Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
ItemsV2ItemId [KEY] Long ItemsV2ItemId of ItemsV2ItemSupplierAssociation
ItemsV2OrganizationId [KEY] Long ItemsV2OrganizationId of ItemsV2ItemSupplierAssociation
AssociationId Long An unique identifier for the item supplier association.
ItemId [KEY] Long An unique identifier for a part, material, product or service that is unique as compared with other items by the nature of its attributes.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long An unique identifier for an organizing unit in the internal or external structure of your enterprise. Organization structures provide the framework for performing legal reporting, financial control, and management reporting.
SupplierId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies a supplier.
SupplierName String An attribute value for the vender that will supply the item.
AlternateSupplierNumber String This refers to Supplier number of Supplier in procurement.
SupplierSiteId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies a supplier address.
PartySiteNumber String An attribute value that represents the supplier site name for the supplier site association.
AddressName String An attribute that represents the name of the supplier address.
Address String An attribute that represents the street address where asset party is located.
SupplierItemNumber String This attribute is not used.Use ItemRelationshipService to obtain the supplier items.
PrimaryFlag Bool A flag that indicates whether the association is primary for the item.
SupplierExtensibleFlexfieldCategoryCode String An unique identifier for the EFF category code for the Item supplier.
CreationDateTime Datetime Who column: An attribute that indicates the date and time of the creation of the item supplier.
LastUpdateDateTime Datetime Who column: An attribute which indicates the date and time of the last update of the item supplier.
RegistryId String Registry ID of a supplier party is a number that uniquely identifies a party. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Manage suppliers task.
SupplierSiteAssociationStatusValue String Status of item supplier association.
RequestId Long This is the request id generated at import. Its use case is to verify import, the items will be published based on RequestID.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AcdType String AcdType
ChangeLineId Long ChangeLineId
InventoryOrganizationId Long InventoryOrganizationId
ItemNumber String ItemNumber
OrganizationCode String OrganizationCode
VersionId Long VersionId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839