The Quality Issues resource manages the quality issues you log that identify problems and require resolution. You can log a quality issue for manufacturing, inspection, engineering, customers, or suppliers.
Name | Type | Description |
IssueId [KEY] | String | IssueId of QualityIssues |
IssueNumber | String | Number that identifies the quality issue. |
Name | String | Short name of the quality issue. |
QualityTypeId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the type of quality issue. |
QualityTypeCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the type of quality issue. |
QualityTypeName | String | QualityTypeName of QualityIssues |
Severity | String | Severity of the quality issue. |
SeverityName | String | SeverityName of QualityIssues |
Downtime | Int | Expected downtime in manufacturing because of the quality issue. |
Source | String | Source or location where the quality issue occurred. |
SourceName | String | SourceName of QualityIssues |
OrganizationId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the organization where the quality issue occurred. |
OrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the organization where the quality issue occurred. |
OrganizationName | String | OrganizationName of QualityIssues |
CustomerId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the customer that this quality issue affects. |
SupplierId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the supplier who supplied the item that the quality issue affects. |
Disposition | String | Proposed disposition of the quality issue. |
DispositionName | String | DispositionName of QualityIssues |
DispositionComment | String | Text that describes how the application resolved the quality issue. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of QualityIssues |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of QualityIssues |
ExpectedResolutionDate | Datetime | Date when the quality issue must resolve. |
WorkflowStatusId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the workflow status. |
WorkflowStatusCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the workflow status of the quality issue. |
WorkflowStatusName | String | WorkflowStatusName of QualityIssues |
WorkflowTemplateId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the workflow template. |
WorkflowTemplateCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the workflow template. |
WorkflowTemplateName | String | WorkflowTemplateName of QualityIssues |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of QualityIssues |
AssignedTo | String | User who the application assigned to manage the quality issue. |
Description | String | Long description of the quality issue. You cannot use the POST method to add a value for this attribute. You should use the PATCH method instead. |
ReportedDate | Datetime | Date when the user reported the quality issue. |
ReportedBy | String | User who reported the quality issue. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBBusinessUnit_c | String | IssueEO_CTBBusinessUnit_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBOrganization_c | String | IssueEO_CTBOrganization_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBGroup_c | String | IssueEO_CTBGroup_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBCategoryCTG_c | String | IssueEO_CTBCategoryCTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBCategoryBGS_c | String | IssueEO_CTBCategoryBGS_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBCategoryPTG_c | String | IssueEO_CTBCategoryPTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBProductCTG_c | String | IssueEO_CTBProductCTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBProductBGS_c | String | IssueEO_CTBProductBGS_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBProductPTG_c | String | IssueEO_CTBProductPTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBIssue_c | String | IssueEO_CTBIssue_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBCause_c | String | IssueEO_CTBCause_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBLogisticIssueCTG_c | String | IssueEO_CTBLogisticIssueCTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBLogisticIssuePTG_c | String | IssueEO_CTBLogisticIssuePTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_SalesOrder_c | String | IssueEO_SalesOrder_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_OriginalOrderDate_c | Date | IssueEO_OriginalOrderDate_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_InstallationDate_c | Date | IssueEO_InstallationDate_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CustContact_c | String | IssueEO_CustContact_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CustLocation_c | String | IssueEO_CustLocation_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CustPhone_c | String | IssueEO_CustPhone_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CustEmail_c | String | IssueEO_CustEmail_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_ReplacementOrder_c | String | IssueEO_ReplacementOrder_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_ReplacementOrderDate_c | Date | IssueEO_ReplacementOrderDate_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_EquipmentStatusCTG_c | String | IssueEO_EquipmentStatusCTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_EquipmentStatusPTG_c | String | IssueEO_EquipmentStatusPTG_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBWorkCenter_c | String | IssueEO_CTBWorkCenter_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBDepartment_c | String | IssueEO_CTBDepartment_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBSupervisor_c | String | IssueEO_CTBSupervisor_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBTeamLeader_c | String | IssueEO_CTBTeamLeader_c of QualityIssues |
IssueEO_CTBDisputed_c | String | IssueEO_CTBDisputed_c of QualityIssues |