Name | Type | Description |
CarriersCarrierId [KEY] | Long | CarriersCarrierId of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations |
InboundtrackingrulesTrackingRuleId [KEY] | Long | InboundtrackingrulesTrackingRuleId of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations |
OrganizationCarrierTrackingId [KEY] | Long | OrganizationCarrierTrackingId of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations |
OrganizationId | Long | The value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization assigned to a carrier shipping method. Either this attribute or OrganizationCode is required. |
OrganizationCode | String | The value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization as an abbreviation. Either this attribute or OrganizationId is required. |
OrganizationName | String | The name of the inventory organization. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesorganizationAssociations |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ActiveFlag | String | ActiveFlag |
CarrierId | Long | CarrierId |
CarrierName | String | CarrierName |
ManifestingEnabledFlag | String | ManifestingEnabledFlag |
Finder | String | finder |