TDV Adapter for Outreach

Build 22.0.8462


Views are composed of columns and pseudo columns. Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates. Entities that are represented as views are typically read-only entities. Often, a stored procedure is available to update the data if such functionality is applicable to the data source.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table, and the data that comes back is similar in that regard.

Dynamic views, such as queries exposed as views, and views for looking up specific combinations of project_team work items are supported.

Adapter Views

Name Description
Accounts Get details of accounts.
Audits Get details of events that happen during the day.
CallDispositions A ready-made collection of call dispositions that help categorize your call logs.
CallPurposes Get details of ready-made collection of call dispositions that help categorize your call logs.
Calls Get details of an inbound or outbound call made with a prospect.
ComplianceRequests Get details of compliance requests.
ContentCategories Get details of content categories.
ContentCategoryMemberships Get details of a record that maps content to a content category.
ContentCategoryOwnerships A record that maps content to a content category.
Duties An Outreach-suggested role or job duty played by a user in their organization.
EmailAddress Get details of prospect email addresses.
Events Get details of application events, capturing details around the initiator, recipient.
Favorites Get details of a record favorited by a particular user.
MailAliases Alternative email name for a mailbox.
Mailbox Get details of email mailboxes.
Mailings Get details of mailings.
Opportunities Get details of opportunities for sales or pending deals.
OpportunityProspectRoles Get details of prospect roles and associated with an opportunity.
OpportunityStages The stage an opportunity is in.
Personas A descriptor of a person used for categorizing prospects.
PhoneNumbers Get details of prospect phone numbers.
Profiles Controls what you can see and do within Outreach.
Prospects Get details of prospects.
Recipients Record for a recipient for some communication, such as email.
Roles Get details of where you fall within your organizations structure.
Rulesets A reusable set of behaviors to be applied to sequences.
Sequences Get details of sequences.
SequenceStates Get details of sequence states.
SequenceSteps Get details of sequence steps.
SequenceTemplates An object used to track which templates are in use by which sequence steps.
Snippets Piece of an email to be reused in multiple messages.
Stages The point in the process used for categorizing prospects.
TaskPriorities Descriptor of importance used for categorizing tasks.
Tasks An item that requires action to complete.
Teams Get details of a group of users.
Templates Get details of reusable templates for building emails.
Users Get details of the individual that uses the application.
UsersDuties Get details of the individual that uses the application.

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Build 22.0.8462