The Items Version 2 resource manages the item details. An item is any part, material, product, or service that is unique when compared to the attributes of any other item.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemId | String | An unique identifier for a part, material, product or service that is unique as compared with other items by the nature of its attributes. |
OrganizationId | String | An unique identifer for the organization for th eitem for production items. In case of pending or update operations such update of version item, this attribute value will be the VersionId. |
OrganizationCode | String | A name of an organizing unit in the internal or external structure of your enterprise. Organization structures provide the framework for performing legal reporting, financial control, and management reporting. |
ItemClass | String | An attribute that value provides metadata common to all items that share the category. |
Template | String | An attribute value which is the name of the template to applied to the item. |
ItemNumber | String | An attribute that is an identifier for a part, material, product or service that is unique as compared with other items by the nature of its attributes. |
ItemDescription | String | An attribute value that is the description for the item. |
ApprovalStatusValue | String | An attribute value that represents the status of the approval sought for item. |
ItemStatusValue | String | An attribute that defines codes used to control the transaction activity of an item. For example, an item in active status can be customer order enabled. |
LifecyclePhaseValue | String | The attribute value that represents the lifecycle phase for an item. |
StyleItemFlag | Bool | A flag which indicates the item is style item. |
StyleItemNumberValue | String | An attribute value of the number of the style item. |
Keyword | String | An attribute that repesents a string of characters used for searching using keywords. |
IgnoreDuplicateItemFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates to create items, even though the matching items exists |
UserItemTypeValue | String | An attribute that indicates a grouping of all items of a particular category that share the same set of item attributes, used as a high-level grouping for processes. For example, each account generator item type (such as FA account generator) contains a group of processes for determining how an accounting flexfield code combination is created. |
PackTypeValue | String | Trade Item Descriptor also known as Trade Item Unit Descriptor (TIUD)/Pack Type is used to describe the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) hierarchy level. Hierarchy is used as link between different levels of a product (Item) logistical chain. |
LongDescription | String | An attribute that represents a statement, picture in words, or account that describes; descriptive representation. |
FormattedDescription | String | An attribute that represents a statement describing an item, formatted using hyper text tags. |
PrimaryUOMValue | String | An attribute the value is the unit which is primarily used to measure quantities of the item. |
TransactionConversionValue | String | An attribute indicating Conversion of transactions. Choices -Standard or Item Specific Conversion. |
DefaultingControlValue | String | Defaulting Control of the item attributes. Values include Fixed, Default and No Default. |
PositiveDeviationFactor | String | Deviation allowed on the higher side for a transaction on the secondary quantity derived from the default conversion factor. |
NegativeDeviationFactor | String | Deviation allowed on the lower side for a transaction on the secondary quantity derived from the default conversion factor. |
CopyItemAndApplyTemplatesFlag | Bool | An flag that indicates the item will copied first and then the item templates will be applied to the item. |
CopyAssociationsFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates if item associations are copied or not copied. |
CopyAttachmentsFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates if item attachments are copied or not copied. |
CopyCategoriesFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates if catalog categories are copied or not copied. |
CopyFromItemValue | String | An attribute value that represents the item which be used as the source when copied. |
CopyFromRevisionValue | String | An attribute that represents the revision of the item used as the source of the copy. |
CopyFromVersionValue | String | An attribute that represents the version of the revision of the item used as the source of the copy. |
CopyOrganizationAssignmentsFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates an attribute value if organization assignments for the item are copied. |
LastSubmittedNewItemRequest | String | An attribute value that represents the last new item request number submitted to be processed. |
