The Concept Structure Line Items resource is used to manage the structure of the product concept.
Name | Type | Description |
ProductConceptsConceptId | String | ProductConceptsConceptId of ProductConceptsConceptStructure |
ConceptStructureId | String | ConceptStructureId of ProductConceptsConceptStructure |
Level | String | Level of the concept structure line item in the structure. |
ParentConceptStructureId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the parent of the concept structure line item. |
ParentLevel | String | Level of the parent line item in the structure. |
Name | String | Name of the concept structure line item. |
Description | String | Description of the concept structure line item. |
Quantity | Double | Quantity of the concept structure line item. |
Type | String | Type of the concept structure line item. |
Revision | Double | Revision of the object associated with the concept structure line item. |
ToId | String | ToId of ProductConceptsConceptStructure |
ToType | String | Type of the object associated with this concept structure line item. |
ToItemId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the item associated with this concept structure line item. |
TargetCost | String | Target cost of this concept structure line item. |
MaterialCost | String | Actual material cost of this concept structure line item. |
NonMaterialCost | String | Actual non material cost of this concept structure line item. |
FixedCost | String | Fixed cost of this concept structure line item. |
TargetWeight | String | Target weight of this concept structure line item. |
ActualWeight | String | Actual weight of this concept structure line item. |
TargetPowerConsumption | String | Target power consumption of this concept structure line item. |
ActualPowerConsumption | String | Actual power consumption of this concept structure line item. |
LeadTime | String | Lead time of this concept structure line item. |
Risk | String | Risk of this concept structure line item. |
Compliance | String | Compliance level of this concept structure line item. |
Vendor | String | Vendor of this concept structure line item. |
NumberManufacturers | String | Number of manufacturers for this concept structure line item. |
Incidents | String | Number of incidents for this concept structure line item. |
Score | String | Score of this concept structure line item. |
Volume | Double | Expected volume of this concept structure line item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of ProductConceptsConceptStructure |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of ProductConceptsConceptStructure |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of ProductConceptsConceptStructure |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of ProductConceptsConceptStructure |
Alternate | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is an alternative. |
FlagAlternative1 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 1. |
FlagAlternative2 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 2. |
FlagAlternative3 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 3. |
FlagAlternative4 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 4. |
FlagAlternative5 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 5. |
FlagAlternative6 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 6. |
FlagAlternative7 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 7. |
FlagAlternative8 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 8. |
FlagAlternative9 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 9. |
FlagAlternative10 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 10. |
FlagAlternative11 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 11. |
FlagAlternative12 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 12. |
FlagAlternative13 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 13. |
FlagAlternative14 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 14. |
FlagAlternative15 | String | Flag to identify that the concept structure line item is assigned to solution alternative 15. |