Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
UnitOfMeasureClassesClassId [KEY] String UnitOfMeasureClassesClassId of UnitOfMeasureClassesinterclassConversions
InterclassConversionId [KEY] Long InterclassConversionId of UnitOfMeasureClassesinterclassConversions
InventoryItemId Long The value that uniquely identifies the inventory item that the interclass conversion is being defined for. Either this attribute or ItemNumber is required.
FromUOMClassId String The value that uniquely identifies the unit of measure class. This attribute always references the parent resource instance. For a specific inventory item, interclass conversions are always between two classes, from one class to another class. When creating new interclass conversions, the FromUOMCode and FromUOMClassId attributes are not required.
FromUOMCode String The user-supplied short code that identifies the base unit of measure of a class. This attribute always references the parent resource instance. For a specific inventory item, interclass conversions are always between two classes, from one class to another class. When creating new interclass conversions, the FromUOMCode and FromUOMClassId attributes are not required.
ToUOMClassId String The value that uniquely identifies the unit of measure class. For a specific inventory item, interclass conversions are always between two classes, from one class to another class. When creating new interclass conversions, either the ToUOMCode or the ToUOMClassId attribute is required.
ToUOMCode String The user-supplied short code that identifies the base unit of measure of a class. For a specific inventory item, interclass conversions are always between two classes, from one class to another class. When creating new interclass conversions, either the ToUOMCode or the ToUOMClassId attribute is required.
InterclassConversion Double The rate of conversion between the FromUOMClass and the ToUOMClass, for the specified inventory item. This attribute is required.
InterclassConversionEndDate Date The date when the unit of measure interclass conversion is no longer available.
ItemNumber String The alphanumeric name that uniquely identifies the item that the interclass conversion is being defined for. Either this attribute or InventoryItemId is required.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of UnitOfMeasureClassesinterclassConversions
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of UnitOfMeasureClassesinterclassConversions
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of UnitOfMeasureClassesinterclassConversions
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of UnitOfMeasureClassesinterclassConversions


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ClassCode String ClassCode
ClassId String ClassId
Finder String finder

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839