Add new employee. Get employee. Update employee
Table Specific Information
The 本製品 will use the Paylocity API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.
- EmployeeId supports the '=' comparison.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeId = '123'
Following is an example of how to inserting into Employee table with aggregate column(Optional). For example:
INSERT INTO AdditionalRates#TEMP (Shift, Job, CostCenter1, CostCenter2, CostCenter3, EffectiveDate, ChangeReason, RateCode, Rate, RatePer, RateNotes) VALUES ( '1', '0000123', '100', '101', '100', '2021-02-09', 'Cost of Living Increase', 'CN', 500, 'week', 'NewRate') INSERT INTO Employee (FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, Gender, MaritalStatus, PreferredName, PriorLastName, Salutation, Currency, BirthDate, CompanyFEIN, CompanyName, DepartmentPositionChangeReason, DepartmentPositionCostCenter1, DepartmentPositionCostCenter2, DepartmentPositionCostCenter3, DepartmentPositionEffectiveDate, DepartmentPositionEmployeeType, DepartmentPositionIsMinimumWageExempt, DepartmentPositionIsOvertimeExempt, DepartmentPositionIsSupervisorReviewer, DepartmentPositionIsUnionDuesCollected, DepartmentPositionIsUnionInitiationCollected, DepartmentPositionJobTitle, FederalTaxAmount, FederalTaxExemptions, FederalTaxFilingStatus, FederalTaxPercentage, FederalTaxTaxCalculationCode, FederalTaxW4FormYear, HomeAddressAddress1, HomeAddressAddress2, HomeAddressCity, HomeAddressCountry, HomeAddressEmailAddress, HomeAddressMobilePhone, HomeAddressPhone, HomeAddressPostalCode, HomeAddressState, NonPrimaryStateTaxFilingStatus, NonPrimaryStateTaxHigherRate, NonPrimaryStateTaxOtherIncomeAmount, NonPrimaryStateTaxReciprocityCode, NonPrimaryStateTaxtaxCode, PrimaryPayRateAnnualSalary, PrimaryPayRateBaseRate, PrimaryPayRateChangeReason, PrimaryPayRateDefaultHours, PrimaryPayRateEffectiveDate, PrimaryPayRatePayFrequency, PrimaryPayRatePayType, PrimaryStateTaxAmount, PrimaryStateTaxExemptions, PrimaryStateTaxExemptions2, PrimaryStateTaxPercentage, PrimaryStateTaxFilingStatus, PrimaryStateTaxTaxCalculationCode, PrimaryStateTaxTaxCode, PrimaryStateTaxW4FormYear, StatusAdjustedSeniorityDate, StatusChangeReason, StatusEffectiveDate, StatusEmployeeStatus, StatusHireDate, StatusIsEligibleForRehire, TaxSetupSuiState, TaxSetupTaxForm, WorkAddressAddress1, WorkAddressCity, WorkAddressCountry, WorkAddressMobilePhone, WorkAddressPostalCode, WorkAddressState, suffix, IsSmoker, AdditionalRate) VALUES ('TestFirstName1', 'TestLastName', 'TestMiddleName', 'M', 'S', 'Test1', 'TestPrior', 'Mr', 'USD', '1985-11-01', '00-5554442', 'SusanW Z2222 Clone', 'New Hire', '100', '101', '100', '2021-02-01', 'RFT', false, true, false, false, false, 'Clinical Psychologist', '1', '0', 'M', '1', 'AFAP', '2021', 'TestAddr1', 'TestAddr2', 'NewJordi', 'USA', '[email protected]', '(961)062-1234', '(588)148-1234', '75791', 'NY', 'M', 'false', 0, 'Both', 'NY', '1000', '100', 'New Hire', '8', '2021-02-01', 'M', 'Salary', '1', '0', '0', 5, 'S', 'AFAP', 'AZ', '2019', '2021-02-01', 'New Hire', '2021-02-01', 'A', '2021-02-01', true, 'NY', 'W2', '78FraleighStreet', 'RedHook', 'USA', '(276)369-1234', '12571', 'NY', 'Jr.', true, 'AdditionalRates#TEMP')
Following is an example of how to Update a Employee table:
UPDATE Employee SET PriorLastName = 'PriorLastName', [CF_PayrollAndHR_Full Computer Access] = true WHERE EmployeeId = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
EmployeeId [KEY] | String | False |
Leave blank to have Web Pay automatically assign the next available employee ID. | |
PreferredName | String | False |
Employee preferred display name. | |
FirstName | String | False |
Employee first name. | |
LastName | String | False |
Employee last name. | |
MiddleName | String | False |
Employee middle name. | |
WebTimeChargeRate | Decimal | False |
Rate to be charged to third party for time worked by the employee. It is most commonly referenced in the Cost Center Charge, Cost Center Charge vs. Cost Reports, and the Customer Invoice time and attendance reports. Decimal (12,2) | |
WebTimeIsTimeLaborEnabled | Bool | False |
If set to true, changes to employee data will be reflected in Web Time. | |
WebTimeBadgeNumber | String | False |
Badge number usually issued for time and attendance system use. | |
WorkAddressCountry | String | False |
Country. | |
WorkAddressAddress1 | String | False |
1st address line. | |
WorkAddressPager | String | False |
Employee pager number. | |
WorkAddressState | String | False |
State or province. | |
WorkAddressMailStop | String | False |
Employee mail stop. | |
WorkAddressEmailAddress | String | False |
Email. | |
WorkAddressCity | String | False |
City. | |
WorkAddressPhoneExtension | String | False |
Phone number extension. | |
WorkAddressLocation | String | False |
Work Location name. | |
WorkAddressPostalCode | String | False |
Postal code. | |
WorkAddressCounty | String | False |
County. | |
WorkAddressAddress2 | String | False |
