The Completed Transactions in Inventory resource allows the warehouse manager to view inventory transactions that the application successfully processed.
Name | Type | Description |
TransactionId [KEY] | String | TransactionId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Item | String | Item of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ItemDescription | String | ItemDescription of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
InventoryItemId | String | InventoryItemId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Revision | String | Revision of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SubinventoryCode | String | SubinventoryCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SubinventoryId | String | SubinventoryId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
LocatorId | String | LocatorId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Locator | String | Locator of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionQuantity | String | TransactionQuantity of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionUOMCode | String | TransactionUOMCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionUOM | String | TransactionUOM of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionDate | Datetime | TransactionDate of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionTypeId | String | TransactionTypeId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionSourceTypeId | String | TransactionSourceTypeId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionSourceType | String | TransactionSourceType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SourceReference | String | SourceReference of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Account | String | Account of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Reason | String | Reason of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Reference | String | Reference of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ErrorExplanation | String | ErrorExplanation of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOrganization | String | TransferOrganization of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOrganizationCode | String | TransferOrganizationCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOrganizationId | String | TransferOrganizationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOrgLocation | String | TransferOrgLocation of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOrgLocationId | String | TransferOrgLocationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferSubinventory | String | TransferSubinventory of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferSubinventoryCode | String | TransferSubinventoryCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferLocator | String | TransferLocator of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferLocatorId | String | TransferLocatorId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferBusinessUnit | String | TransferBusinessUnit of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Quantity | String | Quantity of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
UOMName | String | UOMName of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
PrimaryUOMCode | String | PrimaryUOMCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SecondaryQuantity | String | SecondaryQuantity of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SecondaryUOM | String | SecondaryUOM of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SecondaryUOMCode | String | SecondaryUOMCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Source | String | Source of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SourceLine | String | SourceLine of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionAction | String | TransactionAction of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionActionId | String | TransactionActionId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionSet | String | TransactionSet of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferTransaction | String | TransferTransaction of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ReceivingTransaction | String | ReceivingTransaction of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Costed | String | Costed of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
AssetTrackingStatus | String | AssetTrackingStatus of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
AlmInterfaceStatus | String | AlmInterfaceStatus of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
PickSlip | String | PickSlip of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
PackingUnit | String | PackingUnit of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ReceiptRequiredAtExpenseDestination | String | ReceiptRequiredAtExpenseDestination of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ManualReceiptExpense | String | ManualReceiptExpense of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Location | String | Location of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ShipToLocationId | String | ShipToLocationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
LocationType | String | LocationType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Shipment | String | Shipment of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Waybill | String | Waybill of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Carrier | String | Carrier of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
FreightCode | String | FreightCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
NumberOfContainers | String | NumberOfContainers of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningPartyType | String | OwningPartyType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningTpType | String | OwningTpType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOwningTpType | String | TransferOwningTpType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningParty | String | OwningParty of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningPartySite | String | OwningPartySite of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOwningPartyType | String | TransferOwningPartyType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOwningParty | String | TransferOwningParty of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferOwningPartySite | String | TransferOwningPartySite of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ConsumptionAdvice | String | ConsumptionAdvice of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ConsumptionAdviceLine | String | ConsumptionAdviceLine of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ConsumptionLineId | String | ConsumptionLineId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
PurchaseOrder | String | PurchaseOrder of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
PurchaseOrderHeaderId | String | PurchaseOrderHeaderId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
PurchaseOrderLineId | String | PurchaseOrderLineId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
PurchaseOrderLine | String | PurchaseOrderLine of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ParentTransaction | String | ParentTransaction of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Receipt | String | Receipt of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
RcvShipmentHeaderId | String | RcvShipmentHeaderId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ReceiptLine | String | ReceiptLine of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
RcvShipmentLineId | String | RcvShipmentLineId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ConsumptionAdviceError | String | ConsumptionAdviceError of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ConsumptionAdviceErrorAction | String | ConsumptionAdviceErrorAction of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
