CData Sync App は、Outreach データをデータベース、データレイク、またはデータウェアハウスに継続的にパイプライン化する簡単な方法を提供し、分析、レポート、AI、および機械学習で簡単に利用できるようにします。
Outreach コネクタはCData Sync アプリケーションから使用可能で、Outreach からデータを取得して、サポートされている任意の同期先に移動できます。
Sync App は、Outreach API のバージョン2 (v2) を利用して、Outreach の収益管理データへの双方向アクセスを実現します。
以下のサブセクションでは、3つの一般的な認証フローでのOutreach への認証について詳しく説明します。
カスタムOAuth 情報を取得する方法と、埋め込みOAuth 認証情報を持つ認証フローでもカスタム接続を作成したほうがよい場合の説明については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
Outreach で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
アクセストークンの期限が切れたときは、Sync App は自動でアクセストークンをリフレッシュします。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Sync App がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
このセクションでは、利用可能なAPI オブジェクトを示し、Outreach API へのSQL の実行について詳しく説明します。
ビュー では、利用可能なビューを説明します。ビューは、Accounts、Prospects、Calls などのOutreach エンティティを静的にモデル化するように定義されています。
ストアドプロシージャ は、Outreach のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。
ストアドプロシージャを使用すると、オブジェクトのダウンロードやエンベロープの移動など、Outreach の操作を実行できます。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Get details of accounts. |
Audits | Get details of events that happen during the day. |
CallDispositions | A ready-made collection of call dispositions that help categorize your call logs. |
CallPurposes | Get details of ready-made collection of call dispositions that help categorize your call logs. |
Calls | Get details of an inbound or outbound call made with a prospect. |
ComplianceRequests | Get details of compliance requests. |
ContentCategories | Get details of content categories. |
ContentCategoryMemberships | Get details of a record that maps content to a content category. |
ContentCategoryOwnerships | A record that maps content to a content category. |
Duties | An Outreach-suggested role or job duty played by a user in their organization. |
EmailAddress | Get details of prospect email addresses. |
Events | Get details of application events, capturing details around the initiator, recipient. |
Favorites | Get details of a record favorited by a particular user. |
MailAliases | Alternative email name for a mailbox. |
Mailbox | Get details of email mailboxes. |
Mailings | Get details of mailings. |
Opportunities | Get details of opportunities for sales or pending deals. |
OpportunityProspectRoles | Get details of prospect roles and associated with an opportunity. |
OpportunityStages | The stage an opportunity is in. |
Personas | A descriptor of a person used for categorizing prospects. |
PhoneNumbers | Get details of prospect phone numbers. |
Profiles | Controls what you can see and do within Outreach. |
Prospects | Get details of prospects. |
Recipients | Record for a recipient for some communication, such as email. |
Roles | Get details of where you fall within your organizations structure. |
Rulesets | A reusable set of behaviors to be applied to sequences. |
Sequences | Get details of sequences. |
SequenceStates | Get details of sequence states. |
SequenceSteps | Get details of sequence steps. |
SequenceTemplates | An object used to track which templates are in use by which sequence steps. |
Snippets | Piece of an email to be reused in multiple messages. |
Stages | The point in the process used for categorizing prospects. |
TaskPriorities | Descriptor of importance used for categorizing tasks. |
Tasks | An item that requires action to complete. |
Teams | Get details of a group of users. |
Templates | Get details of reusable templates for building emails. |
Users | Get details of the individual that uses the application. |
UsersDuties | Get details of the individual that uses the application. |
Get details of accounts.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE CustomId = 1 SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE BuyerIntentScore = 1 SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE SharingTeamId = 1
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Account. |
BuyerIntentScore | Double | A custom score given to measure the quality of the account. |
CompanyType | String | A description of the company type. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the account was created. |
CustomId | String | A custom ID for the account often referencing an ID in an external system. |
Description | String | A custom description of the account. |
Domain | String | The company website domain. |
ExternalSource | String | The source of the resource creation. |
Followers | String | The number of followers the company has listed on social media. |
FoundedAt | Datetime | The founding date of the company. |
Industry | String | A description of the company industry. |
LinkedInEmployees | String | The number of employees listed on the company LinkedIn URL. |
LinkedInUrl | String | The company LinkedIn URL. |
Locality | String | The company primary geographic region. |
Name | String | The name of the company. |
Named | Boolean | A boolean value determining whether this is a named account or not. Only named accounts will show up on the collection index. |
NaturalName | String | The natural name of the company. |
NumberOfEmployees | String | The number of employees working at the company. |
SharingTeamId | String | The ID of the sharing team associated with this object. Access is currently in beta. |
Tags | String | A list of tag values associated with the account. |
TouchedAt | String | The date and time the account was last touched. |
TrashedAt | String | The date and time the account was last trashed. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the account was last updated. |
WebsiteUrl | String | The company website URL. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
OwnerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
OwnerType | String | Owner type. |
ProspectsLinks | String | Prospects links. |
TasksLinks | String | Tasks links. |
UpdaterId | Integer | Updater Id. |
UpdaterType | String | Updater type. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of events that happen during the day.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Audits WHERE Id = 'cfae7d27-8600-4d8e-880b-3095fd9dbf5' SELECT * FROM Audits WHERE Timestamp = '2022-01-25 00:23:41.442' SELECT * FROM Audits WHERE Eventname = 'user_updated'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id of the audit. |
ActorType | String | Actor type. |
UpdaterId | Integer | UpdaterId. |
EventName | String | Name of the event. |
Impersonator | String | Impersonator. |
OrgId | String | Org Id. |
RequestIp | String | RequestIp. |
ResourceId | Integer | ResourceId. |
Timestamp | Datetime | When the event happened. |
UserEmail | String | Email of the user who perfomed the action. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Type | String | Type. |
A ready-made collection of call dispositions that help categorize your call logs.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE Name = 'Answered - Meeting Set' SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE Name IN ('test', 'ram') SELECT * FROM CallDispositions WHERE OrderValue = 1
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call disposition was created. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
Name | String | The disposition's name. |
OrderValue | Integer | The disposition's display OrderValue within the collection. |
Outcome | String | The disposition's call outcome.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Answered, Not Answered |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call disposition was last updated. |
CallsLinks | String | Calls links. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
Type | String | Type of disposition. |
Get details of ready-made collection of call dispositions that help categorize your call logs.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE Name = 'Answered - Meeting Set' SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE Name IN ('test', 'ram') SELECT * FROM CallPurposes WHERE OrderValue = 1
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call disposition was created. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
Name | String | The purpose's name. |
OrderValue | Integer | The purpose's display OrderValue within the collection. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call disposition was last updated. |
CallsLinks | String | Calls Links. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
Type | String | Type of disposition. |
Get details of an inbound or outbound call made with a prospect.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE UserCallType = 'bridge' SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE UserCallType IN('bridge', 'test')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of call. |
AnsweredAt | Datetime | The date and time the call was answered. |
CompletedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call was completed. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call was created. |
DialedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call was dialed. |
Direction | String | The call direction from the user's point of view. |
ExternalVendor | String | The voice provider of the call. |
From | String | The phone number used to place the call. |
Note | String | A custom note associated with this call. |
Outcome | String | The calls outcome.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Answered, Not Answered |
RecordingDeletionReason | String | Recording Deletion Reason. |
RecordingUrl | String | The URL of the calls audio recording. |
ReturnedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call was returned. |
SequenceAction | String | The action to take on the associated sequence. |
ShouldRecordCall | Boolean | Indicated whether or not the call is recorded. |
State | String | The calls current state. |
StateChangedAt | Datetime | The date and time the calls state last changed. |
Tags | String | A list of tag values associated with the call. |
To | String | The phone number that the call was placed to. |
Uid | String | The Outreach voice trace Id. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the call was last updated. |
UserCallType | String | The type of call placed within the Outreach client.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。bridge, voip |
VendorCallId | String | The call-id as recorded by the voice provider. |
VoicemailRecordingUrl | String | The URL of the calls voicemail audio recording. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
BatchesLinks | String | Batches Links. |
CallDispositionId | Integer | The associated call disposition Id. |
CallDispositionType | String | The associated Call disposition type. |
CallPurposeId | Integer | The associated call purpose Id. |
CallPurposeType | String | The associated call purpose type. |
OpportunityId | Integer | The associated opportunity Id. |
PhoneNumberId | Integer | The associated phone number's Id. |
ProspectId | Integer | The associated prospect Id. |
SequenceId | Integer | The associated sequence Id. |
SequenceStateId | Integer | The associated sequenceStates Id. |