2nd address line. | |
WorkAddressMobilePhone | String | False |
Mobile phone number. | |
WorkAddressPhone | String | False |
Phone number. | |
Currency | String | False |
Employee is paid in this currency. | |
EmergencyContacts | String | False |
Add or update Emergency Contacts. | |
OwnerPercent | Decimal | False |
Percentage of employee's ownership in the company, entered as a whole number. Decimal (12,2) | |
CustomTextFields | String | False |
Up to 8 custom fields of text type value. | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxExemptions | Decimal | False |
State tax exemptions value.Decimal (12,2) | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxOtherIncomeAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 4(a) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Other income amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxAmount | Decimal | False |
State tax code. | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxDependentsAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 3 on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Total dependents amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxDeductionsAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 4(b) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Deductions amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxTaxCalculationCode | String | False |
Tax calculation code. Common values are *F* (Flat), *P* (Percentage), *FDFP* (Flat Dollar Amount plus Fixed Percentage). | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxPercentage | Decimal | False |
State Tax percentage. Decimal (12,2) | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxW4FormYear | Int | False |
The state W4 form year Integer | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxExemptions2 | Decimal | False |
State tax exemptions 2 value.Decimal (12,2) | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxFilingStatus | String | False |
Employee state tax filing status. Common values are *S* (Single), *M* (Married). | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxHigherRate | Bool | False |
Box 2(c) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works. Boolean | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxTaxCode | String | False |
State tax code. | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxReciprocityCode | String | False |
Non-primary state tax reciprocity code. | |
NonPrimaryStateTaxSpecialCheckCalc | String | False |
Supplemental check calculation code. Common values are *Blocked* (Taxes blocked on Supplemental checks), *Supp* (Use supplemental Tax Rate-Code). | |
DepartmentPositionPositionCode | String | False |
Employee position code. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionShift | String | False |
Employee work shift. | |
DepartmentPositionCostCenter1 | String | False |
Employer defined location, like *branch, division, department*, etc. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionIsSupervisorReviewer | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee is a supervisor or reviewer. | |
DepartmentPositionIsUnionDuesCollected | Bool | False |
Indicates if union dues are collected. | |
DepartmentPositionIsMinimumWageExempt | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee is exempt from minimum wage. | |
DepartmentPositionUnionCode | String | False |
Employee union code. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionSupervisorCompanyNumber | String | False |
Supervisor's company number. Defaults to employee company number. | |
DepartmentPositionJobTitle | String | False |
Employee current job title. | |
DepartmentPositionUnionPosition | String | False |
Employee union position. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionCostCenter2 | String | False |
Employer defined location, like *branch, division, department*, etc. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionIsOvertimeExempt | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee is exempt from overtime. | |
DepartmentPositionEffectiveDate | Date | False |
The date the position takes effect. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
DepartmentPositionCostCenter3 | String | False |
Employer defined location, like *branch, division, department*, etc. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionEqualEmploymentOpportunityClass | String | False |
Values are configured in Company > Setup > HR > EEO Classes. | |
DepartmentPositionClockBadgeNumber | String | False |
Employee clock badge number. Defaults to employeeId. | |
DepartmentPositionReviewerEmployeeId | String | False |
Employee id of the reviewer. | |
DepartmentPositionTipped | String | False |
Indicates if employee receives tips. | |
DepartmentPositionReviewerCompanyNumber | String | False |
Company number of reviewer. | |
DepartmentPositionIsUnionInitiationCollected | Bool | False |
Indicates if initiations fees are collected. | |
DepartmentPositionSupervisorEmployeeId | String | False |
EmployeeId of the supervisor. | |
DepartmentPositionChangeReason | String | False |
Employee department/position change reason. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionEmployeeType | String | False |
Employee current employment type. Common values *RFT (Regular Full Time), RPT (Regular Part Time), SNL (Seasonal), TFT (Temporary Full Time), TPT (Temporary Part Time)*. | |
DepartmentPositionWorkersCompensation | String | False |
Employee worker compensation code. Must match Company setup. | |
DepartmentPositionUnionAffiliationDate | Date | False |
Employee union affiliation effective date. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
DepartmentPositionPayGroup | String | False |
Employee pay group. Must match Company setup. | |
DisabilityDescription | String | False |
Indicates if employee has disability status. | |
Ethnicity | String | False |
Employee ethnicity. | |
AdditionalRate | String | False |
Add Additional Rates. | |
CustomBooleanFields | String | False |
Up to 8 custom fields of boolean (checkbox) type value. | |
AdditionalDirectDeposit | String | False |
Add up to 19 direct deposit accounts in addition to the main direct deposit account. IMPORTANT: A direct deposit update will remove ALL existing main and additional direct deposit information in WebPay and replace with information provided on the request. GET API will not return direct deposit data. | |
CustomDropDownFields | String | False |
Up to 8 custom fields of the dropdown type value. | |
CompanyFEIN | String | False |
Company FEIN as defined in Web Pay, applicable with GET requests only. | |
Suffix | String | False |
Employee name suffix. Common values are *Jr, Sr, II*. | |
MainDirectDepositNameOnAccount | String | False |
Name on the bank account. Defaults to employee's name. | |
MainDirectDepositRoutingNumber | String | False |
ABA Transit Routing Number, entered without dashes or spaces. | |
MainDirectDepositBlockSpecial | Bool | False |
Indicates if direct deposit should be blocked when special check types such as Bonus are processed. | |
MainDirectDepositIsSkipPreNote | Bool | False |
Indicates if account will not pre-note. | |
MainDirectDepositAccountNumber | String | False |
Account number, entered without special characters and spaces. | |
MainDirectDepositAccountType | String | False |
Account type. Valid values are *C* (Checking), *S* (Saving), *P* (Pay Card). | |
MainDirectDepositPreNoteDate | Date | False |
Date to end the pre-note of the account. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
WorkEligibilityIsSsnVerified | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee SSN is verified. | |
WorkEligibilityForeignPassportNumber | String | False |
Foreign Passport Number. | |
WorkEligibilityIsI9Verified | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee I9 is verified. | |
WorkEligibilityAlienOrAdmissionDocumentNumber | String | False |
Employee USCIS or Admission Number. Must be 7-10 characters and may begin with an 'A' | |
WorkEligibilityI9Notes | String | False |
Notes regarding employee's i9. | |
WorkEligibilityVisaType | String | False |
Employee Visa type. Must match one of the system coded values. | |
WorkEligibilityWorkAuthorization | String | False |
Employee work authorization. Must match one of the system coded values. | |
WorkEligibilityI9DateVerified | String | False |
Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
WorkEligibilitySsnDateVerified | String | False |
The date of employer verification of employee SSN. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
WorkEligibilityCountryOfIssuance | String | False |
If Foreign Passport number is provided, provide its country of issuance. Must match Paylocity setup. | |
WorkEligibilityAttestedDate | Date | False |
The date the I-9 Verification form was attested by Employer or Authorized representative. Common formats are *MM-DD-CCYY, CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
WorkEligibilityI94AdmissionNumber | String | False |
Form I-94 admission number. Must be 11 numeric characters | |
WorkEligibilityWorkUntil | String | False |
End date of employee work eligibility. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
WorkEligibilitySsnNotes | String | False |
Notes regarding employee's SSN. | |
TaxSetupSitwExemptReason | String | False |
Reason code for SITW exemption. Common values are *SE* (Statutory employee), *CR* (clergy/Religious). | |
TaxSetupSuiExemptReason | String | False |
Reason code for SUI exemption. Common values are *SE* (Statutory employee), *CR* (clergy/Religious). | |
TaxSetupSuiState | String | False |
Employee SUI (State Unemployment Insurance) state. | |
TaxSetupIsStatutory | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee is statutory. | |
TaxSetupTaxDistributionCode1099R | String | False |
Employee 1099R distribution code. Common values are *7* (Normal Distribution), *F* (Charitable Gift Annuity). | |
TaxSetupMedExemptReason | String | False |
Reason code for Medicare exemption. Common values are *501* (5019c)(3) Organization), *IC* (Independent Contractor). | |
TaxSetupFutaExemptReason | String | False |
Reason code for FUTA exemption. Common values are *501* (5019c)(3) Organization), *IC* (Independent Contractor). | |
TaxSetupSitwExemptNotes | String | False |
Notes for SITW exemption. | |
TaxSetupMedExemptNotes | String | False |
Notes for Medicare exemption. | |
TaxSetupSsExemptNotes | String | False |
Notes for Social Security exemption. | |
TaxSetupIsEmployee943 | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee in agriculture or farming. | |
TaxSetupIsPension | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee is eligible for pension. | |
TaxSetupSuiExemptNotes | String | False |
Notes for SUI exemption. | |
TaxSetupFitwExemptNotes | String | False |
Notes for FITW exemption. | |
TaxSetupFitwExemptReason | String | False |
Reason code for FITW exemption. Common values are *SE* (Statutory employee), *CR* (clergy/Religious). | |
TaxSetupSsExemptReason | String | False |
Reason code for Social Security exemption. Common values are *SE* (Statutory employee), *CR* (clergy/Religious). | |
TaxSetupTaxForm | String | False |
Employee tax form for reporting income. Valid values are *W2, 1099M, 1099R*. Default is W2. | |
TaxSetupFutaExemptNotes | String | False |
Notes for FUTA exemption. | |
CustomDateFields | String | False |
Up to 8 custom fields of the date type value. | |
FederalTaxHigherRate | Bool | False |
Box 2(c) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works. Boolean | |
FederalTaxDependentsAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 3 on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Total dependents amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
FederalTaxAmount | Decimal | False |
Tax amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
FederalTaxTaxCalculationCode | String | False |
Tax calculation code. Common values are *F* (Flat), *P* (Percentage), *FDFP* (Flat Dollar Amount plus Fixed Percentage). | |
FederalTaxDeductionsAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 4(b) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Deductions amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
FederalTaxFilingStatus | String | False |
Employee federal filing status. Common values are *S* (Single), *M* (Married). | |
FederalTaxPercentage | Decimal | False |
Tax percentage. Decimal (12,2) | |
FederalTaxOtherIncomeAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 4(a) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Other income amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
FederalTaxW4FormYear | Int | False |
The federal W4 form year Integer | |
FederalTaxExemptions | Decimal | False |
Federal tax exemptions value. Decimal (12,2) | |
MaritalStatus | String | False |
Employee marital status. Common values *D (Divorced), M (Married), S (Single), W (Widowed)*. | |
Ssn | String | False |
Employee social security number. Leave it blank if valid social security number not available. | |
BenefitSetupBenefitClassEffectiveDate | Date | False |
Date when Benefit Class takes effect. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
BenefitSetupBenefitClass | String | False |
Benefit Class code. Values are configured in Web Pay Company > Setup > Benefits > Classes. | |
BenefitSetupBenefitSalaryEffectiveDate | Date | False |
Date when Benefit Salary takes effect. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
BenefitSetupBenefitSalary | Decimal | False |
Salary used to configure benefits.Decimal(12,2) | |
BenefitSetupDoNotApplyAdministrativePeriod | Bool | False |
Applicable only for HR Enhanced clients and Benefit Classes with ACA Employment Type of Full Time. | |
BenefitSetupIsMeasureAcaEligibility | Bool | False |
Only valid for HR Enhanced clients and Benefit Classes that are ACA Employment Type of Full Time. | |
BirthDate | Date | False |
Employee birthdate. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
PrimaryStateTaxExemptions | Decimal | False |
State tax exemptions value.Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryStateTaxFilingStatus | String | False |
Employee state tax filing status. Common values are *S* (Single), *M* (Married). | |
PrimaryStateTaxAmount | Decimal | False |
State tax code. | |
PrimaryStateTaxSpecialCheckCalc | String | False |
Supplemental check calculation code. Common values are *Blocked* (Taxes blocked on Supplemental checks), *Supp* (Use supplemental Tax Rate-Code). | |
PrimaryStateTaxTaxCalculationCode | String | False |
Tax calculation code. Common values are *F* (Flat), *P* (Percentage), *FDFP* (Flat Dollar Amount plus Fixed Percentage). | |
PrimaryStateTaxW4FormYear | Int | False |
The state W4 form year Integer | |
PrimaryStateTaxHigherRate | Bool | False |
Box 2(c) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works. Boolean | |
PrimaryStateTaxPercentage | Decimal | False |
