The Labor Instances resource manages instances of a labor resource.
Name | Type | Description |
ProductionResourcesResourceId | String | ProductionResourcesResourceId of ProductionResourcesLaborInstance |
LaborInstanceId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the labor resource instance. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates a labor instance. |
LaborIdentifier | String | Abbreviation that identifies the labor resource instance. |
LaborInstanceName | String | Name of the labor resource instance. |
PartyId | String | Value that identifies the party table in Oracle Trading Community Architecture. It is a foreign key. |
RegistryId | String | Value that identifies the registry from the Oracle Trading Community Architecture. This attribute is a foreign key. |
PersonName | String | PersonName of ProductionResourcesLaborInstance |
PersonType | String | PersonType of ProductionResourcesLaborInstance |
OrganizationId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates an inventory organization. |
ResourceId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the production resource. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates a production resource. |
ResourceCode | String | ResourceCode of ProductionResourcesLaborInstance |
PrimaryWorkCenterId | String | Value that uniquely identifies the work center. It is a primary key that the application generates when it creates a work center. This is the default work center assigned to this equipment instance. |
PrimaryWorkCenterCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the primary work center. |
InactiveDate | Date | Date when the labor instance becomes inactive. |