SequenceStepId | Integer | The associated sequence Step Id. |
TaskId | Integer | The associated task's Id. |
UserId | Integer | The associated user's Id. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of compliance requests.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM ComplianceRequests WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM ComplianceRequests WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM ComplianceRequests WHERE State = 'test' SELECT * FROM ComplianceRequests WHERE uuid = '12345' SELECT * FROM ComplianceRequests WHERE uuid IN (1, 2)
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of compliance request. |
BatchComplianceRequestUuid | String | The UUID of the batch the compliance request belongs to. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the compliance request was created. |
ObjectType | String | The type of record to process. |
RequestObjectId | String | The identifier for the record processed for prospects. This is the prospect Id for recipients. This is an e-mail address. |
RequesterId | Integer | The ID of the Outreach user who submitted the compliance request. |
RequestType | String | The type of compliance request. |
State | String | The current state of the compliance request. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time at which the compliance request was last updated. |
UuId | String | The UUID of the compliance request. |
Get details of content categories.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE UpdatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategories WHERE UpdatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Content Category. |
AllowSequences | Boolean | Whether or not this category be used to group sequences. |
AllowSnippets | Boolean | Whether or not this category be used to group snippets. |
AllowTemplates | Boolean | Whether or not this category be used to group templates. |
Color | String | Color of the content category to be used as a background. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the content category was created. |
Name | String | The name of the content category. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the content category was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
Type | String | Types. |
Get details of a record that maps content to a content category.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE Id <= 2 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE Id >= 1 AND Id <= 10 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-27 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-27 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE UpdatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryMemberships WHERE UpdatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of content category memberships. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the content category membership was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the content category membership was last updated. |
ContentCategoryId | Integer | The content category Id. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
OwnerId | Integer | owner Id. |
OwnerType | String | Owner type. |
Type | String | Types. |
A record that maps content to a content category.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE Id <= 2 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE Id >= 1 AND Id <= 10 SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-27 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-27 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE UpdatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM ContentCategoryOwnerships WHERE UpdatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of content category ownerships. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the content category ownership was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the content category ownership was last updated. |
ContentCategoryId | Integer | The content category Id. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
Type | String | Type. |
An Outreach-suggested role or job duty played by a user in their organization.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Duties WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Duties WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Duties WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Duties WHERE Id <= 4 SELECT * FROM Duties WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Duties WHERE Id < 4
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of duty. |
DutyType | String | The polymorphic type of the duty. |
SymbolicName | String | The string constant used to refer to this duty which can be internationalized on the client. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of prospect email addresses.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE StatusChangedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE StatusChangedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND StatusChangedAt <= '2022-02-27 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE StatusChangedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE StatusChangedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE StatusChangedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE StatusChangedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE UnsubscribedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM EmailAddress WHERE Email = '[email protected]'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Email Address. |
BouncedAt | Datetime | The date and time the email was bounced. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the email address was created. |
String | The raw email address value. | |
EmailType | String | Type of email address. |
OrderValue | Integer | Ordered position in list of emails. |
Status | String | The status of the email. |
StatusChangedAt | Datetime | Time the status was updated. |
UnsubscribedAt | Datetime | Time a mailing was unsubscribed using this address. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the email address was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
ProspectId | Integer | Prospect's Id. |
ProspectType | String | Relationship type. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of application events, capturing details around the initiator, recipient.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Events WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Events WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Events WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Events WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Events WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Events WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Events WHERE EventAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Email Address. |
Body | String | The event body. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the event was created. |
EventAt | Datetime | The date and time the event occurred. |
ExternalUrl | String | The external URL associated with this event. |
Name | String | The name of the event that took place. |
Payload | String | The transmitted data for the event. |
RequestCity | String | The city where the request that created the event was made. |
RequestDevice | String | The type of device on which the request that created the event was made. |
RequestHost | String | Name of the host from which the request was made. |
RequestProxied | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the request was proxied. |
RequestRegion | String | Name of the region from which the request was made. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
MailingId | Integer | Mailing Id. |
ProspectId | Integer | Prospect's Id. |
ProspectType | String | Prospect's type. |
UserId | Integer | User's Id. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of a record favorited by a particular user.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Favorites WHERE TargetType = 'Prospect'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of favorites. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the favorite was created. |
TargetType | String | The type of record that was favorited. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the favorite was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
UserId | Integer | User's Id. |
UserType | String | User's type. |
Type | String | Type. |
Alternative email name for a mailbox.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM MailAliases WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of mail alias. |
CanSend | Boolean | Whether or not this alias can send email. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date the alias was created. |
String | The email alias. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date the alias was last updated. |
UserId | Integer | User's Id. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of email mailboxes.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailbox WHERE UserId = 1
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of mailbox. |
AuthId | Integer | The Auth Id associated with the mailbox. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the mailbox was created. |
Editable | Boolean | A boolean value to indicate if the user has the permission to edit mailbox fields. |
String | The email address of the mailbox. | |
EmailProvider | String | The mail service provider. |
EmailSignature | String | The default signature in HTML to be appended to sent email messages. |
EwsEndpoint | String | The url of the Exchange Web Service. |
EwsSslVerifyMode | Integer | The SSL verify mode represented as an integer the EWS connection will used. |
ExchangeVersion | String | The version of Exchange. |
ImapHost | String | The address of the IMAP host used for syncing. |
ImapPort | Integer | The port number the IMAP server is using. |
ImapSsl | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the IMAP connection will use SSL. |
MaxEmailsPerDay | Integer | The maximum number of in and out emails per day. |
MaxMailingsPerDay | Integer | The maximum number of emails the application can send in a day from this mailbox. |
MaxMailingsPerWeek | Integer | The maximum number of emails the application can send within a week from this mailbox. |
OptOutMessage | String | The message displayed on the unsubscribe confirmation page seen after clicking the unsubscribe link in the email. |
OptOutSignature | String | The message below the signature in HTML. |
ProspectEmailExclusions | String | A list of email address patterns to be excluded from syncing. |
ProviderId | Integer | The Id of the provider associated with this calendar. |
ProviderType | String | Email provider type. |
SendDisabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not sending is disabled from this mailbox. |
SendErroredAt | Datetime | The date and time the most recent send error occurred. |
SendMaxRetries | Integer | The maximum number of times to auto-retry a delivery when it fails. |
