The Structure Components resource gets the components in a structure of an affected item.
Name | Type | Description |
ProductChangeOrdersChangeId | String | ProductChangeOrdersChangeId of ProductChangeOrdersAffectedObjectAffectedItemStructureStructureComponent |
AffectedobjectChangeLineId | String | AffectedobjectChangeLineId of ProductChangeOrdersAffectedObjectAffectedItemStructureStructureComponent |
AffecteditemstructureBillSequenceId | String | AffecteditemstructureBillSequenceId of ProductChangeOrdersAffectedObjectAffectedItemStructureStructureComponent |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of ProductChangeOrdersAffectedObjectAffectedItemStructureStructureComponent |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of ProductChangeOrdersAffectedObjectAffectedItemStructureStructureComponent |
ItemNum | String | Number that identifies the item associated with the component. |
ComponentQuantity | String | Quantity of the component that is used to build the structure. |
ComponentYieldFactor | String | Planned or actual output of a process, relevant to the quantity. The yield includes a loss, an increase, or no change in the planned or actual output quantity. |
ComponentRemarks | String | Comments entered by the user for the component. |
EffectivityDate | Datetime | Date when the component became effective to be used in the structure. |
ImplementationDate | Datetime | Date when the component was implemented. |
DisableDate | Datetime | Date when the component was disabled. |
OldComponentSequenceId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the component that was originally present in the structure. |
ComponentSequenceId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the component that is currently in the structure. |
BillSequenceId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the structure associated with the item. |
OriginalSystemReference | String | Value that identifies the record from the original application. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of ProductChangeOrdersAffectedObjectAffectedItemStructureStructureComponent |
ChangeId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the change order associated with the component. |
ChangeLineId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the change line associated with the component. |
ItemNumber | String | Number that identifies the item corresponding to the component. |
PrimaryUomCode | String | Value that indicates the unit of measure of the component as used in a bill of materials. |
ACDTypeCode | Long | Value that indicates whether the component is being added, changed, or deleted through a change line. |
ComponentItemId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the item associated with the component. |
OrganizationId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the organization of the component. |
AlternateBOMDesignator | String | Value that identifies the alternate bill of material (BOM) designator of the item. |
OrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the organization of the item. |
ChangeNotice | String | Number that identifies the change order associated with the item. |
ComponentItemClass | String | ComponentItemClass of ProductChangeOrdersAffectedObjectAffectedItemStructureStructureComponent |
QuantityRelatedFlag | Bool | Value that indicates whether a component is quantity related or not. If enabled, the application validates whether the specified quantity matches the number of reference designators on the component. |