ODBC Driver for Paylocity

Build 24.0.8963


Get All Earnings. Delete Earning by Earning Code and Start Date. Add/Update Earning. Get Earnings by Earning Code. Get Earning by Earning Code and Start Date

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Paylocity API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • EmployeeId supports the '=' comparison.
  • EarningCode supports the '=' comparison.
  • StartDate supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Earnings WHERE EmployeeId = '123'

SELECT * FROM Earnings WHERE EmployeeId = '123' AND EarningCode = '1098'

SELECT * FROM Earnings WHERE EmployeeId = '123' AND EarningCode = '1098' AND StartDate = '2019-04-01'


Following is an example of how to inserting into Earnings table. For example:

INSERT INTO Earnings (EmployeeId, EarningCode, StartDate) VALUES ('999621027', '1098', '2020-02-10')


Following is an example of how to update a Earnings table:

UPDATE Earnings SET EarningCode = '1098', StartDate = '2020-02-09' WHERE employeeId = '999621027'


Following is an example of how to delete earnings in the Earnings table:

DELETE FROM Earnings WHERE employeeId = '123' AND EarningCode = '1' AND StartDate = '2021-01-01'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
EmployeeId [KEY] String True


Id of the Employee.

PaidTowardsGoal Decimal False

Amount already paid to employee toward goal. Decimal(12,2)

MiscellaneousInfo String False

Information to print on the check stub if agency is set up for this earning.

EffectiveDate Date False

Date earning is active. Defaulted to run date or check date based on Company setup. Common formats are MM-DD-CCYY, CCYY-MM-DD.

CostCenter1 String False

Cost Center associated with earning. Must match Company setup.

CostCenter2 String False

Cost Center associated with earning. Must match Company setup.

CostCenter3 String False

Cost Center associated with earning. Must match Company setup.

AnnualMaximum Decimal False

Year to Date dollar amount not to be exceeded for an earning in the calendar year. Used only with company driven maximums. Decimal(12,2)

IsSelfInsured Bool False

Used for ACA. If not entered, defaulted to Company earning setup.

Rate Decimal False

Rate is used in conjunction with the hoursOrUnits field. Decimal(12,2)

Frequency String False

Needed if earning is applied differently from the payroll frequency (one time earning for example).

EndDate Date False

Stop date of an earning. Common formats are MM-DD-CCYY, CCYY-MM-DD.

HoursOrUnits Decimal False

The value is used in conjunction with the Rate field. When entering Group Term Life Insurance (GTL), it should contain the full amount of the group term life insurance policy. Decimal(12,2)

EarningCode String False

Earning code. Must match Company setup.

RateCode String False

Rate Code applies to additional pay rates entered for an employee. Must match Company setup.

Goal Decimal False

Dollar amount. The employee earning will stop when the goal amount is reached. Decimal(12,2)

CalculationCode String False

Defines how earnings are calculated. Common values are *% (percentage of gross), flat (flat dollar amount)*. Defaulted to the Company setup calcCode for earning.

StartDate Date False

Start date of an earning based on payroll calendar. Common formats are MM-DD-CCYY, CCYY-MM-DD.

PayPeriodMaximum Decimal False

Maximum amount of the earning on a single paycheck. Decimal(12,2)

JobCode String False

Job code associated with earnings. Must match Company setup.

Amount Decimal False

Value that matches CalculationCode to add to gross wages. For percentage (%), enter whole number (10 = 10%). Decimal(12,2)

Agency String False

Third-party agency associated with earning. Must match Company setup.

PayPeriodMinimum Decimal False

Minimum amount of the earning on a single paycheck. Decimal(12,2)

CompanyId String True

Id of the Company.

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Build 24.0.8963