ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId [KEY] Long ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId of ReceivingReceiptRequestsattachments
AttachedDocumentId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the attached document.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date when the record was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the record.
DatatypeCode String A value that indicates the data type.
FileName String The file name of the attachment.
DmFolderPath String The folder path from which the attachment is created.
DmDocumentId String The document ID from which the attachment is created.
DmVersionNumber String The document version number from which the attachment is created.
Url String The URL of a web page type attachment.
CategoryName String The category of the attachment.
UserName String The login credentials of the user who created the attachment.
Uri String The URI of a Topology Manager type attachment.
FileUrl String The URI of the file.
UploadedText String The text content for a new text attachment.
UploadedFileContentType String The content type of the attachment.
UploadedFileLength Long The size of the attachment file.
UploadedFileName String The name to assign to a new attachment file.
ContentRepositoryFileShared Bool Indicates whether the attachment is shared
Title String The title of the attachment.
Description String The description of the attachment.
ErrorStatusCode String The error code, if any, for the attachment.
ErrorStatusMessage String The error message, if any, for the attachment.
CreatedBy String The user who created the record.
CreationDate Datetime The date when the record was created.
FileContents String The contents of the attachment.
ExpirationDate Datetime The expiration date of the contents in the attachment.
LastUpdatedByUserName String The user name who last updated the record.
CreatedByUserName String The user name who created the record.
AsyncTrackerId String Attribute provided for the exclusive use by the Attachment UI components to assist in uploading files.
FileWebImage String The base64 encoded image of the file displayed in .png format if the source is a convertible image.
DownloadInfo String JSON object represented as a string containing information used to programmatically retrieve a file attachment.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CustomerId Long CustomerId
CustomerPartyName String CustomerPartyName
DocumentNumber String DocumentNumber
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String ExternalSystemTransactionReference
FromDate Datetime FromDate
FromOrganizationCode String FromOrganizationCode
FromOrganizationId Long FromOrganizationId
GroupId Long GroupId
HeaderInterfaceId Long HeaderInterfaceId
ItemId Long ItemId
ItemNumber String ItemNumber
OrganizationCode String OrganizationCode
OrganizationId Long OrganizationId
POHeaderId Long POHeaderId
ProcessingStatusCode String ProcessingStatusCode
RMANumber String RMANumber
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long ReceiptAdviceHeaderId
ShipmentHeaderId Long ShipmentHeaderId
ShipmentNumber String ShipmentNumber
SourceDocumentCode String SourceDocumentCode
ToDate Datetime ToDate
TransactionStatusCode String TransactionStatusCode
TransactionType String TransactionType
TransferOrderHeaderId Long TransferOrderHeaderId
VendorId Long VendorId
VendorName String VendorName
VendorNumber String VendorNumber
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839