SendMethod | String | The method used for sending email. |
SendPeriod | Integer | The amount of time in seconds that the number of sendThreshold emails can be sent. |
SendPermanentErrorAt | Datetime | The date and time the most recent send error occurred. |
SendRequiresSync | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the mailbox is required to be recently synced before sending. |
SendSuccessAt | Datetime | The date and time the most recent successful email send occurred. |
SendThreshold | Integer | The maximum number of email sends per the sendPeriod amount of time. |
SmtpHost | String | The address of the SMTP host used for sending. |
SmtpPort | Integer | The port number the SMTP server is using. |
SmtpSsl | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the SMTP connection will use SSL. |
SmtpUsername | String | The username for the SMTP account. |
SyncActiveFrequency | Integer | The amount of time in seconds between syncing when the user is actively using the application. |
SyncDisabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not syncing is disabled from this mailbox. |
SyncErroredAt | Datetime | The date and time the most recent sync error occurred. |
SyncFinishedAt | Datetime | The date and time the most recent sync finished. |
SyncMethod | String | The method used for syncing email. |
SyncOutreachFolder | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the folder for syncing is named Outreach instead of Inbox. |
SyncPassiveFrequency | Integer | The amount of time in seconds between syncing when the user is not actively using the application. |
SyncSuccessAt | Datetime | The date and time the most recent successful email sync occurred. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the mailbox was last updated. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
ownerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
OwnerType | String | Owner type. |
UserId | Integer | The Id of the user associated with this mailbox. |
Username | String | The username of the email account. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of mailings.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Mailings WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of mailing. |
BodyHtml | String | The mailing custom email body represented in HTML. |
BodyText | String | The plain-text representation of the bodyHTML field. |
BouncedAt | Datetime | The date and time the email was bounced. |
ClickCount | Integer | The total number of times links within the email were clicked. |
ClickedAt | Datetime | The most recent date and time a link was clicked. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the mailing was created. |
DeliveredAt | Datetime | The date and time the email was delivered. |
ErrorBacktrace | String | Technical details explaining the mailing error. |
ErrorReason | String | A summary explaining the mailing error. |
FollowUpTaskScheduledAt | Datetime | The date and time of when a follow-up task should be due for this mailing. |
FollowUpTaskType | String | The type of follow-up task to create. |
MailboxAddress | String | The email address the mailing was sent from. |
MailingType | String | A description of the type of the emailing. |
MarkedAsSpamAt | Datetime | The date and time the email was marked as spam. |
MessageId | String | The MIME content MessageId of the delivered message. |
NotifyThreadCondition | String | The condition of when to bump this mailing to the top of the user inbox. |
NotifyThreadScheduledAt | Datetime | The date and time of when this mailing should be bumped to the top of the user inbox. |
NotifyThreadStatus | String | The status of the bump.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。pending, sent, skipped |
OpenCount | Integer | The total number of times the email was opened. |
OpenedAt | Datetime | The most recent date and time the email was opened. |
OverrideSafetySettings | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not users can override submission if template variables have not all been replaced. |
References | String | A list of references for the mailing taken from the email header. |
RepliedAt | Datetime | The date and time the email was replied to. |
RetryAt | Datetime | The date and time the email will retry to send. |
RetryCount | Integer | The number of times the email has been retried to send. |
RetryInterval | Integer | The amount of time in seconds between retry attempts. |
ScheduledAt | Datetime | The date and time the email is scheduled to send. |
State | String | The current state of the mailing.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。bounced, delivered, delivering, drafted, failed, opened, placeholder, queued, replied, scheduled |
StateChangedAt | Datetime | The date and time the state last changed. |
Subject | String | The subject line of the email. |
TrackLinks | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the mailing is tracking link clicks. |
TrackOpens | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the mailing is tracking email opens. |
UnsubscribedAt | Datetime | The date and time the recepient unsubscribed from the mailing sequence. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the mailing was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
MailboxId | Integer | Id of mailbox. |
MailboxType | String | Mailbox type. |
OpportunityId | Integer | Opportunity's Id. |
ProspectId | Integer | Prospect's Id. |
ProspectType | String | Prospect's type. |
SequenceId | Integer | Sequence Id. |
SequenceStateId | Integer | SequenceState Id. |
SequenceStepId | Integer | SequenceStep Id. |
TaskId | Integer | Task's Id. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of opportunities for sales or pending deals.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of opportunity. |
Amount | Integer | The amount the opportunity is worth. |
CloseDate | Datetime | The date the opportunity is expected to close. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the mailing was created. |
CurrencyType | String | The ISO code of the currency this opportunity is in. |
Description | String | A description of the opportunity. |
ExternalCreatedAt | Datetime | The date the opportunity was created in the external system. |
MapLink | String | A link to the SamePlan MAP (Mutual Action Plan) associated with this opportunity. |
MapNextSteps | String | The next event in the timeline that has yet to be completed for the SamePlan MAP. |
MapStatus | String | The status of the SamePlan MAP (Mutual Action Plan) based on how well both parties are trending towards the plan. |
Name | String | The name of the opportunity. |
NextStep | String | The next step to take for the opportunity. |
OpportunityType | String | The type of opportunity. |
Probability | Integer | The chances of the opportunity succeeding represented as a percentage. |
ProspectingRepId | String | The ID of the sales rep that prospects the opportunity. |
SharingTeamId | String | The ID of the sharing team associated with this object. Access is currently in beta. |
Tags | String | Tags associated with the opportunity. |
TouchedAt | Datetime | The last time an event happened for an opportunity. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date the opportunity was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
AccountId | Integer | Account Id. |
AccountType | String | Account type. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorDataType | String | Creator type. |
OpportunityStageId | Integer | Opportunity stage Id. |
OpportunityStageType | String | Opportunity stage type. |
OwnerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
OwnerType | String | Owner type. |
StageId | Integer | Stage's Id. |
StageType | String | Stage's type. |
UpdaterId | Integer | Updater Id. |
UpdaterType | String | Updater type. |
Type | String | Opportunity's type. |
Get details of prospect roles and associated with an opportunity.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityProspectRoles WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of opportunity prospect role. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the role was created. |
Primary | Boolean | A boolean value indicating if this prospect is the primary contact within an opportunity. |
Role | String | A string value representing the role. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the role was last updated. |
ProspectId | Integer | Prospect's Id. |
OpportunityId | Integer | Opportunity's Id. |
The stage an opportunity is in.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE Name = 'Prospecting' SELECT * FROM OpportunityStages WHERE OrderValue = 0
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of opportunity stage. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the opportunity stage was created. |
Color | String | The color used to label and highlight the opportunity stage. |
Name | String | The name of the opportunity stage. |
OrderValue | Integer | The Order Value of the opportunity stage. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the opportunity stage was last updated. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
OpportunityLinks | String | The opportunities currently associated with the opportunity stage. |
A descriptor of a person used for categorizing prospects.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE Name = 'Prospecting' SELECT * FROM Personas WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of persona. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the persona was created. |
Description | String | A description of the persona. |
Name | String | The name of the persona. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the persona was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
ProspectsLinks | String | The prospects with this persona. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of prospect phone numbers.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE StatusChangedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE StatusChangedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND StatusChangedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE StatusChangedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE StatusChangedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE StatusChangedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE StatusChangedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE Number = '+919876543210' SELECT * FROM PhoneNumbers WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of phone numbers. |
CountryCode | String | The country code. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the phone number was created. |
Extension | String | Phone number extension. |
Number | String | The phone number. |
OrderValue | Integer | Ordered position in list of numbers. |
PhoneType | String | Type of phone.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。mobile, work, home, voip, other |
RawNumber | String | Unformatted phone number. |
Status | String | The status of the number. |
