriginCode String Abbreviation that identifies the country of origin. This attribute is not applicable for movement request.
CountryOfOriginCode_Display String Value that identifies the country of origin. This attribute is not applicable for movement request.
_FLEX_Context String Descriptive flexfield context name for inventory striping attributes.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String Descriptive flexfield context display value for inventory striping attributes.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
HeaderId Long HeaderId
BindItemNumber String bindItemNumber
BindLineStatus String bindLineStatus
BindMovementRequestNumber String bindMovementRequestNumber
BindMovementRequestType String bindMovementRequestType
BindOrganizationCode String bindOrganizationCode
BindUserName String bindUserName
Finder String finder

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839