ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
GroupId [KEY] Long GroupId of InventoryReplenishRequests
UserName String Name of the user who requested the inventory replenishment.
ReturnMessageCode String Abbreviation that identifies the response message.
TotalRecordsCount Long Value that specifies the total number of records.
ReturnMessageText String Text of the response message.
SubmitForProcessing String Contains Yes or No. Yes: process the balance records. No: do not process the records. The default value is No.
SuccessRecordsCount Long Value that specifies the number of successful records.
ReturnStatus String Status of the current service call.
FailedRecordsCount Long Value that specifies the number of failed records.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Finder String finder

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Build 23.0.8839