ChangeNotice | String | An unique identifier for an change order. |
ChangeOrderLineSequenceNumber | Long | The line number of an item in a change order. |
StructureItemTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating the type of structure the item can have. Structure Item Type include Model, Option Class, Standard and Planning. |
CreateConfiguredItem | String | An attribute indicating whether the Configured Bill of materials can be created based on Item Sourcing. |
ConfigModelTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating the behavior of the Configurable Models in the Configurator. |
EffectivityControlValue | String | An attribute which value indicates the way effectively is controlled within a structure. The values include Date, Unit Number, or Serial Number. |
BaseItemValue | String | An attribute indicating the Model from which an ATO configuration was created. |
AutoCreatedConfigurationFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the Item is autocreated. |
PickComponentsFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether an item has a bill of material with options, classes, or included items picked from finished goods inventory. |
AssembleToOrderFlag | Bool | A flag indicating is generally built for sales order demand; a final assembly work order is created based on sales order details. |
CostingEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to report, value and account for any item costs. |
IncludeInRollUpFlag | Bool | An flag indicating whether to include an item in the cost rollup. |
StandardLotSize | String | The amount of a particular item that is ordered from the plant or a supplier or issued as a standard quantity to the production process. |
InventoryAssetFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to value an item as an asset in inventory. |
BuildInWIPFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to create discrete jobs or repetitive assemblies in Oracle Work in Process. |
WIPSupplyTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating a supply type for components. |
WIPSupplyLocatorValue | String | An attribute indicating the supply locator from which to issue (push) or back flush (pull) an item to work in process. |
WIPSupplySubinventoryValue | String | An attribute indicating a supply subinventory for components. |
OvercompletionToleranceTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating the over-completion tolerance type. Choices - Percent or Amount. |
OvercompletionToleranceValue | String | An attribute indicating the acceptable percent or quantity of assemblies that you will allow to be over-completed. |
InventoryCarryPenalty | String | An attribute indicating the penalty for jobs that are not completed before they are scheduled to be finished. |
OperationSlackPenalty | String | An attribute indicating, in units per day, the operation slack penalty for items having lag time between operations. |
RecipeEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether this item used in recipes or formulas in process manufacturing. |
ProcessQualityEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to use the process manufacturing quality module with this item. |
ProcessCostingEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to use the process costing module with this item. |
ProcessExecutionEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to use this item in a production batch as an ingredient, product, or by-product. |
ProcessSupplySubinventoryValue | String | An attribute indicating a subinventory from which the item is normally consumed as an ingredient in process manufacturing. |
ProcessSupplyLocatorValue | String | An attribute indicating the location from which the item is normally consumed as an ingredient in process manufacturing. |
ProcessYieldSubinventoryValue | String | An attribute indicating a subinventory in which you place results of a production batch. |
ProcessYieldLocatorValue | String | An attribute indicating locator in which you place the results of a production batch. |
HazardousMaterialFlag | Bool | A flag indicating if the item is hazardous. |
CASNumber | String | An attribute indicating the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number which uniquely identifies a chemical substance. |
AssetTrackedFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether item is tracked as an asset in installed base. |
AssetClassValue | String | An attribute indicating an item belongs to asset class. |
ServiceRequestEnabledValue | String | An attribute indicating type of duration applicable for a service item |
DefectTrackingOnFlag | Bool | A flag indicating if defects of this item can be tracked. |
ServiceDurationTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating type of duration applicable for a service item |
ServiceDuration | String | An attribute indicating positive number to indicate the service duration. |
ServiceDurationPeriodValue | String | An attribute indicating positive number to indicate the service duration period. |
ServiceStartTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating the type of service start rule which should be used for a service item. |
ServiceStartDelay | String | An attribute specifying the delay in starting a service after a milestone. |
AllowSuspendFlag | Bool | A flag indicating if a service can be suspended. |
AllowTerminateFlag | Bool | A flag indicating if a service can be terminated. |
RequiresItemAssociationFlag | Bool | A flag indicating that an item association is required for the item. |
CreateFixedAssetFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the Item creates a depreciable inventory asset used in install base. |
InstanceClassValue | String | An attribute indicating that the item is used in Telecommunication Service Ordering for defining a configured link. |
BillingTypeValue | String | An attribute value indicating user definable and must be tagged with one of three Billing Category Codes as follows: material (M) labor (L) or Expense (E). Billing Types are used in Contracts to define Discount Percents. |
ServiceBillingEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating that service billing is enabled. |
RecoveredPartDispositionValue | String | An attribute indicating this field will control the process for returning defective or unused parts to a warehouse consolidation point. |
InventoryItemFlag | Bool | A flag which indicates the item is used in inventory. |
StockEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates the item is stocked. |
MaterialTransactionEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating the item is transaction enabled and has inventory attributes. |
ReservableFlag | Bool | A flag indicating the item is reservable and has inventory attributes. |
CheckMaterialShortageFlag | Bool | A flag indicating that material shortages will be checked for the item and the item has inventory attributes. |
RevisionQuantityControlFlag | Bool | A attribute value that indicates the item is under revision control and has inventory attributes. |
BulkPickedFlag | Bool | A flag indicating to pick items in bulk. |
LotControlValue | String | An attribute indicating the ability to use lot numbers during material transactions for tracking of batches of Item. |
StartingLotPrefix | String | An attribute indicating starting alpha prefix for all serial numbers you define. |
StartingLotNumber | String | An attribute value representing the starting lot number for items. |
MaturityDays | String | An attribute indicating the number of days added to the lot creation date to determine the lot maturity date. |
HoldDays | String | An attribute indicating the number of days added to the lot creation date before you can release the lot. |
LotExpirationControlValue | String | An attribute value representing how shelf life is controlled and lot expiration control for inventory items. |
ShelfLifeDays | String | An attribute value indicating number of days each lot is active. |
RetestInterval | String | An attribute indicating the number of days after the creation date before the lot needs to be retested. |
ExpirationActionValue | String | An attribute indicating the default action code for this item when the lot expire or the lot fails for quality. |
ExpirationActionInterval | String | An attribute indicating the number of days the system adds to the expiration date before it performs an action on the lot. |
ChildLotEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether an item is subject to Lot control at the transactional purposes when a Parent Lot is specified for transactional purpose. |
ChildLotFormatValidationFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the Child Lot numbers confirms to the child lot parameters. |
CopyLotAttributeFlag | Bool | An attribute indicating whether the Child Lot inherits all the attribute of the parent Lot. |
ChildLotPrefix | String | An attribute indicating the starting alphabet prefix for the Child Lot. |
ChildLotStartingNumber | String | An attribute indicating the starting alphabet prefix for all serial numbers which are being defined for the lot. |
ChildLotParent | String | An attribute value indicating how the system generates child lot numbers at the item level. |
LotTranslateEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether Lots can be translated. |
LotSplitEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether a lot-controlled item may split into many lots. |
LotDivisibleFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the Lot can be allowed to allocate, reserve, or move partial lot quantities. |
LotSubstitutionEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether lots can be substituted in a transaction. |
LotMergeEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether many lots of a lot controlled item may merge into one lot. |
GradeControlFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the item is grade controlled in addition to lot controlled. |