StatusChangedAt | Datetime | Time the status was updated. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the phone number was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
ProspectId | Integer | Prospect's Id. |
ProspectType | String | Prospect type. |
Type | String | Type. |
Controls what you can see and do within Outreach.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Name = 'Admin' SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE Name IN ('Admin', 'Default') SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE SpecialId IN ('Admin', 'Default')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of profile. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the team was created. |
IsAdmin | Boolean | Flag that indicates whether the profile provides admin access. |
Name | String | The name of the profile. |
SpecialId | String | The special Id flag assigned to the profile. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the team was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
Type | String | type. |
Get details of prospects.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE EngagedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE Emails = '[email protected]' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE FirstName = 'test' SELECT * FROM Prospects WHERE LastName = 'test'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Prospect. |
AccountName | String | Name of prospect. |
AddedAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect was added to any system. |
AddressCity | String | The prospect's city. |
AddressCountry | String | The prospect's country. |
AddressState | String | The prospect's state. |
AddressStreet | String | The prospect's street address. |
AddressStreet2 | String | The prospect's second street address. |
AddressZip | String | The prospect's postal code. |
AngelListUrl | String | The prospect's AngelList URL. |
AvailableAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect is available to contact again. |
CallOptedOut | Boolean | Whether the prospect is opted out of calling or opted out in general if granular opt-out is not enabled. |
CallsOptedAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect opted in out of calls. |
CallsOptStatus | String | A string that represents whether a prospect has opted into or out of calls. |
CampaignName | String | The name of the campaign the prospect is associated with. |
ClickCount | Integer | The number of clicks the prospect has made since the last touch point. |
Company | String | The name of the company the prospect works at. If associated with an account, this is the name of the account. |
CompanyFollowers | String | The company Followers. |
CompanyFoundedAt | Datetime | The date and time when company founded at. |
CompanyIndustry | String | Company Industry. |
CompanyLinkedIn | String | Company LinkedIn. |
CompanyLinkedInEmployees | String | Company LinkedIn employees. |
CompanyLocality | String | Company locality. |
CompanyNatural | String | Company natural name. |
CompanySize | String | Company size. |
CompanyStartDate | String | Company start date. |
CompanyType | String | Company type. |
ContactHistogram | String | The last 12 months of email contact history with the prospect with the current month being the last element. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect was created. |
DateOfBirth | Date | The date the prospect was born. |
Degree | String | The degrees the prospect has received. |
EmailOptedOut | Boolean | Whether the prospect is opted out of email or opted out in general if granular opt-out is not enabled. |
Emails | String | A list of email addresses associated with the prospect. |
EmailsOptedAt | Datetime | he date and time the prospect opted in out of emails. |
EmailsOptStatus | String | The date and time the prospect opted in out of emails. |
EngagedAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect last engaged. |
EngagedScore | Double | A number representing the quality of the lead based on the number of the prospect's opens, clicks and mailing replies. |
EventName | String | The name of the event the prospect was met at. |
ExternalId | String | A custom ID for the prospect often referencing an ID in an external system. |
ExternalOwner | String | A custom owner for the prospect often referencing an ownering in an external system. |
ExternalSource | String | The source of the resource's creation. |
FacebookUrl | String | The prospect's Facebook URL. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the prospect. |
Gender | String | The gender of the prospect. |
GithubUrl | String | The prospect's GitHub URL. |
GithubUsername | String | The prospect's GitHub username. |
GooglePlusUrl | String | The prospect's Google+ URL. |
GraduationDate | Date | The graduation date of the prospect. |
HomePhones | String | A list of home phone numbers associated with the prospect. |
JobStartDate | Date | The starting date of the prospect's current job. |
LastName | String | The last name of the prospect. |
LinkedInConnections | String | The number of connections on the prospect's LinkedIn profile. |
LinkedInId | String | The prospect's LinkedIn ID. |
LinkedInSlug | String | The prospect's LinkedIn slug. |
LinkedInUrl | String | The prospect's LinkedIn URL. |
MiddleName | String | The middle name of the prospect. |
MobilePhones | String | A list of mobile phone numbers associated with the prospect. |
Name | String | The full name of the prospect. |
Nickname | String | The nickname of the prospect. |
Occupation | String | The occupation of the prospect. |
OpenCount | Integer | The number of opens the prospect has made since the last touch point. |
OptedOut | Boolean | A boolean value representing whether this prospect is currently opted out of all mailings. |
OptedOutAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect opted out of emails. |
OtherPhones | String | A list of other phone numbers associated with the prospect. |
PersonalNote1 | String | A note field related to the prospect. |
PersonalNote2 | String | A second note field related to the prospect. |
PreferredContact | String | The preferred contact method for the prospect. |
QuoraUrl | String | The prospect's Quora URL. |
Region | String | The primary geographic region of the prospect. |
ReplyCount | Integer | The number of replies the prospect has made since the last touch point. |
School | String | The schools the prospect has attended. |
Score | Double | A custom score given to measure the quality of the lead. |
SharingTeamId | String | The ID of the sharing team associated with this object. |
Source | String | A custom source representing where the lead was first acquired. |
Specialties | String | A description of the prospect's specialties. |
StackOverflowId | String | The prospect's StackOverflow ID. |
StackOverflowUrl | String | The prospect's StackOverflow URL. |
StageName | String | Stage Name. |
Tags | String | A list of tag values associated with the account. |
TimeZone | String | The prospect's current timezone, preferably in the IANA format. |
TimeZoneIana | String | The prospect's current IANA timezone, if available. |
TimeZoneInferred | String | The prospect's current inferred IANA timezone if available. |
Title | String | The title of the prospect. |
TouchedAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect was last touched. |
TrashedAt | Datetime | The date a prospect was soft deleted. |
TwitterUrl | String | The prospect's Twitter URL. |
TwitterUsername | String | The prospect's Twitter username. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the prospect was last updated. |
VoipPhones | String | A list of voip phone numbers associated with the prospect. |
WebsiteUrl1 | String | The URL of the prospect's website. |
WebsiteUrl2 | String | The value of the prospect's second website URL field. |
WebsiteUrl3 | String | The value of the prospect's third website URL field. |
WorkPhones | String | A list of work phone numbers associated with the prospect. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
AccountId | Integer | Account Id. |
AccountType | String | Account type. |
BatchesLinks | String | Batches links. |
CallsLinks | String | Calls link. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
TasksLinks | String | Task links. |
OwnerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
OwnerType | String | Owner type. |
SequenceStatesLinks | String | Sequence states links. |
UpdaterId | Integer | Updater Id. |
UpdaterType | String | Updater type. |
Type | String | Type. |
Record for a recipient for some communication, such as email.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Recipients WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Recipients WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Recipients WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Recipients WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Recipients WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Recipients WHERE Id < 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Recipient. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the team was created. |
EmailHash | String | Hash of email for recipient. |
RecipientType | String | The type of action for the communcation to the recipient. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the team was last updated. |
Value | String | The recipient contact information. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of where you fall within your organizations structure.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Name = 'test'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of roles. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the team was created. |
Name | String | The name of the role. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the team was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
ParentRoleLinks | String | Parent role links. |
Type | String | Type. |
A reusable set of behaviors to be applied to sequences.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE AutoResumeOotoProspects = 'false' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE PermitDuplicateProspects = 'disallow' SELECT * FROM Rulesets WHERE SequenceExclusivity = 'none'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of ruleset. |
ApplyCompletedStageIn | Integer | The amount of time in seconds after the sequence has completed before the completedStage will be applied to the Prospect. |
AutoResumeOotoProspects | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not out-of-the-office Prospects will be automatically resumed. |
AutoResumeOotoProspectsExpiresIn | Integer | The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait before opted-out Prospect will be resumed. |
AutoResumeOotoProspectsIn | Integer | The default amount of time in seconds to wait before opted-out Prospects will be resumed. |
CallOptOutAction | String | Determines if prospect can be added to sequences if they are opted out of calling. |
