Onboarding API sends employee data into Paylocity Onboarding to help ensure an easy and accurate hiring process for subsequent completion into Web Pay.
Stored Procedures Specific Information
Paylocity allows multiple columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. FirstName and LastName params are required to execute this procedure. For example:EXECUTE OnBoardingEmployee FirstName = 'EmpFirstName', LastName = 'EmpLastName', BaseRate = 350.0, CostCenter1 = '100', DefaultHours = '9', EmployeeStatus = 'A', MaritalStatus = 'S'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FirstName | String | True | Employee first name |
LastName | String | True | Employee last name. |
EmployeeId | String | False | Employee Id (optional) |
Address1 | String | False | Employee home 1st address line. |
Address2 | String | False | Employee home 2nd address line. |
AutoPayType | String | False | N- employee won't automatically receive a salary or hours during payroll, D - employee will be automatically paid in defaultHours during payroll, S - employee will be automatically paid Salary amount during payroll
使用できる値は次のとおりです。N, D, S |
BaseRate | Decimal | False | Employee home 2nd address line. |
City | String | False | Employee home city. |
CostCenter1 | String | False | Employer defined location, like *branch, division, department, etc.* Must match Company setup. |
CostCenter2 | String | False | Employer defined location, like *branch, division, department, etc.* Must match Company setup. |
CostCenter3 | String | False | Employer defined location, like *branch, division, department, etc.* Must match Company setup. |
DefaultHours | Decimal | False | Employee default hours consistently worked. If autoPayType is set to D, employee will be paid hourly base rate for the defaultHours |
EmployeeStatus | String | False | Employee current work status. Common values are *A (Active), L (Leave of Absence), T (Terminated)*. |
EmploymentType | String | False | Employee current employment type. Common values RFT *(Regular Full Time), RPT (Regular Part Time), SNL (Seasonal), TFT (Temporary Full Time), TPT (Temporary Part Time)*. |
FederalFilingStatus | String | False | Employee federal filing status. Common values *M (Married), S (Single)*. |
Sex | String | False | Employee gender. Common values *M (Male), F (Female)*. |
HireDate | Date | False | Employee hired date. Common formats are MM-DD-CCYY, CCYY-MM-DD |
HomePhone | String | False | Employee gender. Common values *M (Male), F (Female)*. |
MaritalStatus | String | False | Employee marital status. Common values *D (Divorced), M (Married), S (Single), W (Widowed)*. |
PersonalMobilePhone | String | False | Employee personal mobile phone number. |
PayFrequency | String | False | Employee current pay frequency. Common values are *A (Annual), B (Bi-Weekly), D (Daily), M (Monthly), S (Semi-Monthly), Q (Quarterly), W (Weekly)*. |
PersonalEmailAddress | String | False | Employee personal email address. |
PayType | String | False | Employee pay type. Valid values are *Hourly or Salary*. |
RatePer | String | False | Employee base rate frequency used with payType Hourly. Common values are *Hour or Week*. Default is Hour. |
Salary | Decimal | False | Employee gross salary per pay period used with payType Salary. |
State | String | False | Employee home state. |
Ssn | String | False | Employee social security number. Leave it blank if valid social security number not available. |
StateFilingStatus | String | False | Employee state filing status. Common values are *M (Married), S (Single)*. |
SuiState | String | False | Employee SUI (State Unemployment Insurance) state. |
TaxForm | String | False | Employee tax form for reporting income. Valid values are *W2, 1099M, 1099R*. Default is W2. |
TaxState | String | False | Employee primary tax state. |
UserName | String | False | Required. Employer assigned username to log into Onboarding. Duplicate usernames are not allowed. Must be between 3 and 20 characters and cannot have special characters other than . (period) and _ (underscore) |
WorkEmailAddress | String | False | Employee work email. |
Zip | String | False | Employee home zip code. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |