The Item-Category Assignments resource manages the item catalog category associations.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemsV2ItemId | String | ItemsV2ItemId of ItemsV2ItemCategory |
ItemsV2OrganizationId | String | ItemsV2OrganizationId of ItemsV2ItemCategory |
ItemId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the part, item, product, or service. |
OrganizationId | String | A unique identifier for an organizing unit in the internal or external structure of your enterprise. Organization structures provide the framework for performing legal reporting, financial control, and management reporting. |
ItemCatalog | String | Name of the item catalog. |
CategoryName | String | Name of the category. |
SequenceNumber | Int | Value that indicates the sequence number of the item category assignments. |
ItemCategoryAssignmentId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the item category assignment. |
CreationDateTime | Datetime | Date and time of the creation of the item catalog category assignment. |
LastUpdateDateTime | Datetime | Date and time when the user most recently updated the item-category association. |
CategoryCode | String | A unique code that represents a component of the catalog used for classification of items. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the item category assignment. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Login that the user used when updating the item-category association.. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who most recently updated the item-category association. |
ItemCategoryHierarchyName | String | Value that represents category hierarchy using category names. |
ItemCategoryHierarchyCode | String | Value that represents category hierarchy using category codes. |
StartDate | Date | Date when the item association begins. The start date cannot be specified for functional area catalogs, except for the catalog assigned to the service logistics functional area. |
EndDate | Date | Date when the item association ends. The end date cannot be specified for functional area catalogs, except for the catalog assigned to the service logistics functional area. |
RequestId | String | The request ID generated at import. Its use case is to verify the import. The items are published based on RequestID. |