ClicksNeededBeforeCallTaskCreated | Integer | The number of email clicks needed before a call task will be automatically created. This feature will be disabled unless a value is set. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the ruleset was created. |
EmailOptOutAction | String | Determines if prospect can be added to sequences if they are opted out of emails. |
IncludeUnsubscribeLinks | Boolean | A boolean value specifying whether or not to include unsubscribe links within emails. |
MeetingBookedAction | String | Determines if a prospect is marked as finished when a meeting is booked. |
MinimumProspectTouchedInterval | Integer | The minimum number of seconds that must elapse between when a Prospect was last contacted and when they may be added to a sequence. |
Name | String | The name of the ruleset. |
OotoAutoExtractionEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value determining whether to use out of the office return date auto extraction. |
OpensNeededBeforeCallTaskCreated | Integer | The number of email opens needed before a call task will be automatically created. |
PermitDuplicateProspects | String | A value determining whether a Prospect may be added to this Sequence multiple times or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。allow デフォルト値はdisallowです。 |
SequenceExclusivity | String | A value determining whether Prospects may be added to multiple different Sequences.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。all_sequences, exclusive_sequences, none デフォルト値はnoneです。 |
SmsOptOutAction | String | Determines if prospect can be added to sequences if they are opted out of SMS. |
SmsReceivedAction | String | Determines if a prospect is marked as finished when a text message is received. |
StepOverridesEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value determining whether to allow users to customize step templates when adding to sequence. |
OwnerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
SequenceStatesLinks | String | Sequence states links. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the ruleset was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of sequences.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE DeliverCount = 0 SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE Name = 'test' SELECT * FROM Sequences WHERE ThrottleMaxAddsPerDay = 1
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of sequence template. |
AutomationPercentage | Double | The percentage of auto_email sequence steps in this sequence. |
BounceCount | Integer | The total count of bounced mailings during this sequence. |
ClickCount | Integer | The total count of clicked mailings from this sequence. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence was created. |
DeliverCount | Integer | The total count of delivered mailings from this sequence. |
Description | String | A custom description for the sequence. |
DurationInDays | Integer | The total number of days it takes to get through this sequence. |
Enabled | Boolean | A boolean value determining whether the sequence is enabled or not. |
EnabledAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence was enabled or null if currently disabled. |
FailureCount | Integer | The total count of failed mailings from this sequence. |
LastUsedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence was last used. |
Locked | Boolean | A boolean value determining whether the sequence is locked or not. |
LockedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence was locked or null if currently unlocked. |
MaxActivations | Integer | The maximum number of prospects that can be associated with the sequence. |
Name | String | The name or the sequence. |
NegativeReplyCount | Integer | The total count of negative reply mailings from this sequence. |
NeutralReplyCount | Integer | The total count of neutral reply mailings from this sequence. |
NumContactedProspects | Integer | The total count of prospects who have been either called or emailed. |
NumRepliedProspects | Integer | The total count of prospects who have been marked as replied. |
OpenCount | Integer | The total count of opened mailings from this sequence. |
OptOutCount | Integer | The total count of opted out mailings from this sequence. |
PositiveReplyCount | Integer | The total count of positive reply mailings from this sequence. |
PrimaryReplyAction | String | The action to take when the primary prospect replies.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。finish, continue, pause |
PrimaryReplyPauseDuration | Integer | The duration in seconds to pause for before automatically finishing after a reply from the primary prospect if the primaryReplyAction is pause. |
ReplyCount | Integer | The total count of replied mailings from this sequence. |
ScheduleCount | Integer | The total count of scheduled mailings from this sequence. |
ScheduleIntervalType | String | The schedule interval type. |
SecondaryReplyAction | String | The action to take when someone other than the primary prospect replies.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。finish, continue, pause |
SecondaryReplyPauseDuration | Integer | The duration in seconds to pause for before automatically finishing after a reply from anyone other than the primary prospect if the secondaryReplyAction is pause. |
SequenceStepCount | Integer | The total number of sequence steps in this sequence. |
SequenceType | String | The sequence type must be either date or interval.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。date, interval |
ShareType | String | The sequence share type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。private, read_only, shared |
Tags | String | A list of tag values associated with the sequence. |
ThrottleCapacity | Integer | The maximum number of associated sequence states per user that can be active at a one time. |
ThrottleMaxAddsPerDay | Integer | The maximum number of associated sequence states per user that can be added to the sequence each day. |
ThrottlePaused | Boolean | A boolean value determining whether the throttling of sequence states is paused or not. |
ThrottlePausedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence state throttling was paused or null if not currently paused. |
Transactional | Boolean | A boolean value determining whether prospect opt out preferences are respected. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
OwnerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
SequenceStatesLinks | String | Sequence states links. |
UpdaterId | Integer | Updater Id. |
RulesetId | Integer | Ruleset Id. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of sequence states.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE DeliverCount = 0 SELECT * FROM SequenceStates WHERE Name = 'test'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of sequence state. |
ActiveAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence state was last active. |
BounceCount | Integer | The total count of bounced mailings during this sequence state. |
CallCompletedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence state last had a call completed. |
ClickCount | Integer | The total count of clicked mailings from this sequence state. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence state was created. |
DeliverCount | Integer | The total count of delivered mailings from this sequence state. |
ErrorReason | String | The reason for the most recent error. |
FailureCount | Integer | The total count of failed mailings from this sequence state. |
NegativeReplyCount | Integer | The total count of negative reply mailings from this sequence state. |
NeutralReplyCount | Integer | The total count of neutral reply mailings from this sequence state. |
OpenCount | Integer | The total count of opened mailings from this sequence state. |
OptOutCount | Integer | The total count of opted out mailings from this sequence state. |
PauseReason | String | The reason for the most recent pause. |
PositiveReplyCount | Integer | The total count of positive reply mailings from this sequence state. |
RepliedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence state last had a mailing reply. |
ReplyCount | Integer | The total count of replied mailings from this sequence state. |
ScheduleCount | Integer | The total count of scheduled mailings from this sequence state. |
State | String | The current state of the sequence state. |
StateChangedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence state's state last changed. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence state was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
AccountId | Integer | Account Id. |
AccountType | String | Account type. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
MailboxId | Integer | Mailbox Id. |
MailboxType | String | MailBox type. |
ProspectId | Integer | Prospect Id. |
ProspectType | String | Prospect type. |
SequenceId | Integer | Sequence Id. |
SequenceType | String | Sequence type. |
SequenceStepId | Integer | Sequence step's Id. |
SequenceStepType | String | Sequence step's type. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of sequence steps.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE Date = '2022-02-25' SELECT * FROM SequenceSteps WHERE StepType = 'task'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of sequence step. |
BounceCount | Integer | The total count of bounced mailings during this sequence step. |
ClickCount | Integer | The total count of clicked mailings from this sequence step. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence step was created. |
Date | Date | The date this step will activate. |
DeliverCount | Integer | The total count of delivered mailings from this sequence step. |
DisplayName | String | A human-readable display name that captures the steps type and OrderValue. |
FailureCount | Integer | The total count of failed mailings from this sequence step. |
Interval | Integer | The interval in minutes. |
NegativeReplyCount | Integer | The total count of negative reply mailings from this sequence step. |
NeutralReplyCount | Integer | The total count of neutral reply mailings from this sequence step. |
OpenCount | Integer | The total count of opened mailings from this sequence step. |
OptOutCount | Integer | The total count of opted out mailings from this sequence step. |
OrderValue | Integer | The steps display Order value within its sequence. |
PositiveReplyCount | Integer | The total count of positive reply mailings from this sequence step. |
ReplyCount | Integer | The total count of replied mailings from this sequence step. |
ScheduleCount | Integer | The total count of scheduled mailings from this sequence step. |
StepType | String | The steps type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。auto_email, manual_email, call, task |
TaskAutoskipDelay | Integer | The optional interval in seconds from when tasks created by this sequence step are overdue until they are automatically skipped. |