DefaultGradeValue | String | An attribute indicating default grade for the item. |
SerialGenerationValue | String | An attribute indicating number assigned to each unit of an item and used to track the item. |
SerialStartingPrefix | String | An attribute indicating starting alpha prefix for all serial numbers you define. |
SerialStartingNumber | String | An attribute value representing the starting serial number for inventory items. |
NegativeMeasurementError | String | The negative limit for the user defined limit for the difference between cycle count quantities and the system tracked on-hand quantities. |
PositiveMeasurementError | String | The positive limit for the user defined limit for the difference between cycle count quantities and the system tracked on-hand quantities. |
CycleCountEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates the inventory item is cycle count enabled. |
LotStatusEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether an item is subject to status control at the Lot Level. |
SerialStatusEnabledFlag | Bool | An attribute indicating whether an item is subject to status control at the Serial Level. |
DefaultLotStatusValue | String | An attribute indicating the Default Lot Status for the Item. |
DefaultSerialStatusValue | String | An attribute indicating the Default Serial Status of the Item. |
RestrictSubinventoriesFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to restrict transactions of this item to or from a subinventory specified. |
RestrictLocatorsFlag | Bool | An attribute indicating whether to restrict transaction of this item to or from a locator specified. |
StockLocatorControlValue | String | An attribute indicating the physical area within a subinventory where you store material, such as a row, aisle, bin, or shelf. |
DimensionUOMValue | String | An attribute indicating unit of measure for the dimension of the item. |
UnitWidthQuantity | String | An attribute Indicating width of Item. |
UnitLengthQuantity | String | An attribute Indicating length of Item. |
UnitHeightQuantity | String | An attribute Indicating height of Item. |
WeightUOMValue | String | An attribute indicating Weight Unit of Measure. |
UnitWeightQuantity | String | An attribute Indicating Weight of One Unit of Item. |
VolumeUOMValue | String | An attribute indicating Volume Unit of Measure. |
UnitVolumeQuantity | String | An attribute Indicating Volume of One Unit of Item. |
ContainerItemFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether containers are used for shipping the items. |
ContainerTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating the type of the container. |
MaximumLoadWeight | String | An attribute indicating Maximum load weight of the container or vehicle. |
VehicleItemFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether vehicles are used for Shipping the items. |
InternalVolume | String | An attribute indicating the internal volume of the Container or vehicle. |
MinimumFillPercent | String | An attribute indicating minimum fill of the container or vehicle to be used. |
WarehouseEquipmentFlag | Bool | An attribute indicating whether the item is equipment. |
EventFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the item is event. |
CollateralFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the item is a collateral. |
CustomerOrderFlag | Bool | A flag attribute Indicating whether to allow an item to be ordered by external customers. |
CustomerOrderEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates the inventory item is cycle count enabled. |
ATPComponentsValue | String | An attribute indicating whether to include, in available to promise checking, additional components in the bill of material for ATO and PTO items. |
PickingRuleValue | String | An attribute indicating picking rule that defines the order in which subinventories, locators, lots, and revisions are picked. |
RMAInspectionRequiredFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether inspection is required for items returned by the customer. The item then must be separately transferred to inventory. |
EligibilityRuleFlag | Bool | A flag that indicates a specific set of constraints or requirements that must be met for the offer to be available to a customer. For example, the customer may need to be a member of the loyalty program, or live in a certain state, or be in good financial standing with the company, or not be locked into an existing contract to be eligible for an offer. |
ReturnableFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to allow customers to return an item. |
ATPValue | String | An attribute indicating to check available to promise and/or capable to promise information when placing demand. |
FinancingAllowedFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to allow customers to return an item. |
SalesProductTypeValue | String | Attribute indicating classification of an item or product for sales processes |
TransactionEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag that is a reference to the source transaction definition that identifies the type of transactions within each application where a budgetary control transaction is originated. |
OrderManagementIndivisibleFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the item can be ordered in fractions. |
DefaultSalesOrderSourceTypeValue | String | An attribute indicating whether the maintenance activity needs to be shut down. |
ElectronicFormatFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the item exists only Electronic format and not physical. |
ShippableFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to ship an item to a customer. |
DefaultShippingOrganizationValue | String | An attribute indicating the primary Shipping Organization. This organization defaults to the Enter Orders window if Item is the source attribute of the warehouse object in the standard value rule set for the order. |
ShipModelCompleteFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether any configuration derived from this model can ship only when all required quantities of all configuration components options or included items) are available. |
DownloadableFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the item can be downloadable. |
OverShipmentTolerance | String | An attribute indicating the amount of the shipment you can ship below at the time of ship confirmation. |
UnderShipmentTolerance | String | An attribute indicating the amount of the shipment which can be shipped below at the time of ship confirmation. |
OverReturnTolerance | String | An attribute indicating the amount of the shipment you can exceed at the time of receiving or receipt creation. |
UnderReturnTolerance | String | An attribute indicating the lower limit of the received quantity to be considered as full receipt. |
InvoiceEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to include an item on an Oracle Receivables invoice. |
AccountingRuleValue | String | An unique value the accounting rule to identify special revenue recognition rules for an item. |
PaymentTermsValue | String | An attribute indicating a valid payment terms code. |
OutputTaxClassificationCodeValue | String | An attribute indicating a tax code to use when calculating tax based on location and tax codes. |
InvoicedFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to include an item on an Oracle Receivables invoice. |
InvoicingRuleValue | String | An attribute indicating invoicing rule to determine the period in which an invoice is sent. |
SalesAccountValue | String | Account used when tracking a sales item. |
WebStatusValue | String | An attribute indicating Indicate the web status of this item.(enabled, Published, Unpublished). |
BackOrderableFlag | Bool | An attribute indicating whether this item can be backordered, if ATP fails. |
OrderableOnWebFlag | Bool | An attribute indicating whether this item is orderable on from the web. |
MinimumLicenseQuantity | String | An attribute indicating the minimum number of licenses a customer must order for products ordered on Oracle iStore and distributed based on licensing. |
InventoryPlanningMethodValue | String | An attribute indicating the planning method to be used for the organization. |
PlanningMakeBuyValue | String | An attribute indicating whether the item is usually manufactured or bought. |
Planner | String | An attribute indicating the material planner for the item. |
SubcontractingComponentValue | String | An attribute indicating the subcontracting type associated to this item when it is used as a subcontracting component in Chargeable Subcontracting. Choices - Prepositioned, Synchronised. |
MinimumMinmaxQuantity | String | An attribute indicating the minimum quantity for Min-Max Planning. |
MaximumMinmaxQuantity | String | An attribute indicating the maximum quantity for Min-Max Planning. |
MinimumOrderQuantity | String | An attribute indicating minimum order quantity of the Item. |
MaximumOrderQuantity | String | An attribute indicating maximum order quantity or repetitive rate (units per day). |
OrderCost | String | An attribute indicating the fixed cost associated with placing an order for the item. |
SourceOrganizationValue | String | An attribute indicating the organization from which an internal requisition draws the item. |
SourceSubinventoryOrganizationValue | String | An attribute value that represents the the organization that the SourceSubinventory belongs to. |
SourceSubinventoryValue | String | An attribute indicating the sub inventory from which an internal requisition draws the item. |
FixedOrderQuantity | String | An attribute indicating the quantity used to modify the size of planned order quantities or repetitive daily rates. |
FixedDaysSupply | String | An attribute indicating the number of days used to modify the size and timing of planned order quantities. |