AssociatedOwnershipChangeTransaction | String | AssociatedOwnershipChangeTransaction of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaxationCountry | String | TaxationCountry of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
DefaultTaxationCountry | String | DefaultTaxationCountry of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionBusinessCategory | String | TransactionBusinessCategory of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TrxBusinessCategory | String | TrxBusinessCategory of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
DocumentFiscalClassification | String | DocumentFiscalClassification of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
DocumentSubType | String | DocumentSubType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
UserDefinedFiscalClassification | String | UserDefinedFiscalClassification of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
UserDefinedFiscClass | String | UserDefinedFiscClass of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ProductFiscalClassification | String | ProductFiscalClassification of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
CategoryId | String | CategoryId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
IntendedUse | String | IntendedUse of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
IntendedUseClassifId | String | IntendedUseClassifId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
LocationOfFinalDischarge | String | LocationOfFinalDischarge of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ProductCategory | String | ProductCategory of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ProductCategoryCode | String | ProductCategoryCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaxClassificationCode | String | TaxClassificationCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaxClassification | String | TaxClassification of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ProductType | String | ProductType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ProductTypeCode | String | ProductTypeCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
FirstPtyRegId | String | FirstPtyRegId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber | String | ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ThirdPtyRegId | String | ThirdPtyRegId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ShipFromSite | String | ShipFromSite of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ShipFromLocationId | String | ShipFromLocationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaxInvoiceNumber | String | TaxInvoiceNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaxInvoiceDate | Date | TaxInvoiceDate of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
AssessableValue | String | AssessableValue of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Currency | String | Currency of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber | String | TaxExemptionCertificateNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaxExemptReasonCode | String | TaxExemptReasonCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ExemptReasonCode | String | ExemptReasonCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OperationNumber | String | OperationNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OperationSequenceNumber | String | OperationSequenceNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OperationSequenceNumberId | String | OperationSequenceNumberId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OperationTransaction | String | OperationTransaction of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
WIPSupplyType | String | WIPSupplyType of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
WIPSupplyTypeCode | String | WIPSupplyTypeCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
WorkCenter | String | WorkCenter of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
DepartmentCode | String | DepartmentCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
DepartmentId | String | DepartmentId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
AssemblySerialNumber | String | AssemblySerialNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ElectronicSignature | String | ElectronicSignature of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Organization | String | Organization of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OrganizationName | String | OrganizationName of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OrganizationId | String | OrganizationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningPartyOrgName | String | OwningPartyOrgName of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningPartyLocation | String | OwningPartyLocation of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningPartyLocationId | String | OwningPartyLocationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
LotTransactionGroupName | String | LotTransactionGroupName of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SourceLotFlag | Bool | SourceLotFlag of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionSourceName | String | TransactionSourceName of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransactionSourceId | String | TransactionSourceId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ReasonId | String | ReasonId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ConsErrorTypeCode | String | ConsErrorTypeCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ConsErrorActionCode | String | ConsErrorActionCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
OwningOrganizationId | String | OwningOrganizationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
XfrOwningOrganizationId | String | XfrOwningOrganizationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
StructureInstanceNumber | String | StructureInstanceNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Category | String | Category of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
Lot | String | Lot of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SerialNumber | String | SerialNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
SupplierLot | String | SupplierLot of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ExternalSystemPackingUnit | String | ExternalSystemPackingUnit of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
DistributionAccountId | String | DistributionAccountId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
FinalDischargeLocationId | String | FinalDischargeLocationId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ProjectId | String | ProjectId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaskId | String | TaskId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
CountryOfOriginCode | String | CountryOfOriginCode of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ProjectNumber | String | ProjectNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TaskNumber | String | TaskNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
CountryOfOrigin | String | CountryOfOrigin of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferProjectId | String | TransferProjectId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferTaskId | String | TransferTaskId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferProjectNumber | String | TransferProjectNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
TransferTaskNumber | String | TransferTaskNumber of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
RequesterId | String | RequesterId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
RequesterName | String | RequesterName of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | ExternalSystemTransactionReference of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
MovementRequestLineId | String | MovementRequestLineId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |
LoadRequestId | String | LoadRequestId of InventoryCompletedTransactions |