Get details of reusable templates for building emails.
The component will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.
- Id supports the '=,IN,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- ArchivedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- ClickCount supports the '=,IN,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- CreatedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- DeliverCount supports the '=,IN,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- LastUsedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- Name supports the '=,IN' operators.
- OpenCount supports the '=,IN,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- ReplyCount supports the '=,IN,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
- ShareType supports the '=,IN' operators.
- UpdatedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Name = 'test' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE ShareType = 'read_only'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Template. |
Archived | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if the template has been archived. |
ArchivedAt | Datetime | The date and time the template was archived. |
BccRecipients | String | A list of default person and email address pairs to receive this template in the bcc field. |
BodyHtml | String | The body HTML of the template. |
BodyText | String | The body text of the template. |
BounceCount | Integer | The total count of bounced mailings during this template. |
CcRecipients | String | A list of default person and email address pairs to receive this template in the cc field. |
ClickCount | Integer | The total count of clicked mailings from this template. |
ClonedFromId | String | Cloned from Id. |
ContainsCustomHtml | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if the template contains custom HTML. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the template was created. |
DeliverCount | Integer | The total count of delivered mailings from this template. |
FailureCount | Integer | The total count of failed mailings from this template. |
LastUsedAt | Datetime | The last time the template was used. |
Name | String | The name of the template. |
NegativeReplyCount | Integer | The total count of negative reply mailings from this template. |
NeutralReplyCount | Integer | The total count of neutral reply mailings from this template. |
OpenCount | Integer | The total count of opened mailings from this template. |
OptOutCount | Integer | The total count of opted out mailings from this template. |
PositiveReplyCount | Integer | The total count of positive reply mailings from this template. |
ReplyCount | Integer | The total count of replied mailings from this template. |
ScheduleCount | Integer | The total count of scheduled mailings from this template. |
ShareType | String | The share type must be one of. Possible values are 'read_only', 'private', 'shared', etc. |
Subject | String | The subject line for the email to be sent. |
Tags | String | A list of tag values associated with the template. |
ToRecipients | String | A list of default person and email address pairs to receive this template in the To field. |
TrackLinks | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if link tracking is enabled for the template. |
TrackOpens | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if open tracking is enabled for the template. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the template was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
ContentCategoryMembershipsId | Integer | Content category memberships Id. |
ContentCategoryMembershipsLinks | String | Content category memberships links. |
CreatorId | Integer | The creator Id of the template. |
CreatorType | String | The creator type of the template. |
OwnerId | Integer | The Owner Id of the template. |
OwnerType | String | The Owner type of the template. |
RecipientsId | Integer | The Recipients Id. |
RecipientsLinks | String | The Recipients links. |
UpdaterId | Integer | The Updater Id of the template. |
UpdaterType | String | The Updater type of the template. |
Type | String | Type. |