State Tax percentage. Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryStateTaxTaxCode | String | False |
State tax code. | |
PrimaryStateTaxExemptions2 | Decimal | False |
State tax exemptions 2 value.Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryStateTaxOtherIncomeAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 4(a) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Other income amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryStateTaxDeductionsAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 4(b) on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Deductions amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryStateTaxDependentsAmount | Decimal | False |
Box 3 on form W4 (year 2020 or later): Total dependents amount. Decimal (12,2) | |
LocalTax | String | False |
Add, update, or delete local tax code, filing status, and exemptions including PA-PSD taxes. | |
Gender | String | False |
Employee gender. Common values *M* (Male), *F* (Female). | |
StatusChangeReason | String | False |
Employee status change reason. Must match Company setup. | |
StatusAdjustedSeniorityDate | Date | False |
Adjusted seniority date. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
StatusEffectiveDate | Date | False |
Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
StatusHireDate | Date | False |
Employee hired date. Updates to hire date are not allowed and will be ignored. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
StatusEmployeeStatus | String | False |
Employee current work status. Common values are *A* (Active), *L* (Leave of Absence), *T* (Terminated). | |
StatusIsEligibleForRehire | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee eligible for rehire. | |
StatusReHireDate | Date | False |
Rehire date if employee is rehired. Updates to re-hire date are not allowed and will be ignored. Common formats are *MM-DD-CCYY, CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
HomeAddressMobilePhone | String | False |
Mobile phone number. | |
HomeAddressAddress1 | String | False |
1st address line. | |
HomeAddressPostalCode | String | False |
Postal code. | |
HomeAddressState | String | False |
State or province. | |
HomeAddressCounty | String | False |
County. | |
HomeAddressAddress2 | String | False |
2nd address line. | |
HomeAddressEmailAddress | String | False |
Email. | |
HomeAddressPhone | String | False |
Phone number. | |
HomeAddressCity | String | False |
City. | |
HomeAddressCountry | String | False |
Country. | |
PriorLastName | String | False |
Prior last name if applicable. | |
VeteranDescription | String | False |
Indicates if employee is a veteran. | |
IsSmoker | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee is a smoker. | |
Salutation | String | False |
Employee preferred salutation. | |
IsHighlyCompensated | Bool | False |
Indicates if employee meets the highly compensated employee criteria. | |
CustomNumberFields | String | False |
Up to 8 custom fields of numeric type value. | |
PrimaryPayRateSalary | Decimal | False |
Employee gross salary per pay period used with payType Salary.Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryPayRateBeginCheckDate | Date | False |
The date of the first check on which the new pay rate will appear. This value is only applicable when updating an existing employee. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
PrimaryPayRatePayRateNote | String | False |
Pay rate notes regarding employee. | |
PrimaryPayRateEffectiveDate | Date | False |
The date the employee's pay rate takes effect. Common formats include *MM-DD-CCYY*, *CCYY-MM-DD*. | |
PrimaryPayRatePayType | String | False |
Employee pay type (rate code). Valid values are *Hourly* or *Salary*. | |
PrimaryPayRateDefaultHours | Decimal | False |
Employee default hours consistently worked. If autoPayType is set to D, employee will be paid hourly base rate for the defaultHours. Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryPayRateAnnualSalary | Decimal | False |
Employee annual salary.Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryPayRateChangeReason | String | False |
Pay rate change reason. | |
PrimaryPayRatePayGrade | String | False |
Employee pay grade. Must match Company setup. | |
PrimaryPayRateIsAutoPay | Bool | False |
If set to *True*, employee will be paid automatically using deafultHours. | |
PrimaryPayRateBaseRate | Decimal | False |
Employee base rate, used for Hourly employees. Decimal (12,2) | |
PrimaryPayRateRatePer | String | False |
Employee base rate frequency used with payType Hourly. Common values are *Hour, Week*. Default is Hour. | |
PrimaryPayRatePayFrequency | String | False |
Employee current pay frequency. Common values are *A (Annual), B (Bi-Weekly), D (Daily), M (Monthly), S (Semi-Monthly), Q (Quarterly), W (Weekly)*. | |
CompanyName | String | False |
Company name as defined in Web Pay, applicable with GET requests only. | |
CompanyId | String | True |
Id of the Company. |