TaskNote | String | An optional note to associate with created tasks. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence step was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
SequenceId | Integer | Sequence Id. |
SequenceType | String | Sequence type. |
TaskPriorityId | Integer | Task priority Id. |
TaskPriorityType | String | Task priority type. |
UpdaterId | Integer | Updater Id. |
UpdaterType | String | Updater type. |
Type | String | Type. |
An object used to track which templates are in use by which sequence steps.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM SequenceTemplates WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceTemplates WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM SequenceTemplates WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceTemplates WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceTemplates WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM SequenceTemplates WHERE Id < 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of sequence template. |
BounceCount | Integer | The total count of bounced mailings during this sequence template. |
ClickCount | Integer | The total count of clicked mailings from this sequence template. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence template was created. |
DeliverCount | Integer | The total count of delivered mailings from this sequence template. |
Enabled | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the sequence template is currently enabled. |
EnabledAt | Datetime | Datetime for when the sequence template was enabled. |
FailureCount | Integer | The total count of failed mailings from this sequence template. |
IsReply | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the sequence template should be a reply email or a new thread. |
NegativeReplyCount | Integer | The total count of negative reply mailings from this sequence template. |
NeutralReplyCount | Integer | The total count of neutral reply mailings from this sequence template. |
OpenCount | Integer | The total count of opened mailings from this sequence template. |
OptOutCount | Integer | The total count of opted out mailings from this sequence template. |
PositiveReplyCount | Integer | The total count of positive reply mailings from this sequence template. |
ReplyCount | Integer | The total count of replied mailings from this sequence template. |
ScheduleCount | Integer | The total count of scheduled mailings from this sequence template. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the sequence template was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
SequenceStepId | Integer | Sequence step Id. |
SequenceStepType | String | Sequence step type. |
TemplateId | Integer | Template Id. |
TemplateType | String | Template type. |
Type | String | Type. |
Piece of an email to be reused in multiple messages.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE ShareType = 'private' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE Name = 'test' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Snippets WHERE UpdatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of sequence snippet. |
BodyHtml | String | The HTML of the snippet. |
BodyText | String | The text of the snippet. |
ContainsCustomHtml | Boolean | Contains Custom HTML. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the snippet was created. |
Name | String | The name of the snippet. |
ShareType | String | The permissions for sharing the snippet.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。private, shared |
Tags | String | A list of tags associated with the snippet. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the snippet was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
ContentCategoryMembershipsLinks | String | Content category memberships links. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
FavoritesLinks | String | Favorites links. |
OwnerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
OwnerType | String | Owner type. |
UpdaterId | Integer | Updater Id. |
UpdaterType | String | Updater type. |
Type | String | Type. |
The point in the process used for categorizing prospects.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Stages WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Stages WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Stages WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Stages WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Stages WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Stages WHERE Id < 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Stage. |
Color | String | The color the stage label will be highlighted in the interface, specified as a hexidecimal value. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the stage was created. |
Name | String | The name of the stage. |
OrderValue | Integer | The stages display order value within the collection. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the stage was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
CreatorId | Integer | Creator Id. |
UpdaterId | Integer | Updater Id. |
ProspectsLinks | String | The prospects associated to the stage. |
UpdaterData | String | The most recent updater of the stage. |
Type | String | Type. |
Descriptor of importance used for categorizing tasks.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Name = 'test' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Weight > 10 SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE Weight = 10 SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM TaskPriorities WHERE UpdatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of task priority. |
Color | Long | The color the task priority label will be highlighted in the interface specified as a hexadecimal value. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the task priority was created. |
Name | String | The name of the task priority. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the task priority was last updated. |
Weight | Integer | A relative value used for display order value task priorities are listed from lowest to highest weight. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
SequenceStepsLinks | String | The associated sequence steps. |
TasksLinks | String | The associated tasks. |
Type | String | Type. |
An item that requires action to complete.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE AutoskipAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE DueAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE ScheduledAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE StateChangedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE TaskType = 'follow_up'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Task. |
Action | String | The action type of the task. |
AutoskipAt | Datetime | The optional date and time when the task will automatically be skipped. |
CompiledSequenceTemplateHtml | String | The compiled template HTML of incomplete SMS or LinkedIn tasks associated with a sequence. |
Completed | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the task has been completed. |
CompletedAt | Datetime | The date and time the task was completed. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the task was created. |
DueAt | Datetime | The date and time the task is due. |
Note | String | An optional note for the task. |
OpportunityAssociation | String | The optional opportunity rule associated with the task. |
ScheduledAt | Datetime | The date and time the pending task is scheduled for. |
State | String | The current state of the task.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。pending, incomplete, complete |
StateChangedAt | Datetime | The date and time the state last changed. |
TaskType | String | The type of task.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。follow_up, manual, no_reply, sequence_open, sequence_click, sequence_step_call, sequence_step_email, sequence_step_linkedin_interact_with_post, sequence_step_linkedin_other, sequence_step_linkedin_send_connection_request, sequence_step_linkedin_send_message, sequence_step_linkedin_view_profile, sequence_step_sms, sequence_step_task, touch |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the task was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
OwnerId | Integer | Owner Id. |
OwnerType | String | Owner type. |
ProspectId | Integer | Prospect Id. |
ProspectType | String | Prospect's type. |
ProspectAccountId | Integer | Prospect's account owner Id. |
ProspectAccountType | String | Prospect's account type. |
ProspectContactsData | String | Prospect's contacts. |
ProspectContactsLinks | String | Prospect's contacts links. |
ProspectContactsMetaCount | Integer | Prospect's meta count. |
ProspectOwnerId | Integer | Prospect's owner Id. |
ProspectOwnerType | String | Prospect's owner type. |
ProspectPhoneNumbersData | String | Prospect's phone numbers. |
ProspectPhoneNumbersLinks | String | Prospect's phone numbers links. |
ProspectStageData | String | Prospect's stage. |
SequenceId | Integer | The associated sequence Id. |
SequenceType | String | The associated sequence type. |
SequenceStateId | Integer | The associated sequence state Id. |
SequenceStateType | String | The associated sequence state type. |
SequenceStepId | Integer | The associated sequence step Id. |
SequenceStepType | String | The associated sequence step type. |
TaskPriorityId | Integer | The associated task priority Id. |
TaskPriorityType | String | The associated task priority type. |
TemplateId | Integer | The associated template Id. |
Type | String | Types. |
Get details of a group of users.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Name = 'test'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of team. |
Color | String | The color used to label and highlight the team. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the task was created. |
Name | String | The name of the team. |
ScimExternalId | String | The ID from the SCIM provisioning service used to create the team. |
ScimSource | String | The name of the SCIM provisioning source used to create the team. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the team was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
ContentCategoriesId | Integer | The content categories that are assigned to the team. |
ContentCategoriesLinks | String | The content categories links Id. |
CreatorId | Integer | The creator Id. |
CreatorType | String | Creator type. |
UpdaterId | Integer | The most recent updater Id. |
UpdaterType | String | The most recent updater type. |
UsersId | Integer | User data. |
UsersLinks | String | User links. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of reusable templates for building emails.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Templates WHERE Name = 'test'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of Template. |
Archived | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if the template has been archived. |
ArchivedAt | Datetime | The date and time the template was archived. |
