The Where Used for Item Structures resource gets the items in which this structure is used.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemStructuresBillSequenceId | String | ItemStructuresBillSequenceId of ItemStructuresComponentWhereUsed |
ComponentComponentSequenceId | String | ComponentComponentSequenceId of ItemStructuresComponentWhereUsed |
OrganizationCode | String | A name of an organizing unit in the internal or external structure of your enterprise. Organization structures provide the framework for performing legal reporting, financial control, and management reporting. |
ParentItemNumber | String | An attribute for the parent of an identifier for a part, material, product or service that is unique as compared with other items by the nature of its attributes. |
StructureName | String | An attribute which value represents the name of a structure. |
ParentBillSequenceId | String | A unique identifier for parent structure. |
TopItemFlag | Bool | A flag that identifies the root item for the explosion of the structure. |
EffectivityControlValue | String | An attribute which value indicates the way effectively is controlled within a structure. The values include Date, Unit Number, or Serial Number. |
ComponentPath | String | An attribute value that represents the hierarchical Path of a component item to the root item in a structure. |
ComponentItemNumber | String | An attribute value that represents the item number of a component. |
ComponentItemDescription | String | An attribute value that represents the item description of a component. |
ComponentBillSequenceId | String | A unique identifier of the parent structure. |
ComponentSequenceId | String | A unique identifier for an Component in a structure. |
Quantity | String | An attribute value which represent the quantity of a component in structure. |
ItemClassName | String | An attribute that value provides metadata common to all items that share the category. |
ItemTypeValue | String | An attribute that indicates a grouping of all items of a particular category that share the same set of item attributes, used as a high-level grouping for processes. For example, each account generator item type (such as FA account generator) contains a group of processes for determining how an accounting flexfield code combination is created. |
ItemStatusValue | String | An attribute that defines codes used to control the transaction activity of an item. For example, an item in active status can be customer order enabled. |
BasisValue | String | An attribute value that indicates how the component quantity is consumed in an assembly. The values include item and lot. |
FromSerialNumber | String | Starting Item serial number that a component is effective in a structure. Valid only for serial effective structures. |
ToSerialNumber | String | An attribute value which represents the serial number at the beginning of the end item (or root item) serial number range during which a given record is available. |
FromUnitNumber | String | Starting Item Unit Number or starting Item Serial Number that a component is effective in a structure. Valid only for unit effective structures. |
ToUnitNumber | String | An attribute value which represents the Unit number at the beginning of the end item (or root item) unit number range during which a given record is available. |
StartDateTime | Datetime | The date and time on which a component in a structure begins. |
EndDateTime | Datetime | The date and time on which a component in a structure ends. |