Power BI Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
WorkOrdersWorkOrderId [KEY] Long WorkOrdersWorkOrderId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId [KEY] Long WorkorderoperationWorkOrderOperationId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
OrganizationId Long OrganizationId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
ResourceSequenceNumber Double Number that the application uses to determine the step in the sequence it must use to make sure resources work together correctly to finish the operation. If multiple resource lines include the same resource sequence number, then the application schedules them to occur at the same time.
WorkOrderOperationResourceId [KEY] Long WorkOrderOperationResourceId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
ResourceId Long Value that uniquely identifies the resource. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates the resource.
ResourceCode String Abbreviation that identifies the resource.
ResourceDescription String ResourceDescription of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
ResourceName String ResourceName of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
ResourceType String ResourceType of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkAreaId Long WorkAreaId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkAreaName String WorkAreaName of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkAreaCode String WorkAreaCode of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkAreaDescription String WorkAreaDescription of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkCenterId Long Value that uniquely identifies the work center. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates the work center.
WorkCenterName String WorkCenterName of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkCenterCode String WorkCenterCode of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkCenterDescription String WorkCenterDescription of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkOrderId Long WorkOrderId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
WorkOrderOperationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the work order operation. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates the work order operation.
OperationSequenceNumber Double OperationSequenceNumber of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
OperationName String OperationName of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
StandardOperationId Long StandardOperationId of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
StandardOperationCode String StandardOperationCode of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
PrincipalFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then this resource is the principal resource among the group of simultaneous resources for that operation sequence. If false, then this resource isn't the principal resource. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
UsageRate Double The predefined resource rate that's required to perform operation/activity for one unit of the assembly. For example, the number of hours it take to spray paint one pedestal.
BasisType String Indicates whether the resource quantity is fixed (for example, usage per lot produced) or variable (for example, usage per item produced). A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type EGP_BOM_BASIS_TYPE.
RequiredUsage Double Resource usage that the plant requires to make the work order quantity. The application calculates this value depending on whether the basis type is fixed or variable. Fixed: the required usage equals the usage rate. Variable: the required usage equals the usage rate multiplied by the work order quantity.
InverseRequiredUsage Double Inverse of the usage rate. The application uses this inverse when the resource usage rate is a fraction, but the inverse of this rate is an integer.
UOMCode String UOMCode of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
UnitOfMeasure String UnitOfMeasure of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
ChargeType String Indicates whether resource transactions are automatically generated and at what stage. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_WIS_CHARGE_TYPE.
AssignedUnits Double Number of resource units required to perform the operation.
PlannedStartDate Datetime Planned date and time to engage the resource for the operation. The scheduling application sets this date. The planned start date must not occur before the operation start date or after the operation finish date. This attribute is required.
PlannedCompletionDate Datetime Planned date and time till the resource is engaged for the operation. The scheduling application sets this date. The planned completion date must not occur before the operation start date or after the operation finish date. This attribute is required.
ResourceActivityCode String Abbreviation that identifies the resource activity.
ScheduledIndicator String Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then scheduling schedules the resource and computes the start date and completion dates. If No, then scheduling doesn't schedule the resource, and it sets start date equal to the completion date. The default value is Yes.
PhantomFlag Bool PhantomFlag of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
ActualResourceUsage Double ActualResourceUsage of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of WorkOrdersWorkOrderOperationWorkOrderOperationResource
ProfileId Long Value that uniquely identifies the job profile associated with the work order operation resource. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
ProfileCode String Abbreviation that identifies the job profile associated with the work order operation resource. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
EquipmentProfileId Long Value that uniquely identifies the equipment profile associated with the work order operation resource. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
EquipmentProfileCode String Abbreviation that identifies the equipment profile associated with the work order operation resource. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BackToBackFlag String BackToBackFlag
ContractMfgFlag String ContractMfgFlag
DueDays Int DueDays
FirmPlannedFlag String FirmPlannedFlag
InventoryItemId Long InventoryItemId
ItemNumber String ItemNumber
MaterialItemId Long MaterialItemId
ProductSerialId Long ProductSerialId
SerialNumber String SerialNumber
SourceHeaderRefId Long SourceHeaderRefId
SourceHeaderReferenceId Long SourceHeaderReferenceId
SourceLineRefId Long SourceLineRefId
SourceLineReferenceId Long SourceLineReferenceId
SourceSystemId Long SourceSystemId
Tolerance Int Tolerance
WoProjectNumber String WoProjectNumber
WoTaskNumber String WoTaskNumber
WorkOrderNumber String WorkOrderNumber
WorkOrderStatusId Long WorkOrderStatusId
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839