JDBC Driver for Oracle SCM

Build 22.0.8462


The Inbound Tracking Rule Parameters resource manages the unique parameter information required by the web service to track a shipment.


Name Type Description
CarriersCarrierId String CarriersCarrierId of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters
InboundtrackingrulesTrackingRuleId String InboundtrackingrulesTrackingRuleId of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters
ParameterId String ParameterId of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters
Sequence Long The value that uniquely identifies the order of precedence for each parameter for the tracking rule for a carrier. This attribute is required.
ParameterName String The name of the tracking rule parameter. Each parameter may have either a constant value or a value supplied from the transaction.
ConstantValue String The value of the tracking rule parameter when the parameter has a constant value.
LookupParameterCode String The attribute in the transaction that the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) requires when the parameter value is supplied by the transaction. For example, Tracking number. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_TRACKING_PARAMS. Review the values for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Carriers Lookups task.
LookupParameter String LookupParameter of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of CarriersinboundTrackingRulesparameters

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Build 22.0.8462