The list of requirement line item objects for the requirement version object.
Name | Type | Description |
RequirementSpecificationsRequirementId | String | RequirementSpecificationsRequirementId of RequirementSpecificationsRequirementVersionRequirementLineItem |
RequirementversionRequirementVersionId | String | RequirementversionRequirementVersionId of RequirementSpecificationsRequirementVersionRequirementLineItem |
RequirementLineItemId | String | The unique identifier from the application for the requirement line item object. |
Estimates | String | The estimates of the requirement line item object. |
Impacts | Long | The impacts of the requirement line item object. |
Name | String | The name of the requirement line item object. |
ParentLineItemId | String | The unique identifier from the application for the parent requirement line item object of the requirement line item object. |
ParentSectionNumber | String | Number that identifies the section of the parent line item. |
Priority | String | The priority of the requirement line item object. |
PriorityName | String | PriorityName of RequirementSpecificationsRequirementVersionRequirementLineItem |
RequirementVersionId | String | The unique identifier from the application for the requirement version object of the requirement line item object. |
Scope | String | The scope of the requirement line item object. |
ScopeName | String | ScopeName of RequirementSpecificationsRequirementVersionRequirementLineItem |
SectionNumber | String | The section number of the requirement line item object. |
Content | String | The content of the requirement line item object. |
Fulfilled | String | The indicator for whether or not the requirement line item object is fulfilled. |
FulfilledName | String | FulfilledName of RequirementSpecificationsRequirementVersionRequirementLineItem |
Description | String | The description of requirement line item object. |
RequirementId | String | Not used in web service. |
RequirementName | String | RequirementName of RequirementSpecificationsRequirementVersionRequirementLineItem |
RequirementVersionNumber | Long | RequirementVersionNumber of RequirementSpecificationsRequirementVersionRequirementLineItem |