ODBC Driver for Outreach

Build 24.0.9032


Get details of opportunities for sales or pending deals.


The 本製品 will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • Id supports the '=,IN,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • CreatedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • MapLink supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • MapStatus supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • Name supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • SharingTeamId supports the '=,IN' operators.
  • TouchedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
  • UpdatedAt supports the '=,>=,<=,>,<' operators.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id = 1

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id IN (1, 2)

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id >= 1

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id <= 1

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id > 1

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id < 2

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of opportunity.
Amount Integer The amount the opportunity is worth.
CloseDate Datetime The date the opportunity is expected to close.
CreatedAt Datetime The date and time the mailing was created.
CurrencyType String The ISO code of the currency this opportunity is in.
Description String A description of the opportunity.
ExternalCreatedAt Datetime The date the opportunity was created in the external system.
MapLink String A link to the SamePlan MAP (Mutual Action Plan) associated with this opportunity.
MapNextSteps String The next event in the timeline that has yet to be completed for the SamePlan MAP.
MapStatus String The status of the SamePlan MAP (Mutual Action Plan) based on how well both parties are trending towards the plan.
Name String The name of the opportunity.
NextStep String The next step to take for the opportunity.
OpportunityType String The type of opportunity.
Probability Integer The chances of the opportunity succeeding represented as a percentage.
ProspectingRepId String The ID of the sales rep that prospects the opportunity.
SharingTeamId String The ID of the sharing team associated with this object. Access is currently in beta.
Tags String Tags associated with the opportunity.
TouchedAt Datetime The last time an event happened for an opportunity.
UpdatedAt Datetime The date the opportunity was last updated.
LinksSelf String Links self.
AccountId Integer Account Id.
AccountType String Account type.
CreatorId Integer Creator Id.
CreatorDataType String Creator type.
OpportunityStageId Integer Opportunity stage Id.
OpportunityStageType String Opportunity stage type.
OwnerId Integer Owner Id.
OwnerType String Owner type.
StageId Integer Stage's Id.
StageType String Stage's type.
UpdaterId Integer Updater Id.
UpdaterType String Updater type.
Type String Opportunity's type.

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Build 24.0.9032