The Cross-Reference Relationships resource manages the relationship between an internal item and item cross-references.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemsLOVItemId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the organization. Review the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Inventory Organizations task. |
ItemsLOVOrganizationId | String | Find items according to the specified primary key criteria. |
ItemRelationshipId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the cross-reference relationship. |
MasterOrganizationId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the master organization of the item for which the cross-reference relationship is defined. |
MasterOrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the master organization of the item for which the cross-reference relationship is defined. |
InventoryItemId | String | Value that uniquely identifies an item. |
Item | String | Name or number of the part, item, product, or service. |
CrossReferenceType | String | Type of the cross-reference. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type EGP_ITEM_XREF_TYPES. Review the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Standard Lookups task. There is no default value. |
CrossReference | String | Value that identifies the cross-reference. |
ApplyToAllOrganizationFlag | Bool | Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the cross-reference is applicable to all the organizations. If false, then it is not. The default value is true. |
ApplicableOrganizationId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the organization. |
ApplicableOrganizationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the organization. |
RelationshipDescription | String | Description of the cross-reference relationship. |
CreationDateTime | Datetime | Date and time when the user created the cross-reference relationship. |
LastUpdateDateTime | Datetime | Date when the user most recently updated the cross-reference relationship. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the cross-reference relationship. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Login that the user used when updating the cross-reference relationship. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who most recently updated the cross-reference relationship. |