BccRecipients | String | A list of default person and email address pairs to receive this template in the bcc field. |
BodyHtml | String | The body HTML of the template. |
BodyText | String | The body text of the template. |
BounceCount | Integer | The total count of bounced mailings during this template. |
CcRecipients | String | A list of default person and email address pairs to receive this template in the cc field. |
ClickCount | Integer | The total count of clicked mailings from this template. |
ClonedFromId | String | Cloned from Id. |
ContainsCustomHtml | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if the template contains custom HTML. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the template was created. |
DeliverCount | Integer | The total count of delivered mailings from this template. |
FailureCount | Integer | The total count of failed mailings from this template. |
LastUsedAt | Datetime | The last time the template was used. |
Name | String | The name of the template. |
NegativeReplyCount | Integer | The total count of negative reply mailings from this template. |
NeutralReplyCount | Integer | The total count of neutral reply mailings from this template. |
OpenCount | Integer | The total count of opened mailings from this template. |
OptOutCount | Integer | The total count of opted out mailings from this template. |
PositiveReplyCount | Integer | The total count of positive reply mailings from this template. |
ReplyCount | Integer | The total count of replied mailings from this template. |
ScheduleCount | Integer | The total count of scheduled mailings from this template. |
ShareType | String | The share type must be one of.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。read_only, private, shared |
Subject | String | The subject line for the email to be sent. |
Tags | String | A list of tag values associated with the template. |
ToRecipients | String | A list of default person and email address pairs to receive this template in the To field. |
TrackLinks | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if link tracking is enabled for the template. |
TrackOpens | Boolean | Boolean value indicating if open tracking is enabled for the template. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the template was last updated. |
LinksSelf | String | Links self. |
ContentCategoryMembershipsId | Integer | Content category memberships Id. |
ContentCategoryMembershipsLinks | String | Content category memberships links. |
CreatorId | Integer | The creator Id of the template. |
CreatorType | String | The creator type of the template. |
OwnerId | Integer | The Owner Id of the template. |
OwnerType | String | The Owner type of the template. |
RecipientsId | Integer | The Recipients Id. |
RecipientsLinks | String | The Recipients links. |
UpdaterId | Integer | The Updater Id of the template. |
UpdaterType | String | The Updater type of the template. |
Type | String | Type. |
Get details of the individual that uses the application.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM Users WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE CurrentSignInAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email = '[email protected]' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE FirstName = 'test' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE LastName = 'test'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of User. |
AccountsViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the account index view. |
ActivityNotificationsDisabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's activity notifications are disabled. |
BounceWarningEmailEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's bounce warning emails are enabled. |
BridgePhone | String | The telephone number of the user's outbound bridge phone. |
BridgePhoneExtension | String | The extension number of the user's outbound bridge phone. |
CallsViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the calls view. |
ControlledTabDefault | String | The user's preferred default tab to open when in task flow. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the user was created. |
CurrentSignInAt | Datetime | The date and time the user most recently signed in. |
DailyDigestEmailEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether the user's daily digest emails are enabled. |
DefaultRulesetId | Integer | The Id of the default ruleset assigned to the user. |
Duties | String | A collection of the user's work roles. |
DutiesSetAt | Datetime | The date and time the duties were set. |
String | The email address of the user. | |
EnableVoiceRecordings | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user has voice recordings enabled. |
EngagementEmailsEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user has engagement emails enabled. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the user. |
InboundBridgePhone | String | The telephone number of the user's inbound bridge phone. |
InboundBridgePhoneExtension | String | The extension number of the user's inbound bridge phone. |
InboundCallBehavior | String | The behavior of inbound calls. |
InboundPhoneType | String | The user's type of telephone for inbound calls. |
InboundVoicemailCustomMessageText | String | The message for inbound voicemails. |
InboundVoicemailMessageTextVoice | String | The gender of the voice that reads the voicemail message. |
InboundVoicemailPromptType | String | The type of inbound voicemail to use. |
KaiaRecordingsViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the kaia recordings view. |
KeepBridgePhoneConnected | Boolean | Whether or not to keep the user's bridge phone connected in-between outbound calls. |
LastName | String | The last name of the user. |
LastSignInAt | Datetime | The date and time the user previously signed in. |
Locked | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user is locked out of the application. |
MailboxErrorEmailEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's mailbox error emails are enabled. |
MeetingEngagementNotificationEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's meeting engagement notifications are enabled. |
Name | String | The full name of the user. |
NotificationsEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not or not the user's notifications are enabled. |
OceClickToDialEverywhere | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not phone calls will launch a call from Outreach. |
OceGmailToolbar | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the Outreach Gmail toolbar is enabled. |
OceGmailTrackingState | String | The user's current email tracking settings when using Outreach Everywhere with GMail. |
OceSalesforceEmailDecorating | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not emails are enabled in Outreach Everywhere with Salesforce. |
OceSalesforcePhoneDecorating | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not phone calls are enabled in Outreach Everywhere with Salesforce. |
OceUniversalTaskFlow | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether Outreach Everywhere universal task flow is enabled. |
OceWindowMode | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether Outreach Everywhere window mode is enabled. |
OnboardedAt | Datetime | The date and time the user was onboarded. |
OpportunitiesViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the opportunity index view. |
PasswordExpiresAt | Datetime | The date and time the current password expires. |
PhoneCountryCode | String | The country code of the user's phone. |
PhoneNumber | String | The telephone number of the user's phone. |
PhoneType | String | The user's type of telephone for outbound calls.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。bridge, voip |
PluginAlertNotificationEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not or not the user's plugin related error notifications are enabled. |
PreferredVoiceRegion | String | A string that represents Twilio data center used to connect to Twilio. |
PrefersLocalPresence | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user prefers that a voice call comes from a local phone number. |
PrimaryTimezone | String | The primary preferred timezone to use when scheduling meetings. |
ProspectsViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the prospect index view. |
ReportsTeamPerfViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the team performance reports view. |
ReportsViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the reports view. |
ScimExternalId | String | The ID from the SCIM provisioning service used to create the user. |
ScimSource | String | The name of the SCIM provisioning source used to create the user. |
SecondaryTimezone | String | The secondary preferred timezone to use when scheduling meetings. |
SenderNotificationsExcluded | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's sender notifications are excluded. |
TasksViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the tasks index view. |
TeamsViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the teams index view. |
TertiaryTimezone | String | The tertiary preferred timezone to use when scheduling meetings. |
TextingEmailNotifications | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not to send the user email notifications when a text message is missed. |
Title | String | The user's job title. |
UnknownReplyEmailEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's unknown reply emails are enabled. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the user was last updated. |
UserGuid | String | The globally unique ID (GUID) assigned to the user. |
Username | String | A reader friendly unique identifier of the user. |
UsersViewId | Integer | The default smart view to load on the users index view. |
VoicemailNotificationEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's voicemail notifications are enabled. |
WeeklyDigestEmailEnabled | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user's weekly digest email are enabled. |
LinksSelf | String | Link self. |
ContentCategoryMembershipsId | Interger | Content category memberships Id. |
CreatorId | Integer | The creator Id of the template. |
CreatorType | String | The creator type of the template. |
MailboxId | Integer | Mailboxes Id associated with the user. |
MailboxType | String | Mailboxes type associated with the user. |
ProfileId | Integer | Profile Id associated with the user. |
ProfileType | String | Profile type associated with the user. |
RecipientsId | Integer | Recipients Id associated with the user. |
RecipientsLinks | Integer | Recipients type associated with the user. |
RoleId | Integer | Roles Id associated with the user. |
RoleType | String | Roles type associated with the user. |
TeamsId | Integer | Teams Id associated with the user. |
UpdaterId | Integer | The Updater Id of the template. |
UpdaterType | String | The Updater type of the template. |
Type | String | type. |
Get details of the individual that uses the application.
