The Recall Lot Serials resource gets the information about the lot and serial details for each recall notice line.
Name | Type | Description |
InventoryCountTasksInvCountTaskId | String | InventoryCountTasksInvCountTaskId of InventoryCountTasksrecallLotSerials |
SerialId | String | SerialId of InventoryCountTasksrecallLotSerials |
MfgLotNumber | String | MfgLotNumber of InventoryCountTasksrecallLotSerials |
MfgFromSerialNumber | String | MfgFromSerialNumber of InventoryCountTasksrecallLotSerials |
MfgToSerialNumber | String | MfgToSerialNumber of InventoryCountTasksrecallLotSerials |
Quantity | String | Quantity of InventoryCountTasksrecallLotSerials |