FixedLotSizeMultiplier | String | An attribute indicating the fixed lot multiple quantity or repetitive rate (units per day). |
ReleaseAuthorizationRequiredValue | String | Attribute indicating authorization is required before a sales order is created. |
AutomaticallyExpireASNFlag | Bool | A flag indicating Advance Shipment Notice expires automatically. Its a choice list with Yes/No value. |
ConsignedFlag | Bool | A flag indicating the item is residing at your location, but owned by the supplier. |
ReplenishmentMinimumOrder | String | Minimum quantity for the sales order or repetitive rate in the number of units for each day. |
ReplenishmentMaximumOrder | String | Maximum quantity for the sales order or repetitive rate in the number of units for each day. |
VMIFixedOrderQuantity | String | An attribute indicating fixed quantity for reorder ( Vendor Managed Inventory). |
ForecastTypelValue | String | An attribute indicating the type of demand the item undergoes and can be one of these; Consume, Consume and Derive, or None. |
ForecastHorizon | String | Period for which a forecast is considered by the Planning Engine. |
PlanningMethodValue | String | An attribute indicating the organization level planning for the Item. Choices -Min-Max, Not Planned, Reorder Point. |
RoundingControlTypeFlag | Bool | A flag indicating how to round the quantity on an internal requisition that results from conversions between the requisition line unit of measure and the item unit of issue. This factor insures that the unit of issue resolves to an integer, rather than a fractional amount. |
CreateSupplyFlag | Bool | A flag indicating if the system can suggest supply for this item. |
PlanningTimeFence | String | Attribute indicating options to determine a point in time inside which certain restrictions on planning recommendations apply. |
DemandTimeFence | String | An attribute indicating options to determine a point in time inside which certain restrictions on planning recommendations apply. |
ReleaseTimeFence | String | An attribute indicating an option to determine a point in time inside which planned orders for discretely planned items are automatically released as WIP jobs or purchase requisitions. . Display attribute for ObjectVersionNumber. |
ShrinkageRate | String | An attribute indicating the factor that represents the average amount of material you expect to lose during manufacturing or in storage. |
ForecastControlValue | String | An attribute indicating the type of demand the item undergoes and can be one of these; Consume, Consume and Derive, or None. |
AcceptableEarlyDays | String | An attribute indicating the number of days before which the planning process will not reschedule orders. |
PlanningTimeDays | String | Attribute indicating the optional day added to the planning time fence when plannig time fence is User defined. |
DemandTimeDays | String | An attribute indicating option to determine a point in time inside which the planning process ignores forecast demand and considers only sales order demand when calculating gross requirements. |
ReleaseTimeDays | String | An attribute value that represents the release time Days, lead times attribute. |
MRPCalculateATPFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to calculate and print available to promise (ATP) on the Planning Detail Report. |
RepairLeadtime | String | An attribute indicating time to repair the part at the supplier site. |
RepairYield | String | An attribute indicating the yield when you upgrade or repair a defective part. |
PreprocessingDays | String | An attribute indicating the days which must be added to purchasing or manufacturing lead time to place an order. |
PostprocessingDays | String | An attribute indicating the days required to receive a purchased item into inventory from the initial supplier receipt. |
ProcessingDays | String | An attribute indicating the days required to procure or manufacture an item. |
VariableLeadTime | String | An attribute indicating time to produce one additional unit of an assembly. |
CumulativeTotalLeadTime | String | An attribute indicating the total lead time of the assembly plus the largest adjusted cumulative total lead time of its components, where each is adjusted by subtracting the operation lead time offset. |
FixedLeadTime | String | An attribute indicating the days required to make an assembly independent of order quantity, such as setup or teardown time |
CumulativeManufacturingLeadTime | String | An attribute indicating the manufacturing lead time of an assembly (in days) plus the largest adjusted cumulative manufacturing lead time of its components, where each is adjusted by subtracting the operation lead time offset. |
LeadTimeLotSize | String | An attribute indicating quantity used to compute processing lead time. |
PurchasingFlag | Bool | A flag which determines whether the Item is purchased and received. |
UseApprovedSupplierFlag | Bool | v |
NegotiationRequiredFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether Negotiation is required or not. |
PurchasingInputTaxClassificationValue | String | An attribute to determine the appropriate tax classification code for the Item. |
InvoiceCloseTolerancePercentage | String | Percentage tolerance used to automatically close Purchase Order Shipments for invoicing. |
HazardClassValue | String | An attribute indicating the category of Hazard material for International trade. |
AssetCategoryValue | String | An attribute value that is the fixed asset category identifier (foreign key FA asset category flexfield). |
PurchasableFlag | Bool | A flag which determines whether the item can be added in to a purchase order. |
TaxableFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether the supplier charges a Tax for the item. |
BuyerOrganizationValue | String | An attribute value that represents the the organization that the Buyer belongs to. |
DefaultBuyerValue | String | An attribute that represents the name of a default buyer of an item. |
ReceiptCloseTolerancePercentage | String | An attribute indicating percentage tolerance used to automatically close Purchase Order Shipments for receipt. |
UNNumberValue | String | United Nations Identification Number used for International Trade purposes. |
ListPrice | String | Attribute indicating default Price to be used in RFQ, Purchase Order or Quotation. |
PriceTolerancePercentage | String | An attribute indicating the maximum price percentage over the normal price range for an item. For example, if the tolerance percent is 5, the maximum acceptable price on a purchase order is 5% over the requisition price. Any purchase order price 5% above the requisition price is unacceptable, and you cannot approve the purchase order. |
MarketPrice | String | Attribute indicating market Price of the item which is printed on the Purchase Order lines. |
RoundingFactor | String | An attribute indicating how to round the quantity on an internal requisition that results from conversions between the requisition line unit of measure and the item unit of issue. This factor insures that the unit of issue resolves to an integer, rather than a fractional amount. |
MatchApprovalLevelValue | String | An attribute that represents the status of the Match Approvals. The values can be either PO or Receipt. |
MatchConfigurationOptionValue | String | An attribute indicating the capability to match to one of existing configurations of the models -Standard, Container, Null. |
ReceiptDateActionValue | String | An attribute indicating action to be performed when the receive date is outside the range defined by Days Early Receipt Allowed or Days Late Receipt Allowed. Choices - None, Reject, Warning. |
DaysEarlyReceiptAllowed | String | An attribute indicating the number of days before the promise date you can receive an item without warning or rejection. |
DaysLateReceiptAllowed | String | An attribute indicating the number of days after the promise date you can receive an item without warning or rejection. |
AllowSubstituteReceiptsFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether to allow receipt of defined substitutes in place of this item. |
AllowUnorderedReceiptsFlag | Bool | A flag indicating whether you can receive an item without a purchase order. |
QuantityReceivedToleranceAction | String | An attribute indicating action to be performed when the receive date is outside the range defined by Quantity Received Tolerance. |
QuantityReceivedTolerancePercentage | String | An attribute indicating the quantity received tolerance percent, the maximum acceptable over-receipt percentage. |
ItemExtensibleFlexfieldCategoryCode | String | An attribute value for the EFF category code for the Item. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Who column: An attribute that indicates the date and time of the creation of the item. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Who column: An attribute which indicates the date and time of the last update of the item. |
BackToBackEnabledFlag | Bool | A flag indicating the item is enabled for back to back ordering. |
ContractManufacturingFlag | Bool | A flag indicating the item is used in contract manufacturing. |
DaysOfCover | String | An attribute representing the number of days of cover for an item. |
DemandPeriod | String | An attribute representing the demand period for an item. |
SafetyStockPlanningMethodValue | String | An attribute value that represents the type of safety planning method that will be used in planning for the item. |
OutsideProcessServiceFlag | Bool | This attribute indicates whether the item can be added to a outside processing purchase order |
AllowMaintenanceAssetFlag | Bool | Attribute indicating that maintainable assets can be defined for the item. |
EnableGenealogyTrackingFlag | Bool | Attribute indicating that item is enabled for genealogy tracking. |
EngineeredItemFlag | Bool | Attribute indicating that the item is engineered by the customer in house. |