The Sync App will use the Outreach API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE Id = 1 SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE Id IN (1, 2) SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE Id >= 1 SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE Id <= 1 SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE Id > 1 SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE Id < 2 SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE CreatedAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-01-25 01:02:02.0 ' AND createdAt <= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE CreatedAt >= '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE CreatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE CreatedAt < '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE CreatedAt > '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE CurrentSignInAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE UpdatedAt = '2022-02-25 01:02:02.0' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE Email = '[email protected]' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE FirstName = 'test' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE LasttName = 'test' SELECT * FROM UsersDuties WHERE ContentCategoryMembershipsId = 1
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Name | String | Duty name. |
DutyType | String | Duty type. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UsersId | Integer | Id of Users. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time the user was created. |
CurrentSignInAt | Datetime | The date and time the user most recently signed in. |
String | The email address of the user. | |
FirstName | String | The first name of the user. |
LastName | String | The last name of the user. |
Locked | Boolean | A boolean value indicating whether or not the user is locked out of the application. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The globally unique ID GUID assigned to the user. |
Username | String | A reader friendly unique identifier of the user. |
MailboxId | Integer | Mailboxes Id associated with the users. |
ProfileId | Integer | Profile Id associated with the users. |
RecipientsId | Integer | Recipients Id associated with the users. |
RoleId | Integer | Roles Id associated with the users. |
TeamsId | Integer | Teams Id associated with the users. |
UpdaterId | Integer | The Updater Id of the template. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
APIVersion | The version of the Outreach API used. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
LogModules | ログファイルに含めるコアモジュール。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeCustomFields | A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なConnection プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
APIVersion | The version of the Outreach API used. |
The version of the Outreach API used.
The version of the Outreach API used.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なOAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId 値、およびクライアントシークレットOAuthClientSecret が提供されます。
OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId が提供されます。また、コンシューマーシークレットと呼ばれるクライアントシークレットも提供されます。クライアントシークレットをOAuthClientSecret プロパティに設定します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なFirewall プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
このプロパティは、Sync App がFirewallServer プロキシ経由でトンネルトラフィックを使うためのプロトコルを指定します。デフォルトでは、Sync App はシステムプロキシに接続します。この動作を無効化し次のプロキシタイプのどれかで接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
タイプ | デフォルトポート | 説明 |
TUNNEL | 80 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はOutreach への接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 4 プロキシ経由で送信し、接続リクエストが許容されるかどうかを決定します。 |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 5 プロキシ経由で送信します。プロキシに認証が必要な場合には、FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword をプロキシが認識する認証情報に設定します。 |
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort ポートを使ってください。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を使ってください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するIP アドレス、DNS 名、もしくはプロキシホスト名を指定するプロパティです。プロトコルはFirewallType で指定されます。このプロパティとFirewallServer を使って、SOCKS 経由での接続、もしくはトンネリングが可能です。HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を使用します。
Sync App はデフォルトでシステムプロキシを使うので注意してください。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定してください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するプロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。名前もしくはIP アドレスを指定するには、FirewallServer を使います。FirewallType でプロトコルを指定します。
FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword プロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証方式に則り、FirewallServer、およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに対しての認証に使われます。
このプロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証メソッドに則り、FirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに渡されます。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なProxy プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を参照してください。SOCKS やトンネリングなどの他のプロキシには、FirewallType を参照してください。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、Sync App はHTTP、Windows(NTLM)、もしくはKerberos 認証タイプを使用することができます。
SOCKS プロキシを経由して接続する、もしくは接続をトンネルするには、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。
HTTP トラフィックをリダイレクトするHTTP プロキシが実行されているポート。ProxyServer でHTTP プロキシを指定します。その他のプロキシタイプについては、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。
この値は、ProxyServer およびProxyPort で指定されるHTTP プロキシに認証するために使われる認証タイプを指定します。
Sync App は、デフォルトでsystem proxy settings を使い、追加での設定が不要です。他のプロキシへの接続をする場合には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort に加え、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
SOCKS 5 認証のような他の認証タイプを使用するには、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。
ProxyUser および ProxyPassword オプションは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシに対して接続および認証するために使用されます。
ProxyAuthScheme で使用可能な認証タイプを選択することができます。HTTP 認証を使う場合、これをHTTP プロキシで識別可能なユーザーのユーザー名に設定します。Windows もしくはKerberos 認証を使用する場合、このプロパティを次の形式のどれかでユーザー名に設定します。
user@domain domain\user
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。
このプロパティは、NTLM(Windows)、Kerberos、もしくはHTTP 認証をサポートするHTTP プロキシサーバーに認証するために使われます。HTTP プロキシを指定するためには、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定します。認証タイプを指定するためにはProxyAuthScheme を設定します。
HTTP 認証を使う場合、さらにHTTP プロキシにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
NTLM 認証を使う場合、Windows パスワードにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。Kerberos 認証には、これらを入力する必要があります。
SOCKS 5 認証もしくは、トンネリングは、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシに接続する場合には、これをfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。
このプロパティは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシへの接続にSSL を使用するかどうかを決定します。この値は、AUTO、ALWAYS、NEVER、TUNNEL のいずれかです。有効な値は次のとおりです。
AUTO | デフォルト設定。URL がHTTPS URL の場合、Sync App は、TUNNEL オプションを使います。URL がHTTP URL の場合、コンポーネントはNEVER オプションを使います。 |
ALWAYS | 接続は、常にSSL 有効となります。 |
NEVER | 接続は、SSL 有効になりません。 |
TUNNEL | 接続は、トンネリングプロキシを経由します。プロキシサーバーがリモートホストへの接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。
ProxyServer は、このプロパティで定義されたアドレスを除くすべてのアドレスに使用されます。セミコロンを使用してエントリを区切ります。
Sync App は、追加設定なしにデフォルトでシステムのプロキシ設定を使います。この接続のプロキシ例外を明示的に構成するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定して、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定する必要があります。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
指定された(';' で区切られた)モジュールのみがログファイルに含まれます。デフォルトではすべてのモジュールが含まれます。
概要はログ ページを参照してください。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
Sync App のスキーマファイル(テーブルとビューの場合は.rsd ファイル、ストアドプロシージャの場合は.rsb ファイル)を含むディレクトリへのパス。このフォルダの場所は、実行ファイルの場所からの相対パスにすることができます。Location プロパティは、定義をカスタマイズしたり(例えば、カラム名を変更する、カラムを無視するなど)、新しいテーブル、ビュー、またはストアドプロシージャでデータモデルを拡張する場合にのみ必要です。
指定しない場合、デフォルトの場所は"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Outreach Data Provider\\Schema" となり、%APPDATA% はユーザーのコンフィギュレーションディレクトリに設定されます:
Platform | %APPDATA% |
Windows | APPDATA 環境変数の値 |
Linux | ~/.config |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。
テーブルを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でテーブルのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいテーブルを指定します。各テーブルは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space` です。
使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。
ビューを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でビューのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいビューを指定します。各ビューは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space` です。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeCustomFields | A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing.
Setting this to true will cause custom fields to be included in the column listing, but may cause poor performance when listing metadata.
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
DefaultColumnSize | データソースがメタデータにカラムの長さを提供しない場合に、文字列フィールドのデフォルトの長さを設定します。デフォルト値は2000です。 |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | 日時の値を、マシンのローカルタイムではなくGMT グリニッジ標準時に変換するかどうかを決定します。 |
RecordToFile=filename | 基底のソケットデータ転送を指定のファイルに記録します。 |
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Sync App は例外をスローします。
カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。
ユーザー定義ビューは、UserDefinedViews.json というJSON 形式のコンフィギュレーションファイルで定義されています。Sync App は、このファイルで指定されたビューを自動的に検出します。
また、複数のビュー定義を持ち、UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して制御することも可能です。このプロパティを使用すると、指定されたビューのみがSync App によって検知されます。
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM SampleTable_1 WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して、JSON コンフィギュレーションファイルの場所を指定します。次に例を示します。
"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json指定されたパスは引用符で囲まれていないことに注意してください。