ODBC Driver for Outreach

Build 24.0.9111


Get details of prospects.


The 本製品 will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • Id supports the '=,IN,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • CreatedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • Emails supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • EngagedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • EngagedScore supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • ExternalSource supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • FirstName supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • GithubUsername supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • LastName supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • LinkedInId supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • LinkedInSlug supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • SharingTeamId supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • StackOverflowId supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • TimeZone supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • Title supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • TouchedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • TwitterUsername supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • UpdatedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id = 1

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id IN (1, 2)

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id >= 1

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id <= 1

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id > 1

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id < 2

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE EngagedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Emails = '[email protected]'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE FirstName = 'test'

SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE LastName = 'test'


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of Prospects.
AccountName String Name of prospects.
AddedAt String The date and time the prospect was added to any system.
AddressCity String The prospects city.
AddressCountry String The prospects country.
AddressState String The prospects state.
AddressStreet String The prospects street address.
AddressStreet2 String The prospects second street address.
AddressZip String The prospects postal code.
AngelListUrl String The prospects AngelList URL.
AvailableAt String The date and time the prospect is available to contact again.
CallOptedOut Boolean Whether the prospect is opted out of calling or opted out in general if granular opt-out is not enabled.
CallsOptedAt String A string that represents whether a prospect has opted into or out of calls.
CallsOptStatus String The date and time the prospect opted in out of calls.
CampaignName String The name of the campaign the prospect is associated with.
ClickCount Integer The number of clicks the prospect has made since the last touch point.
Company String The name of the company the prospect works at If associated with an account this is the name of the account.
CompanyFollowers String The company Follwers.
CompanyFoundedAt String The date and time when company founded at.
CompanyIndustry String company Industry.
CompanyLinkedIn String company LinkedIn.
CompanyLinkedInEmployees String companyLinkedIn Employees.
CompanyLocality String company Locality.
CompanyNatural String company Natural.
CompanySize String company Size.
CompanyStartDate String company StartDate.
CompanyType String company Type.
ContactHistogram String The last 12 months of email contact history with the prospect with the current month being the last element.
CreatedAt Datetime The date and time the prospect was created.
DateOfBirth String The date the prospect was born.
Degree String The degrees the prospect has received.
EmailOptedOut Boolean Whether the prospect is opted out of email or opted out in general if granular opt-out is not enabled.
Emails String A list of email addresses associated with the prospect.
EmailsOptedAt String he date and time the prospect opted in out of emails.
EmailsOptStatus String The date and time the prospect opted in out of emails.
EngagedAt Datetime The date and time the prospect last engaged.
EngagedScore Double A number representing the quality of the lead based on the number of the prospects opens ,clicks and mailing replies.
EventName String The name of the event the prospect was met at.
ExternalId String A custom ID for the prospect often referencing an ID in an external system.
ExternalOwner String A custom owner for the prospect often referencing an ownering in an external system.
ExternalSource String The source of the resources creation.
FacebookUrl String The prospects Facebook URL.
FirstName String The first name of the prospect.
Gender String The gender of the prospect.
GithubUrl String The prospects GitHub URL.
GithubUsername String The prospects GitHub username.
GooglePlusUrl String The prospects Google+ URL..
GraduationDate String The graduation date of the prospect.
HomePhones String A list of home phone numbers associated with the prospect.
JobStartDate String The starting date of the prospects current job.
LastName String The last name of the prospect.
LinkedInConnections String The number of connections on the prospects LinkedIn profile.
LinkedInId String The prospects LinkedIn ID.
LinkedInSlug String The prospects LinkedIn slug.
LinkedInUrl String The prospects LinkedIn URL.
MiddleName String The middle name of the prospect.
MobilePhones String A list of mobile phone numbers associated with the prospect.
Name String The full name of the prospect.
Nickname String The nickname of the prospect.
Occupation String The occupation of the prospect.
OpenCount Integer The number of opens the prospect has made since the last touch point.
OptedOut Boolean A boolean value representing whether this prospect is currently opted out of all mailings.
OptedOutAt String The date and time the prospect opted out of emails.
OtherPhones String A list of other phone numbers associated with the prospect.
PersonalNote1 String A note field related to the prospect.
PersonalNote2 String A second note field related to the prospect.
PreferredContact String The preferred contact method for the prospect.
QuoraUrl String The prospects Quora URL.
Region String The primary geographic region of the prospect.
ReplyCount Integer The number of replies the prospect has made since the last touch point.
School String The schools the prospect has attended.
Score String A custom score given to measure the quality of the lead.
SharingTeamId String The ID of the sharing team associated with this object.
Source String A custom source representing where the lead was first acquired..
Specialties String description of the prospects specialties.
StackOverflowId String The prospects StackOverflow ID.
StackOverflowUrl String The prospects StackOverflow URL.
StageName String Stage Name.
Tags String A list of tag values associated with the account.
TimeZone String The prospects current timezone preferably in the IANA format.
TimeZoneIana String The prospects current IANA timezone if available.
TimeZoneInferred String The prospects current inferred IANA timezone if available.
Title String The title of the prospect.
TouchedAt Datetime The date and time the prospect was last touched.
TrashedAt String The date a prospect was soft deleted.
TwitterUrl String The prospects Twitter URL.
TwitterUsername String The prospects Twitter username.
UpdatedAt Datetime The date and time the prospect was last updated.
VoipPhones String A list of voip phone numbers associated with the prospect.
WebsiteUrl1 String The URL of the prospects website.
WebsiteUrl2 String The value of the prospects second website URL field.
WebsiteUrl3 String The value of the prospects third website URL field.
WorkPhones String A list of work phone numbers associated with the prospect.
LinksSelf String Link Self.
AccountId Integer Account Id.
AccountType String Account Type.
BatchesLinks String Batches Links.
CallsLinks String Calls Link.
CreatorId Integer Creator Id.
CreatorType String Creator Type.
TasksLinks String task links releated.
OwnerId Integer Owner Id.
OwnerType String Owner Type.
SequenceStatesLinks String SequenceStates Links.
UpdaterId Integer Updater Id.
UpdaterType String Updater Type.
Type String Type.

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Build 24.0.9111