ProcurementBusinessUnitName | String | Procurement Business unit. |
ForcePurchaseLeadTimeFlag | Bool | Attribute indicating whether an item's purchasing lead time is enforced as a hard constraint or not in the planning. |
ReplacementTypeValue | String | Attribute indicating whether item is field or customer replaceable. |
BuyerEmailAddress | String | Email Address of the buyer. |
AssetTrackedValue | String | This attribute indicates the type of asset tracking done on the items. |
RequestId | String | An unique identifier for the item import scheduled process request which created or updated the item. |
CreatedBy | String | Who column: An attribute which indicates the user that created the item. |
CreationDateTime | Datetime | Who column: An attribute that indicates the date and time of the creation of the item. |
LastUpdateDateTime | Datetime | Who column: An attribute which indicates the date and time of the last update of the item. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Who column: An attribute which indicates the user that logged in last for the item. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Who column: An attribute which indicates the user that last updated the item. |
InternallyTransferableFlag | Bool | InternallyTransferableFlag of ItemsV2 |
TransferOrdersEnabledFlag | Bool | TransferOrdersEnabledFlag of ItemsV2 |
ReplenishmentMaximumDaysOfSupply | String | ReplenishmentMaximumDaysOfSupply of ItemsV2 |
CustomerSelfServiceEnabledFlag | Bool | CustomerSelfServiceEnabledFlag of ItemsV2 |
AllowPurchasingDocumentDescriptionUpdateFlag | Bool | AllowPurchasingDocumentDescriptionUpdateFlag of ItemsV2 |
EnableContractCoverage | Bool | EnableContractCoverage of ItemsV2 |
CarryingCostPercentage | String | CarryingCostPercentage of ItemsV2 |
ReplenishmentMinimumDaysOfSupply | String | ReplenishmentMinimumDaysOfSupply of ItemsV2 |
AllowExpressTransactionsFlag | Bool | AllowExpressTransactionsFlag of ItemsV2 |
ReceiptRoutingValue | String | ReceiptRoutingValue of ItemsV2 |
InvoiceMatchOptionValue | String | Value that indicates the type of match used for purchase order. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type EGP_POINV_MAT_OPTION. Review the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Standard Lookups task. The default value is Receipt. |
CommsActivationRequiredFlag | Bool | CommsActivationRequiredFlag of ItemsV2 |
RequiresFulfillmentLocationFlag | Bool | RequiresFulfillmentLocationFlag of ItemsV2 |
IssueUOMValue | String | IssueUOMValue of ItemsV2 |
EnforceShipToLocationValue | String | EnforceShipToLocationValue of ItemsV2 |
StandardCoverageValue | String | StandardCoverageValue of ItemsV2 |
ReplenishmentSourceTypeValue | String | ReplenishmentSourceTypeValue of ItemsV2 |
TrackingUOMValue | String | TrackingUOMValue of ItemsV2 |
SecondaryUOMValue | String | SecondaryUOMValue of ItemsV2 |
PricingUOMValue | String | PricingUOMValue of ItemsV2 |
HardPeggingLevelValue | String | Value that identifies the type of pegging considered by the planning engine during the supply and demand netting process. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_EGP_HARD_PEGGING_LEVEL. Review the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Standard Lookups task. The default value is None. |
CommonSupplyProjectDemandFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: True or False. If True, then the material can be planned, picked, and issued from common inventory if sufficient inventory does not exist in project inventory. If False, then the material cannot be planned, picked, or issued from common inventory even if sufficient inventory does not exist in project inventory. The default value is False |
EnableIotFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: True or False. If True, then the asset can be enabled for Internet of Things (IoT). If False, then the asset cannot be enabled for IoT. The default value is False. |
ExpenditureTypeValue | String | Value for the default expenditure type to be used in project driven supply chain transactions. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Expenditure Types task. The default value is Null. |
PackagingStringValue | String | An attribute providing the packaging string for an item, which represents how the packaging of a particular item is assembled from the base unit, such as Boxes per Case. |
CreateSupplyAfterDate | Date | Date after which the supply for the item has to be considered while generating planned orders. |
CreateFixedAssetValue | String | Attribute indicating when the item is asset capitalized. |
UnderCompletionToleranceTypeValue | String | Value that identifies the undercompletion tolerance type. The valid values include percentage or quantity. The default value is null. |
UnderCompletionToleranceValue | String | Attribute indicating the acceptable percent or quantity of assemblies that's allowed to be undercompletion. |