ODBC Driver for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 23.0.8839




Name Type Description
CycleCountEntryId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count sequence.
CycleCountHeaderId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count.
CycleCountName String Name of the cycle count.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
OrganizationCode String Value that identifies the inventory organization.
OrganizationName String Name of the inventory organization.
CountTypeCode String Value that identifies the type of count. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_CC_COUNT_TYPES.
CountType String Type of count. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_CC_COUNT_TYPES.
InventoryItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
ItemNumber String Name of the inventory item.
ItemDescription String Description of the inventory item.
Subinventory String Name of the subinventory.
LocatorId Long Value that uniquely identifies the locator.
Locator String Name of the locator.
LotNumber String Number that identifies an item or group of items.
SerialNumber String Serial number to count.
Revision String Revision of the item.
CountSequence Long Number of the cycle count sequence.
CountQuantity Double Count quantity for the count sequence.
CountUOMCode String Value that identifies the unit of measure for the current count.
CountUOM String Unit of measure for the current count.
SecondaryCountQuantity Double Quantity of the current count in the secondary unit of measure that the item uses.
SecondaryCountUOMCode String Value that identifies the secondary unit of measure that the current count uses.
SecondaryCountUOM String Secondary unit of measure that the current count uses.
OwningType String Contains one of the following values: 1 or 2. If 1, then the item is consigned. If 2, then the item is owned.
OwningEntityId Long Value that uniquely identifies the owning entity. If the item is consigned, then this attribute contains the vendor site identifier. If the item is owned, then this attribute contains the owning organization identifier.
OwningPartySite String Name of the owning party site.
OwningParty String Name of the owning party.
Reason String Reason for the adjustment transaction.
Comments String Comments that describe the current count.
CountedByEmployeeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the employee who performed the current count.
CountedBy String Name of the employee who performed the current count.
CountDate Date Date when the warehouse counted this sequence.
ReviewedByEmployeeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the employee who approved the adjustment.
ReviewedBy String Name of the employee who approved the adjustment.
ReviewDate Date Date when the employee approved the adjustment.
CountSequenceStatusCode String Value that indicates the current status of the count sequence.
CountSequenceStatus String Current status of the count sequence. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_CC_ENTRY_STATUSES.
ExportCode Long Value that determines whether to export the count sequence to the interface.
Exported String Indicates whether the warehouse exported the count sequence to the interface.
ReasonId Long Value that uniquely identifies the reason.
OwningTypeCode String Name that uniquely identifies the owning entity. If the item is consigned, then this attribute contains the vendor site identifier. If the item is owned, then this attribute contains the owning organization identifier.
ManualCountPrefix String ManualCountPrefix of CycleCountSequenceDetails
PrimarySuggestedQuantity Double PrimarySuggestedQuantity of CycleCountSequenceDetails
PrimaryAdjustmentQuantity Double PrimaryAdjustmentQuantity of CycleCountSequenceDetails
SecondarySuggestedQuantity Double SecondarySuggestedQuantity of CycleCountSequenceDetails
SecondaryAdjustmentQuantity Double SecondaryAdjustmentQuantity of CycleCountSequenceDetails
AdjustmentValue Double AdjustmentValue of CycleCountSequenceDetails
AdjustmentDate Date AdjustmentDate of CycleCountSequenceDetails
Recounts Long Recounts of CycleCountSequenceDetails
ItemUnitCost Double ItemUnitCost of CycleCountSequenceDetails
DeviationPercentage Double DeviationPercentage of CycleCountSequenceDetails
ProcessingFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the request was processed. If false, then the request was not processed. The default value is false.
ProcurementBU String Business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FromSerialNumber String FromSerialNumber
ToSerialNumber String ToSerialNumber
BindCycleCountName String bindCycleCountName
BindOrganizationCode String bindOrganizationCode
Finder String finder

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839